Chapter 6

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-Seto's POV-

"WAR! Come on we have to prepare we don't know when this would happen and we need a plan to get Sky and the amulets off of him." I said panicking. They all nodded and rushed out of the meeting room to do their part.

-Time Skip next Day Ty's POV-

Me, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Ian, Seto, and Quentin were going to Rosemead 1 of 3 of the main cities surrounding SkyArmy. Everyone knows about me and Jason's new forms. We were walking around the town checking on everything since the note we found yesterday. We came to the town square where we found AntVenom, Avitor, and Bodil. We all walked around in till screams irrupted from a house a few streets away.

We all ran there to see the house of fire! Nobody is hurt but I have a feeling I know who started this fire. More screams were heard in the town square so we ran all the way back. When we got there SkyBrine was there and he was throwing fire everywhere.

"Jason come on!" I said. We both ran over towards SkyBrine while everyone else clears the roads.

"Sky stop!" I yell. he looks at us then frowns. He throws a fire ball at me  but I didn't have time to move so I put my hand across my face. The fire ball deflected and it hit SkyBrine. He was clearly angry. Our other friends came to help and we battled SkyBrine.

-SkyBrine's POV-

I was fighting these weaklings I was even breaking a sweat. I expected more from them. I gave up and decided to have some fun. I took my sword and fought with it instead I was fighting them all at once. Those 3 whats their names? Oh right AntVenom, Aviator, and Bodill jumped at me. Bad idea. I spun around and slit their stomachs . They fell clutching their bellies as blood soaked their armor.

Their friends forgot about me and bent down to them. All I see is some of them close the 3's eyes. Their dead.

SB- Get out of my HEAD!!!

I could fell a headache begin. I stumbled back which caught their attention. I looked at the 3 lifeless bodies. What was I feeling Remorse? Gulit? Sorrow? NO! SKY GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

I clutched my head and teleported back to the Nether into my bedroom and fell asleep hoping that this headache would go away.

-Ty's POV-

He killed Aviator, AntVenom, and Bodil.....We brought the 3 to SkyArmy and put them in the hospital morge so once this war is over we can do a proper barrier.

The remaining generals Me, Ian, Mitch, Jerome, Jason, Quentin, AshelyMG, Cib, and Seto were in the meeting room. We were quiet we had a plan we just had to play the waiting game till the war comes.

-Sky's POV-

I cant belive SkyBrine did that and the worst part was that it was my body. I should of tried harder. But I can try and bring them back. Yea if I'm quick enough I can bring them back. Right? Oh it dosent matter I need to save my strength for this battle so at SkyBrine's weakest moment I can try and pull though.

-HeroBrine's POV-

He killed 3 of the mini-generals. Not the main ones but they are severaly damaged. Good this should be easier than expected I can now rise my armies.

I got off my thrown and walked to SkyBrine's room. I opened it to see him sleeping. "SkyBrine!"I yelled. He shot up. "Yes Master?" He asked. "We are ready to prepare for the war we will do it tomorrow." I said. He nodded and follow me towards the small nether portal.

I grabbed his hand and with our free hands we touched the portal and closed our eyes. "With the power of 2 amulets, 2 Brines, and evil we will create this Nether portal to release our army."i said. The portal hummed and glowed.

"Its complete rest up we have a long day tomorrow." I said.

-Next Morning    Ty's POV-

Everyone was up and in the meeting room eating. Somehow the topic got to talking about babies which made Alesa uncomfortable for some reason. Does she not like kids? What ever I have pancakes to eat.

We ate and talked till a red light flickered above the table and a siren bellowed. It was the war alarm we all jumped up and prepared running to the gates. When we got there we got the army in place and then me and the other generals went to the back of the mob army to get Sky while the mini-generals help the recruits.

We got to the rear and saw HeroBrine and SkyBrine floating behind the army. "Hey HeroBitch and SkyBitch come over here!" I yelled. They turned towards me angry. "SkyBrine you take care of them I will watch the army." HB said. HB flew off while SB looked at us with hatred filled eyes.

Me and Jason flew up at him and we attacked as hard as we could as our friends below killed un wanted mobs. All of a sudden me and Jason were shot down at our friends. We were sprawled across the ground helplessly.

SB landed and picked up his godian sword in which Jason was holding. "Oh how the tables turned." He mocked. "Sky this isn't you. SB already killed AntVenom, Aviator, and Bodil your dad is out there killing your recruits. Do you want to kill us to? If they win Alesa is in the castle and HB will kill her to." I said. He stopped and his amulet glitched. He keep shaking his head. "No I can not disregard Master!" He yelled attempting to step forward.

It kinda looked like he could move 1 leg but the other wouldn't move. Sky was fighting back! "Seto get Alesa here." I whispered. He snapped his fingers and Alesa was next to him. We pointed towards SkyBrine and she stood up. "Sky? Come on pull though we need you right now everybody does. I need you. Sky.......I found out a few days ago I'm......Sky I'm pregnant and I need you right now. You are not gonna bail on me now!" She yelled crying. That's why she was weirded out this morning at breakfast.

SB looked at her and his amulet was glitching like crazy. It stopped on normal and he fell to his knees. He was shaking like a wet dog. Then it dawned on me. "Seto the amulet!" I said. Alesa ran over and yanked off the amulet and gave it to Seto. He started speaking in some language and BOOM the 2 amulets separated. Seto put a force field around the evil one and gave Alesa the good one.

We all crowded around the 2 and she put the amulet on him. Quentin and Ian helped him up.

Sky was back.

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