Chapter 3

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-Sky's POV-

We all ran out with our swords I still had my Goddian sword ready. When we came out it was HeroBrine. A bunch of recruits stood ready for battle. I knew he was planning something because with a flip of a wrist me and him were on top of the gates and the recruits were fighting hords of zombies, skeltons, enderman, spiders, and even creepers.

Me and HeroBrine fought till all the mobs were dead and the Generals and recruits were watching in horror as me and HB fight. HB smirks and disappears leaving me alone up top. I look done to see him holding Alesa with a fire ball to her chest. I froze. Time slowed down as I watched him hold her.

"Come on 'Sky' show them who you really are and you can have this ugly red head back if she even wants to stay." he said. Silence. He moved the fire closer. I slowly reached my hand up to my glasses and pulled them off revealing my eyes. Everyone but Alesa and the Generals starred at me. HB pushed Alesa towards the generals and Ty and Jason helped her up onto her feet. I put my glasses back on and turned towards HB. "Leave." was all I said. He smirked and next thing I know I'm in the air. I fall to the ground unready for the sudden lack on ground. "Get everyone inside.....NOW!" I said rushed back up to HB.

The generals got everyone away as me and HB fought. I couldn't hurt him I cant get close enough to use the sword. That's it Goddian language. "Mie gurtin beloun weiy lostake convey." I said. He began to bleed and shake like a wet dog.

I was taking damage to but not as much as he was. He then disappeared. I sighed but began to see black spots. I fell the 50 block drop that would kill a mortal. As soon as I touched the ground I knocked out like a light.

-Quentin's POV-

We all watched Sky fall. We all rushed him to the hospital because he was some how still alive. When we got there the doctors took Sky and pushed us into the waiting room. Alesa did not take that well. When they did let us see him which was like 4 hours later! We all walked in to see him snapping his fingers like he wants something to happen.

"Sky! Oh my goodness I though I lost you!" Alesa said running up and hugging. But he noticed this all to late because when Alesa wrapped her arms around him fire came out of his fingers and burned part of her hair. "Alesa I am so sorry!" He said to Alesa. "Its ok I shouldn't have barged in but how are you feeling?" She asked. "When can I go home?" he asked like a kid which made everyone in the room brake out in a laughing fit.

"Tomorrow." I said. This made him frown. He got out of the bed and snapped his fingers. He was now wearing clean normal clothes. He snapped again and he was all healed. Everyone starred at him. "What? Imma demi-god bitches!" He said. We all laughed more and we signed papers and walked out of the hospital not before Sky ran out yelling FREEDOM!!!

-3rd Person-

The friends all went to bed. The SkyArmy all still trusted Sky. He fought with them not against them but what happens when that changes?

SkyBrine: Lost FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now