Chapter 11

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-Sky's POV-

"Yay Happy family reunion!" I said.

You could tell that the silence was nerve racking. "Um well hi, I assume you go bye Ty?" Endie said. Ty nodded. "Ok um Sky now what I don't know..." Witherett said. "Wait how did I get dragged into this?" I said. The 4 just looked at me like I'm crazy. "Oh right...hehehe um well why not Ty you and your mother go to your room and talk and Jason you and your father go to your room and talk so you 4 can have privacy." I said. Way to go Sky good plan.

They nodded and walked out. I smiled and sat back in my chair. "I feel accomplished!" I announced. The rest just looked at me and laughed.

"Who wants to do some parkur? Bodill asked. Everyone nodded and we all went to the field where Bodill's lastest one is built. I was tall and was over water it had moving obsticales and ones that pump water at you.

"Wow!" I said. It was indeed huge, but how did I NOT notice this is the field? Crazy coffeeized Bodill at 3am is your answer.

Alesa waited on the side because she doesn't want to hurt the baby. Everyone else lined up at the starting line. Once Bodill yelled go I shot across the course. I dodged the water canons, ducked under the swinging bowling ball, and crawled through the small tunnel. I looked ahead to see Bodill is in 1st and I'm 2nd. I smiled and used the last of my energy to barrel myself forwards and jumped the 3 block long holes of parkur.

Once we were done we all calapsed on the grass and Alesa stood over us giggling. "You all might wanna take showers." she said giggleing more. I smirked, "What you don't love me when I'm sweaty?" I said jumping up. She screamed and ran with me chasing her. The rest were all laughing. "Sky don't you dare touch me!" Alesa yelled. It was muffled due to the rush of wind going past me ears.

Alesa stopped and looked around for an exscape but it was a bad idea. I snuck up behind her and hugged her from behind. She shrieked, "Sky! Ew now I'm all gross!" she said. "What? You not gross your a girl." I said. She looked at me with the 'are you serious' look.

We both walked over to the others and lied in the grass. Alesa with her head on my chest. We all looked at the large castle that stood tall and mighty. The stone bricks all in place and the butter colored roofing shining in the sun light.

All of a sudden an explostion came from and smoke sunk out of 2 rooms that were next to each other.

Ty and Jasons.

We all jumped up, "Ashley take Alesa to the front gates and stay there." I ordered. Alesa was about to counter but I sent her a 'do this I care about you' look. She left with Ashely. The rest of us ran towards the castle. We ran down the hall ways past recruits attempting to escape the smoke, but we ran into it. My butter sword getting clouded with the dust as we ran towards the 2 'doors' that were blown of their henges.

We ran into the 2 rooms that the wall that separated them were blown down creating 1 large room. Even though the sun light was seeping in you couldn't see anything so I made a light ball and though it in the air so it stayed. We looked around to see Jason, Witherett, Ty, and Endie sprawled across the floor. The others all ran to them and looked at them to see what happened.

I was the last to move because how would this happen. I was about to move when I VERY familiar voice spoke.....

SkyBrine: Lost FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now