Chapter 9

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-Alesa's POV-

Sky just walked in to the portal. "Come on he really wants to come here so let him. Please don't ruin this for him." I said. They nodded and we all walked though the portal.

-Sky's POV-

As I stepped though the portal the warm heat of the Nether rushed over me. For normal people its hot yet for me it feels homey. I was in the portal room made up of butter and quartz. It was about a 5 minute walk from the castle gate.

Alesa, Ty, Quentin, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Ian, Ant, Bodil, Aviator, Ashely, Cib, Bashur, Alex, Steve, and Markus walk out. "Wow." Ty said looking around the room which has diamonds, emeralds, and iron everywhere. "Follow me the castle is about a 5 minute walk from here." I said.

I walked over to the large double door and opened it. We all walked out on to the netherrack ground to see the large lava lakes. I began to walk down the path of Netherbrick. A group of zombie pigman were walking up to us on the path. All my friends reached for their swords, bows, and even betty.

The 3 pigman walked up to me. I stood still. They stopped making their butter axes on their weapon belts cling. They bowed and continued past me and my friends. "What to world was that?" Ant said. "He is the prince of the Nether so he is royalty in many ways." Markus said. They all nodded.

We continued down the path stopping sometimes for pigmen to bow. "Does it ever get annoying stopping so much?" Quentin asked. "I guess I'm used to it." I said. We walked up to the front gates of the large castle. "Wait hold on lemme see something....JACK OPEN UP THE GATES!" I yelled. Everyone was confused. The gates opened and a man about my age jumped down.

"Well if it isn't Prince SkyBrine how may I help you?" he says in a mocking tone. "Really you of all people should know I hate it when people call me 'Prince'. Jack would you like to accompany me to the throne room where I assume my parents are?" I ask. He nods. "Come on." I said to my friends. "Wow looks like Mr. Lock himself in his room has more friends than I though." Jack said as we walked into the castle. "You really want me to slap you don't you?" I said.

He just smiled and rolled his eyes. We walked down the hallway passing guards and servants. When we reached the large diamond double doors 2 guards opened them for us. We walked in and saw both my parents walking while sitting on their thrones.

My father turned and saw us. "Hello looks like you found Jack." he said. I smiled, "You didn't really change much in the last 10 years." I said looking around. "Yea I guess may I talk to Matkus, Alex, and Steve please in the meeting room?" My father asks. The 4 walked away to the door behind the thrones. "Sky why don't you go show your friends around I will be in me and your fathers room." my mom says walking away.

"Follow me." I said. Jack had already left to go back to the gates. We all walked down the castle. Its like a maze but I spent my childhood life here I know how to get around like the back of my hand.

We came to my butter door and I opened it up. It was a fairly large room. In the middle was my bed with clothes lied across it. My sword collection wall was above it. You could see all my old clothes, shoes, swords, and other stuff lied around the floor from the day I packed up and left.

I slowly walked over to the bed and began to fold my old clothes. Everyone then noticed the situation and their excited faces turned sad. Alesa sat down next to me while I play with my old leather jacket. I looked at her and smiled. There was then a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said. A servant girl walked in who was only about 16 came in with her maid outfit on. "Sky! I heard from Jack that you have returned." Amelia said. I stood up and smiled. "Well has little old Amelia grown I haven't seen you since you were 6!" I said. She smiled, she turned her head and saw Alesa looking at all my old clothes.

"Does little old Sky have a girlfriend?" she said in a sing song voice. This made Alesa turn and smile. "Fiancé, Alesa is my fiancé." I said. She fangirled which made everyone laugh. "So what happened after you left?" Amelia asked. Jack walked in behind her. "Well after you two made that distraction I took my belongings and went to the overworld. I went to Creption my grandfather let me stay there and I hid my powers. As the years went by I found a castle and village ruled by a man named Austin when I was exploring I was 13 then. Austin took me in like a son and the day he died I took over and now I'm King of SkyArmy and these are my generals and mini generals, Ty, Quentin, Jason, Mitch, Ian, Jerome, Seto, AshelyMG, Ant, Bodil, Aviator, Bashur, and Cib. My fiancé Alesa." I said.

Jack smirked, "So you actually scored a lady, huh?" he said. "Why does everyone say that?" I said.

"I don't mean to be rude but this is not how I expected this to be! IN a good way of course." Ty said which made everyone look at him. "I heard about the SkyBrine thing from other maids so I assume your uncle did that to those 2?" Amelia said.

"Yep him, Alex, and Steve are in the meeting room with my father. When we go back to SkyArmy my uncle is gonna reverse it." I said. "You slap him?" Jack asked. "Yes and it hurt." my uncle said walking into the room with Alex and Steve.

"You deserved it." I mumbled. "So Sky what did you do when you were younger?" Seto asked. I looked at Jack and Amelia and they nodded. "Follow me." I said.

We walked out of the room down the hall till we got to the dead end. "Ok Sky this is a dead end." Ty said. "No dib Sherlock." I said. I went over to the wall and felt down the wall till I got to the nail. I use this trick ALOT. I pushed in that spot and the secret door opened. "Wow how many secret things do you have?" AshelyMG asked. "No comment." I said walking though the door way.

Once we all went though the doorway and down the hallway it opened up to a beautiful oasis. Water, rocks, and flowers everywhere. It was about 100 feet by 100 feet and about 200 feet tall. We had our treehouse up in the large butter leaf tree.

"Wow's" were heard from my friends. "I see you 2 still keep it up all these years..." I said. I walked towards the large tree and ran my fingers down it.

"Oh how'd I know you would be in here." My mom said as her and my dad walked into the large room. I smiled. "We should head back soon, I need to have a meeting with the 3 villages.....and my UNCLE NEEDS TO REVERSE MY FRIENDS!" I said looking at my uncle. He rolled his eyes.

"I will see you all later but we have a kingdom to take care of and I assume my parents know our responsibility." I said.

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