Chapter 12

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-Alesa's POV-

He smiled at me and fell to his side. "NO!" I yelled. I picked up his head and set in into my lap. Tears falling down my cheeks. I raised my hand shakely towards his neck. I pressed it on his cold neck to feel it slowly rising and falling. My breath lurched and I yanked off my white over shirt revealing my white tank top. I wrapped it around his wrist. I turned my head. "He still has a heart beat now can one of you come get him?" I yelled. HeroBrine jogged over and picked him up.

"HeroBrine teleport you 2 to the hospital we will meet you there." I said. He nodded and teleported away. We all got on our horses and went as quick as we could to the base. We put our horses in the stables and ran to the hospital.

When we went in HB was pacing in the waiting room. "Anything?" I asked in hope. "No the doctors in there." HB said. We all sat down and waited. It was silent only my soft wimpers filled the room. The hospital door opened which caused us all to look up. It was the doctor.

I stood up quickly. "He is stable but sadly we had to tie him to the bed we are afraid that he will try again. My opinion is to not tell the recruits till we know if he is stable. You also may see him." the doctor said. We all nodded and made our way into the hospital room.

When we got in there Sky was hooked up to may machines and his eyes were shut he didn't have a smile on his face but its still not a frown. He had bedrockium cuffs tying his hands to the bed and also his ankles. I almost choked seeing him like this. We all sat in the hospital chairs and waited for him to wake up.

-Sky's POV-

I looked around and I was in a white room. As I looked closer there was a table and 2 chairs about 50 feet away from me. A guy was sitting in one writing something. As I walked closer I relised it was my uncle Markus. I sat down and he looked up at me.

He stopped writing and stared at me while shaking his head. "You need to stop. You need to go back and stop Austin. Killing yourself wont stop it he will kill the others." He said. "I don't want to go back it hurts to much. Everyone gets hurt when I'm around." I said.

"Well to bad. You are going back. Now next time I see you I'm gonna slap you. You could call it payback." he said. Then my vision blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes to the white brightness that surrounded me. I then noticed I'm alive and in a hospital room. NO! Ugh why cant they let me die!

I tried to sit up but I was cuffed to the bed. I tried to teleport away but it wouldn't work. "Let me go." I said because I senced people in the room. Chairs fell over and people surrounded me.

Alesa wrapped her arms around me. "Please don't do that again! I cant lose you..." she said. Tears fell down my cheek. I didn't know what to say. I want to live but why everything I grew up to was all a lie. I'm who I am now form Austin and now its all gone. But I know that if I want to die a true fighter I have to fight harder. "I wont." I said.

-Time Skip-

They finally let me leave the hospital but my friends wont leave me be! Its really my fault but really Alesa stands outside the bathroom door for me like I'm 4!

I was in my room and I was lying in bed. It was around 2:00pm and all the others were training recruits. Then I though of something that could make me happier. I jumped out of bed and went to look for Alesa. The last place I haven't looked was the training room. I opened the door to see the others fighting/training recruits and Alesa watching from the side lines. I walked over and sat down next to her.

She was surprised to see me here. I leaned my head towards her ear, "Lets announce to the recruits about the wedding and the baby." I whispered and pulled away. She looked happy and nodded her head. We both ran out of the room. Everyone must of stopped and watched us leave because the normal clang of swords stopped for a moment then started up again.

We ran to the control room and I pushed 'play' on the mic.

"Hello all of SkyArmy this is King Sky and I would like everyone to report to the court yard for a announcement. Thank you." I said and shut off the mic. The message blazed out of the speakers around base as me and Alesa walked to the Court yard and stood on the front steps watching as recruits gathers. The other generals all walked up to me and Alesa.

"SO what is this all about?" Ty asked. "We are announcing about the wedding and the baby." Alesa whispered so the recruits don't here. They all relaxed and smiled.

Knowing that all recruits wouldn't be able to fit into the court yard we are playing it over the mic also.

"Ladies and Gentalmen I would like to announce of a wedding of a certain couple." I said. Alesa wrapped her arms around me and held up her hand showing the ring. People cheered which made me smile. "Also I wanted to announce that....well I'm pregnant." Alesa said. This made people cheer louder.

People were cheering and whistling which made us all laugh.

Once that was done the whole kingdom celebrated.

It was good, nice not to be dead and have this moment. But I keep thinking what could Austin do? He has magic but what kind?

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