Chapter 4

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-Sky's POV-

It's been about 3 weeks since our in counter with HB. I have been getting a feeling the he is planning something. I decided to keep the amulet on me at all times. I went to the meeting room where all the generals were I had called a meeting and I NEED to talk to them about if SkyBrine comes out.

As I went in a sat down all eyes were on me. "Ok I know we have all been denying this we NEED to talk about what to do if HB succeeds to get this amulet." I said . they all slowly sadly nod their heads. I make a leather bonded book appear and hand it to Seto. "I know you can read Godian language so you take this. Now this book has a map to NOTCHS temple." I said. Everyone gasps. "You have a map to NOTCHS temple! Nobody has ever been to NOTCHS temple its a sacred place." Seto said. I roll my eyes.

"Yes yes a sacred place it is but yes its a real map and Seto I have been to the NOTCHS temple 4 times to be precise he is my uncle. but besides that if I SkyBrine does come up I need you to some how kill me with the Godian sword I will respawn in the Nether, but you can only weild the sword if you are me or a NOTCH picked hybrid. Or you can kill HB." I said. They just nodded and Seto pocketed the book.

We were all talking and hanging out when the meeting hall door opened and 3 little animals trotted in towards me. Ashley was looking at the 3 like they were the cutest thing in the world. I knew these 3 they were my messenger pets. They were a bunny which was named Snow, a fox named Foxie, and a dog named Charlie. They jumped up on the table and sat in front of me. Everyone looked at me wondering who they were.

"Yes Snow, Foxie, Charlie what do you 3 need?" I ask. "Sky HB is planning on kidnapping you for the amulet!" Snow said in her high pitched voice. Only Brines can hear them. "Where did you hear this from!" I asked worried. "We were in the woods and saw him talking to some evil mobs." Foxie said in his fairly deep vice. Charlie nodded. Everyone looked at me like 'Why you talking to animals?'. I nodded the 3 jumped off the table and turned into their human forms while everyone looked in awe.

"Meet Snow..." she was wearing a white knee length dree white boots and long straight blonde hair with a bunny ear headband. "Meet Foxie..." he was wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans, fox easy and he has red converse on with his white hair. "And meet Charlie..." he was wearing dog ears, skinny jeans, brown converse, and a t-shirt with a dog on it, with his short brown hair.

"You 3 may go to your rooms." I said. They nodded and walked out. "Sky what did they say?" Ty asked. "HB is planning on kidnapping me for the amulet." I said.

We all were talking about are next moves when everyone turned and looked at me in horror. "Whats wrong?" I asked. Silence. I slowly turned around and come face to face with HB. I jumped up but before I could do anything I was hit in the head with the hilt of a sword. I heard people yell out my name but all I saw was black.

I woke up against a hard surface. It was steaming hot around no no NO! I am in the fucking Nether! I tried to get up but I was chained in bedrockium cuffs. I looked down and saw my amulet missing. No! he has the other other amulet. This is it I'm being turned into a mindless killer and I cant do anything about it.

HeroBrine is gonna kill them, Mobs are gonna kill them, I'm gonna kill them, my friends, generals, recruits, SkyArmy.

I waited there for hours! Time is faster in the Nether I could be here for a day but in the real world only 6 hours. HB appeared in front of me with my amulet wait scratch that both amulets they were together as one it was a white gem surrounded by a blood red color quartz. He tried to put it on me but I yanked away, kicked, and shaked. It did no use because in the end he got it on me.

I shook violently....

SB-SkyBrine          S-Sky

SB- Come on let loose let me take over!

S-No! You will not kill my friends!

SB- OH but its to late you cant beat me!

S- Yessss...I.....can.... 

-SkyBrine's POV-

He lost finally. I looked up at my master HB. He looked at me and grinned he un-cuffed me and I put the stupid glasses away I want to see the fear in my enemies clearly. I turned towards my master in question. "Go to the village of Craftable and show them who you really are!" He said. I nodded and teleported into an ally way of the town. I put the glasses on and stabbed myself it didn't hurt. I 'limped' into the street and 'callapsed' into it. But before that I yelled out "Help!". 3 people I know well ran up to me, Aviator, Bashur, and Cib. Aviator was on the phone while Bashur and Cib helped me to my feet.

-Ian's POV-

Me and the other available generals were in the meeting room thinking about our next plan. Seto, Me, Ty, Quentin, Jason, Mitch, and Jerome will go to the NOTCHS temple. My phone be gain to ring. It was Aviator. I put it on speaker and set it on he table.

A-Aviator        I-Ian

I- Aviator are you ok?

A- No King Sky is here and he is badly injured.


I hung up and we all went to Craftable.

-Avaitor's POV-

Not Sky? I looked in fear at Sky and he smirked he pushed Cib away and grabbed Bashur he held a butter dagger to his head. My eyes widened. Bashur was having a mini panic attack. "Sky this is not you now put the dagger down." I said trying to calm him down. He smirked again. "Your right its not me." he said tossing his glasses away showing his butter colored glowing eyes. No HB go him. At that moment Ian and everyone showed up and stood by me. We all tried to talk to him. the last person was Alesa.

-Alesa's POV-

Its my turn to talk to him. "Sky? Come on I know you are in there! Stop what HE Is doing and be the good Sky we all know and love that I love! So.....So cut all this crap and bullshit and pull though. We. Need. You! I need you." I said surprising everyone. I don't cuss. He looked at me and for a moment his amulet glitched normal and you could barely see the 2 amulets. I decided to continue. "Sky fight this. Fight him. You don't wanna be the one to kill one of us do you?

You said it yourself you would fight HARD if this happened don't lie to us now!" I said. That got him his hand trembled and he dropped the dagger when it hit the cobblestone it faded away. Bashur ran away towards Cib who tried to calm his watermelon friend down. His amulet was glitching like crazy. He was shacking.

In one hand he was forming a fire ball while the other was holding down that hand. He is fighting himself. He amulet stopped on normal and you could now see the 2 amulets around his neck. He was on his knees panting like a dog. He looked up and you could see though the butter eyes sadness.

"A...ale..alesa?" He asked. I nodded. I began to slowly walk towards him back I was pushed back from a powerful force field. I looked up hoping it wasn't Sky. HeroBrine was next to a now passed out Sky. He grabbed the 2 amulets and formed the one that was on him when he was SkyBrine. He put it back on Sky and it lit up a deadly red color.

HB grabbed Sky bridal style, smirked at us and disappeared. Me? I feel onto my knees and cried I was so close to having him back into my arms but to be taken away from me again.

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