Chapter 16

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-3rd Person (Right after all the Demon's turned to ash)-

All the generals looked around to see nothing but ash and confused recruits and other allies. That was sadly in till they spotted a butter statue. Then they noticed that the statue was Sky. They all ran past the recruits that now stand frozen in shock at the sight of their king. They surround the statue.

"S..seto what happened" Ty stuttered. Seto was lost he's words made no sense to what lay before him. That was in till HeroBrine, Witherett, and Endie walked over. HB walked past the general's and stood in front of his son a single tear rolling down his cheak. His hand brushed over Sky's cheak and lowered his head. "He...gave" He said between tears. Everyone then on began crying tears fell down their cheeks. Ty cried into his moms chest, Mitch cried into Jerome's, everyone just cried. "What about Alesa? What will she do when she finds out?" Ian said in a worried tone. "I don't know how to answer that." HB said.

-3 years later-

They built a memorial around Sky's 'statue'. They put all assortments of butter colored flowers around the hill. There's a cobble path way all around it connecting the place to the road. There's benchs around him also.

Today would be the first day that Alesa and Sky's baby boy Mason will leave the safety of the kingdom. Alesa smiled, today was the 3 year anniversary of the war against Austin. He's tomb under th castle was destroyed for his criminal acts.

Alesa took Mason and picked him up into her arms. The kingdom runs the same but now Ty does Sky's job. Alesa walked out of the kingdom gates and down the path towards the statue as people and recuits wave and 'awe' at Mason.

-Sky's POV-

Its been 3 years. 3 solid years ive been standing in this one place. I cant feel anything I just can look around. Alesa comes here a lot and sits on the bench in front of me and talks to me even though I cant respond. She never brings our son, which I get why its dangerous to bring him out of the walls. He should be 2. Oh I wish I could hold Alesa and Mason...Mason that's the name we talked about naming him. She even came and told me that's his name. Next thing I know I see Alesa walking down the cobble path to the same bench she sits in for the last 3 years. But I see something different.

She has a small baby boy around 2-3 in her arms that looks like me but with a small hint of red in his hair...Mason. I smile even though she cant see it. She sits on the bench with Mason sitting in her lap facing me. "That's Daddy." she said pointing to me. I want to run over and hug the 2 I wanted t be there for he birthday's I missed his birth I missed the special times you have in the process of child birth and mood swings, and just plain being there. I miss having her in my arms and I might never get to hold Mason in my arms, teach him how to wield a sword, shoot a bow, and fight. Ill never get that because Austin took that from me. Yet I don't regret doing what I did. If I didn't Alesa, Mason, and everyone else would be dead because Austin would kill them with out a second thought.

Mason looks we straight in the eyes. Its when I notice he has small hazel eyes with small glowing butter specs. He giggles hops off of Alesa. "Dada!" he called pointing at me. He waddles over/ runs and hugs my legs. Alesa looks at the 2 of us and a few tears cascade down her cheeks.

But something seem off. I feel....I FEEL! I feel the tiny little arms wrapped around my legs. I feel the coolness of the breeze in my hair. I move my head downwards to see Mason looking up at me smiling as the butter disappears off of my body and back to my real clothes. I look at Alesa and she is just standing there shocked. My lungs, my heart, my whole body works, I feel alive...well that was in till I black out.

-Alesa's POV-

Mason hugged Sky and he was back to normal. I stood shocked in till he fainted. Mason sat down next to him and played with Sky's curly hair. I unfroze and ran down the cobblestone path up to the gates. A recruit spotted me and walked over. "I need you to gather all the Generals and request HeroBrine and at the statue." I said out of breath. He nodded and ran off as I sighed, turned on my heel, and ran all the way back to my fiancé and baby boy.

Once I got there Mason was still sitting next to Sky as he lay passed out on the ground. Mason spotted me and smiled, "Dada, dada and mama!" he said happily throwing his little hands in the air. I just smiled and happy tears ran down my cheeks as I sit down in the bench.

A few minutes later everyone I asked for runs over. "Alesa whats wrong?" Haylee asked. Without looking away I pointed to Sky and Mason. They turned their heads and gasp. We all run over and indeed he just passed out he is in perfect condition. "What happened?" Seto asked. "I told Mason that this was his daddy, he ran over and hugged his legs, they BOOM now he isn't butter." I said wiping tears of my face. "A golden heart can heal another." HB said. I turned to Mason who was smiling next to Sky, "Wait for real?" I said astonished. He nodded. I picked up Mason and hugged him.

-Sky's POV-

I felt...I FELT like I was laying on something soft but hard. I opened my eyes to the bright sun. I groaned and turned so I was on my side. That was in till I came face to face with Mason. "AH!" I screamed sitting up. I looked around to see everyone looking at me with relief and happiness. "Dada!" Mason cried out happily. I turned to him and smiled. I ruffled his hair and he jumped at me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his small body and tears fell from my cheeks. I closed my eyes and just hugged my little boy.

When I opened them Mason was up in my face and yelled 'WHEZZY' really loud. I stiffed a laugh but it didn't help when everyone else laughed.

I attempted to get but fell back onto my butt. My father reached out his hand and I grabbed it and he helped me up. It took me minute to get my self together. I looked around and everyone just stared at me. "Wow I feel so welcome." I said sarcastically putting my hand on my chest dramatically.

Alesa jumped at me and wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me. My eyes widened behind my glasses. I kissed back and Mason yelled, "EW!!!COOTIES!" He ran in circles. Alesa jumped down and we both turned to Mitch and Jerome, "What did you do to our child?" we both said. " comment." they said. Before Mason could circle us again I scooped him up into my arms.

"So um...Its been 3 years.." My mom started. "3 years yes, um something about Ty getting a girl friend, um something about Ian having a cake fight last year." I said trying to remember all the crazy thigns Alesa said. "Wait you heard everything I said?!?!" Alesa asked. "Yes hear and saw." I said.  

"Oh Sky how I missed you!" Alesa said. "Yea me to." I said. "So Sky you ready to take back being King?" Ty asked smiling. "Work...yes but I heard you've all been taking care of the kingdom nd villages. Thank You." I said. "Well your crown on your thrown." Mitch said. "DO you even know how long its been since I worn that crown or sat in that chair?" I asked. He shrugged. Alesa linked arms with me and planted a kiss on my cheek while crovering Mason's eyes.

We walked back to the front gates. I was standing in the back as Alesa and Mason were in the back. They stopped in front of the gates. A bunch of recruits stand around wondering whats going on. I smile and walk though m friends and link arms with Alesa.

Everyone freezes in shock. "I wouldn't stand around to long, I been doing it fro 3 years not fun." I said.

Everyone cheered as we all walked in. I'm back. I have my family back life is good. I'm back with my family, over the past 3 in a half years, ive lost family, and I got some really important family.

And this family will never be my...Lost Family...ever again.

Hey there my ROSSUME readers! This is it, this books over! Comment down in the comments what you though! If you want a sequel, and id you have any ideas for one. I will sadly probably wont start up the next book for maybe a few weeks, so I can catch up my other books and post new ones. But thanks for hanging in this far my ROSSUME readers.

Stay ROSSUME boys and girls because this story has yet to reach its climax. Bai and see you later! :P

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