Chapter 15

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-2 days later-

-Sky's POV-

It's time Austin has official called war. Me and the generals stand in front of our quadtrants. Mitch is atop the walls with his bows ready to defend the base. Witherette stands along side Withers and Withers Skeltons, my father stands next to Markus, Alex, and Steve with the Over World Mobs, Zombie PigMen, and Blazes, Endie stands with her army of EnderMen while she is behind them in her Large EnderDragon stance.

In front of us is Austin standing in front of his large army of Demons, they are all wearing black armour, and wielding long black katana's. He slowly raised his arm and brought it down. The demons charged us. "ATTACK!" I yelled. We all ran forward and swung our swords. I slashed at the demons with my God sword bringing them down. The screams of pain coming from both sides rung out in the air. EnderMen teleport around and strangle the demons to death and or are getting slayed with the black katana's and their purple blood dripped out of their dead bodies stain the once green grass.

Arrows fly high above my head and land inside of the demons bodies. I slash and swing beside my army and kill the guilty and protect the innocence. We got all the surrounding people away they are currently with a lot of perswading stationed at Creption. My mother actually Is the one who set that up.

I sliced at the demon who stood before me an di sliced at him and he dodged it. It went in for a clean slice but I blocked it with my sword which is in my right hand and though fire using my left turning his body to ash. I continued killing the demons knowing that theres more awaiting to fight.  

I stabbed a demon in the heart and he fell to the group in a heap. I looked to the side to see  a Recruit get stabbed in the side. I brought my sword down onto the demon and healed the recruit and helped her to her feet. I continued fighting and swinging my butter sword in all directions killing the demons by the dozens I haven't even broke a sweat.

I felt a pain in my left leg. I looked to my left to see a demon had swung my leg and now I have a big gash. I fell down and the demon brought the sword down onto me. A red sword stopped the demon about a foot from my face. He slayed the demon and helped me up. "Looks like you needed help...Prince SkyBrine." Jack mocked. I rolled my eyes Healed myself and the 2 of us fought back to back. We chopped at the demons left and right killing them off and defending the ground we walk on.

I look towards the woods that face the kingdom to see Austin watching and smirking in front of the forest. "Jack I'm going after Austin be careful." I said. He nodded as I teleported close to Austin.

"This ends now!" I yelled at him in complete anger. "Yes your right...for you." he said. I aimed my god sword at him while he aimed a ash black sword at me. We charged at each other. Our swords clashed. I pulled apart swung at his side but he side blocked it. "You cant beat me at sword fighting I'm the one who taught you these moves." he mocked. "No my father taught me these moves!" I said swinging at his tight and making  a large gash in his leg causing him to stumble but he caught him self. He tried healing it. "Sorry but you cant heal the damage of a god sword with magic!" I mocked back at him.

He charged me and swung at my head. I raised my left arm to block. Right before his sword clased with my open left arm butter grew from the tips of my fingers to my elbow like a sword yet it was my arm and deflected the blow knocking him back  few feet. It disappeared and wow was Austin mad!
He stood up and a black ring grew at his feet while I created a butter colored ring. My eyes glowed fiercely as I stared him down at his pitch black eyes that used to be the loving light pale blue I once knew.

I though fire at him but he pushed it back with a black ash move and I fell back against a tree. He walked over I'm open leaning/ sitting down against a tree as a unbearable pain surfed though my chest. He grabbed ahold of my neck and lifted me up and pushed me hard against the hard large rounded tree knocking the wind out of my lungs. Forcing me to take in large breaths to clear away the black spots in my vision.

With his free right arm he forced it hard against my heart and glowed a black mist making my chest burn and ache in terrible pain that could knock me out if the pain wasn't keeping me awake. I kicked and tried to swat him away but he kept a god hold on my neck. I tried to pull his arms off my neck. No such luck. When he was focused on holding me down and holding my chest where my heart is, I made a fire ball and forced it onto his chest sending him back 20 feet in a fire burning pain. His shirt had badly burned marks and flames still trickled down his shirt. Yet with a wave of his hand the flames were gone and in his hand. With such speed he though it right at me.

I was to slow to swat it away or catch it, the fire hit me in the side. Once again I was against the tree. He came over and stabbed my leg forcing it to go all the way though and halfway into the tree making me unmovable. I now had the same pain in my leg as I had in my chest. He put his left hand back against my neck and his right hand over my heart. With my free leg I kicked him and tried to punch him. "You really don't know when to stop do you?!" he spat in my face.

He made a black swirl of ash form in his hand and he pushed it into my lower chest away from my heart. I screamed out in a loud scream as the pain swirled though my blood. He pulled out his sword and I fell to the ground. I landed on my stomach which caused the pain to go onto a higher scale.

He stepped back and laughed at me. I attempted to get up but he stomped his foot hard onto my back causing me to gasp for breath. All of a sudden the pain on my back disappeared. I rolled onto my back and sat up. Austin was against the tree trying to pull out a long arrow what had a fire symbol on it. I looked all the way to the wall to see in the distance a smirking Mitch holding up his thumb. I smiled and healed myself.

Austin finally got the arrow out and he had a large hole in his stomach. He looked like he didn't feel it. I picked up my sword and got into battle stance. He charged me and I tripped him and slit the back of his knee. He fell down in pain. "Now you taught me that." I said. He stood up and sliced at my stomach making me jump back and trip onto my back.

He jumped at me with his sword and I clashed with it as he stood over me. I made his sword fly out of his hand. I grabbed his leg and teleported to the other side of the kingdom and the fighting. We now were to the right of the fighting by the hilled land. He formed a new sword and began swinging at me. I countered them so I don't get hit and began backing up onto the large hill. As I got to the top he reached in a swift moment and gripped my sword. He forced my sword to fall out of my hand and stumble down the hill.

He gripped my shirt in front of my heart. I began feeling all the energy drain out of my body. My heart began to feel like he is pulling it out of my body. I kicked and wailed trying to get out of his grasp. I gripped his wrists with my hands trying to pry them off. When I looked at them they were a shiny butter color. As I gripped his wrists the butter grew up my arms. He seemed to be in a lot of pain. With the last of the energy I had I forced all my power out of my body and hit him. He stumbled back and his body began to disinagrate. He screamed out as all the Demons turned to ash.

Me? I looked down at my body to see the butter already to my short sleeves of my arms and from my red converse all the way to my knees. If this was the cost to winning this war it will be worth it. I stumbled back from the lack of feeling in my legs. My  left leg stood right in front of my right leg. My glasses were on the tip of my nose. My arms were frozen at my sides as if I was reaching my right hand out. I looked at my fingers to see they were a shiny butter. I felt all the pain disappear as my body froze. I was now standing atop of this very hill frozen in complete butter, I cant move, and I cant see my friends and my fiancé who is holding my baby in her belly. I will be forever stuck here because Austin was a demon and I was to stupid to stop him earlier.

I'm now truly the King of Butter...for internity.

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