Chapter 5

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-HeroBrine's POV-

That stupid red head turned him normal. What could those 2 have to over power hate and destruction! Love? No! Love doesn't exist if it did Haylee would still be here. Haylee....No! What ever I need to check on SkyBrine and see if he is ready to go out.

I walked towards his room where I dropped him off. I opened the door to see him sleeping. I missed him I really did. But now he betrayed me and he has to pay in the worst way possible Killing your friends.

-Jason's POV-

Me and the others are off to the NOTCHS temple lets hope we can get there I don't know what to do if we lost Sky. Alesa is a mess and Ty is lost with out his best friend. Its horrible but we are pushing past it and moving forward instead of moping about him we are gonna fight for him.

"Seto how long till we get there?" I asked. He was up front with the book leading us though the woods. Before he could respawned he stopped and looking forward in awe. "Seto?" I asked. I was in the back and couldn't see what they were looking at. I went up and saw a large Butter and amythest style building.

"Wow!" I said. We were all inturupted by 2 people running out at us holding diamond swords that have inchants on them. A girl and boy the girl have red hair and blue jeans on with a long green shirt. The boy had blue jeans on a blue shirt with his brown hair. "Why are you here and how did you find this place!" the girl said in a Scottish accent. "We are friends of King Sky and he sent us here to seek out his Uncle we are afraid some bad things have happened involved..." Before Seto could say HB the boy stopped him. "DONT YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME HERE!" he yelled. "Steve calm down Their Sky's friends we need to take them to NOTCH." The girl said. "Ok Alex." Steve said. "Come on." She said walking in to the building.

We all followed. When we were going in I expected to see a large thrown or something but know there were couches, a large TV, and a large Butter statue of the SKyArmy flag. "Yep Sky has soooo been here before." I said pointing and laughing towards the statue. The 2 people Steve and Alex led us to a office. She opened the door and we went in to see NOTCH at a desk working on some paperwork?

"Sir these people have been sent by Sky." Steve said. His head shot up and he quickly motioned for us to sit down. "What happened?" he asked worried. "Hello sir um well Sky er.." Seto started. "Call me Markus." Markus said or NOTCH said. "Well Markus um HB well may or may not have gotten Sky and turned him into SkyBrine." Seto said. Markus's eyes widened and so did Alex's and Steve's.

"How much do you want to save Sky?" Markus asked. "100%!" everyone yelled. "Well then..." he started but I blacked out before I could finish.

*(((((I'm not gonna go though and write everyone's dream so here are the 2 that matter)))))*

-Jason's Dream-

I sat up and noticed I was in the Nether. But there was no Nether fortress or mobs. I looked around. I spook to soon because I was face to face with a Wither.

I keep trying to kill me but I just deflected the blows! I wasn't taking damage the wither was!

I slowly walked towards the fighting/ dying wither and touched it. The wither exploded! I shot back and passed out from hitting the wall.

-Ty's Dream-

I sat up I was in the End. There were no Enderman just a large large, LARGE, Ender Dragon above me waiting to kill me. I reached for my sword but to see its gone. The dragon swooped down to kill me but I kicked it away and it took at least 100 damage!

I keep punching at it and kicking till it was at 3 hearts.

I went up to it and swung the final blow. The dragon busted into a zillion pieces but I couldn't see because I was flown into the void and passed out.

-Ian's POV-

Everyone woke up but Ty and Jason. That was in till the 2 jolted up. "I found away to save Sky." Markus said. We all turned towards him. "HOW!" We all yelled. "You don't have to do this but if Ty and Jason were to turn into NOTCH power hybrids you have a chance of killing my brother AND getting Sky back." He said.

"Ill do it if it means saving Sky." Ty said. "Yea me to." Jason said. Marku snodded and gave them both a vial. "It may hurt a tiny bit." he said. They nodded and chugged down the vials. Nothing happened for a few seconds. "You know Sky is gonna literally kill you for this right?" Alex said. "Yep." Markus said. All of a sudden screams irrupted and Ty and Jason were on the ground in a ball.

Ty had a purple essence swirling around him while Jason's was black. Soon their whole bodies were ingulfed in the essence. All of a sudden wind came form no where and sweep all the essence away and there on the ground where are 2 friends lay were a EnderDragon hybrid and a Wither Hybrid.

They began to wake up and once they saw each other they yelped. The 2 looked over them selves.

"Since you both are ready I will teleport you all back to the castle and beware I don't know what my brother is planning." Markus said. We nodded and he snapped he fingers we are now in the meeting hall.

It was all empty but Sky's Chair was moved away form the table. I slowly walked over to it and in the chair was a note. And it read......

War is upon you all


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