Chapter 7

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-Sky's POV-

Quentin and Ian helped me stand but as soon as they let go I let my body fall. I fell to my knees and let the tears come though my eyes. Everyone was taken back from my sudden show of sadness. "Sky?" Alesa started. "I killed them..." I whispered. They all stopped then it dawned on them. "You saw it happening didn't you?" Seto asked. I nodded and lowered my head not wanting anyone to see me cry.

I felt arms wrapped around me. I froze, I looked up to see it was Alesa hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her.

I realeased her from the hug and stood up stumbling a bit. "Seto may I see the other amulet." I said. It was a question but it was more of a demand in disguised. Seto opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He handed my the amulet and I put it in my pocket. I looked at everyone then I got really pissed off.

"Oh fuck! My uncle did this? Don't answer that." I said. I was levid turning my friends into hybrids.

My thoughts were interrupted by cries of recruits. My head shot over towards the battle field.

Seto suddenly smirked. "So Sky I assume your pissed?" he said. I turned towards him and smiled. "You don't know the definition of 'Pissed' un till you see me when I'm pissed off." I said. "What's the plan to kill HB?" Ty asked. I stopped. "We don't. You all help the recruits." I said. They nodded and ran off.

I snuck behind all of the mobs that were waiting to be in the battle front. I took out my Godian sword and I tapped one of the mobs. It turned around and I stabbed it. More and more mobs surrounded me. You could hear the recruits, generals, and even HB gasping. I smirked and stabbed and stabbed. There had to be at least 500 mobs. I killed them all one by one cutting them down like fresh butter.

I didn't even notice the light barrier I made around my self. I let it dissipate and showed everyone all the dead mobs. I didn't even break a sweat. I walked over to HB. "Leave." I said. He smirked and thrower a punch at me. I couldn't move in time and he hit me square in the face. My position didn't move only my head. I turned back at him.

"You hit like a bitch!" I said. Everyone was watching. I punched HB in the gut and he wheezed. We went sky high, we were fighting in the air. We throw punches and fire but neither one of us is stepping down. I began to slightly glow and white color. I held my sword ready to weaken him. He saw this and throw me to the ground. Upon impact the white glow exploded and killed all the mobs.

I didn't take any damage so I flew up to him. I punched him in the side of his head really hard. "You blame your self for mom's death it's not your fault!" I yelled. He side kicked me in the side. "You lost all your compassion even for your own son!" I yelled more. H began to get angrier. He grabbed my black shirt and yanked my towards him. He wrapped his 2 large hands around my throat. I didn't even flinch. "You wish mom was still here. You were never bad you always had a good side. With out mom it's gone,....if she were to see you she would be disappointed!" I spat in his face.

I kneed him in the gut and stepped back. I raised my right hand and it began to glow the butter color of my eye's, I troughed it at him and he couldn't move. I got up in his face. "Now how would the almighty EVIL HeroBrine act if his long lost and dead lover were to I dot know came back?" I said.

"You don't deserve my compassion!" HB yelled. "Your right because I wouldn't sink that low the gain it." I said. He looked taken back. I took off my amulet and took the other 'evil' one out of my back pocket. "Love can heal a evil heart lets see if this proves right a second time." I said. I slammed the 2 amulets down which such force they made a crater. Once the smoke died down a female body lay peacefully atop the ruble.

"You regret bringing her back to Creption that day. I know you blame yourself and you find a way to even blame me. But I'm gonna say one thing. If you want her back don't fight others because she is gone, stop fighting and win her back. Your ticket in her with her." I yelled. A few tears streaming down my cheeks. He looks from me to my mom. He disappears.

I look down to see him kneeled down next to my mom Haylee. I go down to find him shaking her. "Haylee? Come on baby girl wake up." he whispered. Her eye's fluttered open and his eyes turned from a soulless white to brown like his brothers. "Hero? Oh Hero!" she cried out hugging him.

"Mom?" I say walking down the hill of the crater. "Sky? Oh my baby oh how I miss you!" She said. She jumped up and tackled me. "Wow you are tiny but you can surely tackle!!" I said laughing.

She smirked, "And how do you think you came into this world?" she said. My eyes went wide. "Haylee!" HB said laughing. "You are just like a friend of mine Ty. Him and making really inappropriate comments." I said. "Where are we?" My mom asks. I smile, "Welcome to the SkyArmy base and I would gladly show you around, but he has some explaining to do first." I said. My mom looked at him. "I kinda went evil once you died and may or may not of started a war." He said. "Hero!" my mom said. She went up to him and slapped him hard on the face. "That is what you get for doing that now Sky, may we see the base now?" my mom asks.

I smiled and nodded. I helped them out of the hole. As soon as I emerged the Generals and Mini-Generals ran over to me. Alesa was in the group, she ran over and hugged me. "Alesa what are you doing out here? Your supposed to be in the castle!" I said. "I heard and explosion and all the mobs were gone so I...came out?" she said.

"Sky who are they?" My mom asked with her arm around my father. He was looking away but you could clearly see the blush sprawled across his face.

"Mom these are the Generals of SkyArmy, and this is Alesa my well fiancé." I said. You could see my moms face light up, Ty's also, he always fanboyed about our relationship. "Sky and Alesa sitting in a tree F-U--C-K-I-N-G!" Both my mom and Ty said. My eyes widened. "Mom, Ty! Really?" I yelled.

Alesa blushed and whispered, "Well I am preggers..." My moms eyes widened. "I'm a grandmother?" she said biteing her bottom lip. My father looked at me and Alesa with a questionable look. All the generals gasped. "What?" My father said. "Your eye's!" Captian Sparkes or Jordan said. "Yea well meet the non-deadly version of dad." I said.

Then it dawned on me, "Where's um Ant, Bodil, and Aviator?" I asked. "Hospital in the morge. Why?" Ty asked. "Because Ant still owes my 20 bucks on pizza and they need to be alive to do that so. Lest go get them back." I said.

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