Chapter 13

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-Sky's POV-

I was in the meeting room in was empty so I decided to re-read my book. Its really sad its got me gloomy, smiling, and full on hatred filled.

"Sky?" Alesa said walking into the meeting room. "What are you doing up? It's about 7am." I asked. "Yes but why are you up?" She asked coming over and sitting in my lap. I blushed, "Just reading my book." I said trying to close it so she doesn't see the page but Alesa being Alesa she stopped my hand and read the page. She turned to me with tears in her eyes and hugged me.

"Don't listen to him we will all work together and figure this out." she said. I just hugged her back, what do I have that Austin really needs? I mean what do I have that is so special he would kill for? my Brine powers? No he cant take those away I was born with them. But what my parents have their amulets so there safe.

What do I possibly have that he needs to attack us? I just shook my head and relised Alesa fell asleep in my lap. I giggled, I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to our room. I layed her down and lied down next to her and fell asleep.

-Alesa's POV-

I woke up in me and Sky's bed he must of brought me back. I sat up and turned to see him sleeping. Wait he's not snoreing! I put my hand up to his neck, good he is alive you never know. I shook him, "Sky get up its 11am. You need to get up sleepy head!" I said shaking him. He wouldn't budge. "Sky? Come on this isn't funny wake up!" I said getting scared. I shook him some more but he would not wake up.

I jumped up and ran out of the room. I ran to the meeting room first. When I opened it Seto was in there talking with Mitch. "Seto come with me quickly and Mitch go get all the generals that are in the kingdom and get to me and Sky's room." I said. They both jumped up, Mitch ran past me and Seto ran with me. I took off towards the bedroom. I swung the door open and he still hasn't moved. Seto ran over and kneeled next to him. "What happened?" he asked. "I woke up he wasn't snoring but was breathing, I tried to wake him up and he wont!" I said tears coming down my cheeks. His moved Sky onto his back and placed his hands on his heart . Seto's hands glowed purple. The others ran in and Seto and me explained what we know at the time. Seto kept trying different things.

-Sky's POV-

I was in black room I couldn't even see my own hands. "Hello Sky." Austin said. I swung around, where is he!? "Do you know why I want you?" he asked. "" I said. "Your heart. The power in it is unbelievable. And I will get it just know. I will kill EVERYONE just to get to you." he said slowing down at the end. "No!" I yelled. "Oh well then. War. War will happen I don't care what armies you have. I will attack and kill and it will be ALL you fault.!" Austin yelled and it seemed to come in all directions. The room began to glow white.

I opened my and sat up in the bed breathing heavily. "Sky are you ok? Stop hyperventilating and calm down." Seto said placing a hand on my heart. I scotted away and back against the head board and closed my eyes. My glasses weren't on but it doesn't really matter. I tried to calm myself down when I did I opened my eyes. "Sky again are you ok?" Seto asked. I shook my head in a quick movement. " get my Ask Endie or...Withrett to contact him." I said breathing between breaths.

Ty and Jason walked out of the room probably to go talk to their parents. "Sky what happened?" Alesa asked. I couldn't think straight the only I could say was, "Austin." I said which made them all go silent.

About 5 minutes later my father, Ty, and Jason walked in. My father walked over to me and sat down across from me. "Adam whats wrong?" he asked. I looked away from the wall I've been looking at for the past 5 minutes and looked him in the eyes. "Why does Austin want my heart? What...don't....I ....know?" I asked. He looked taken back from the question. "Um..." he said. "Tell me! Why cant you fucking tell me!" I yelled. He looked down and sighed. "You have a golden heart. I don't care what you call it. If you never had Brine powers you would be immortal. You already are with the Brine powers. But if you didn't you would still have increadiable powers with out the Brine powers. If someone were to...obtain your heart they could get the powers." he said.

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