Chapter 8

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-Sky's POV-

Out of all 102,776 recruits non died! Me, Alesa, my mother and Father, Quentin, Ian, Mitch, Jerome, Ty, and Jason walked to the morge. When I came in there were 3 beds with white blood covered clothes over them with weird shapes under them. I walked over to one and lifted the corner off it. I dropped it and covered my mouth with my hands tears brimmed my eyes. Under the cloth was Ant's dead bloody body.

I sucked it up and uncovered all 3 bodies biting my lower lip trying not to break down. I went to each of my friends and cleaned them up and healed their still dead bodies. I sighed and stepped back. I fell like passing out but I killed them so I have to bring them back.

I took my hand and placed them towards them. A butter color glow appeared out of my hands and I forced it towards the 3. Their bodies engulfed in the glow. I passed out but I guess someone caught me.

-Ty's POV-

This butter colored glow disappeared off of Ant, Aviator, and Bodil which made Sky faint. I leaped forward and caught him setting him in a bed. I look at his dad for reasureance. "Don't worry he just pasted out takes a lot to bring someone back for the dead and he did it for 3 people just be lucky he isn't dead." he said.

I looked at the 3 they began to wake up. They sat up and clutched their stomaches. They looked around once they saw HB and Sky passed out without his glasses on they looked around for a weapon. "Woah chill out its fine! Sky brought you back from the dead." I said.

Sky sat up and rubbed his head. Not opening his eyes he spoke, "Did it work?" he asked. He opened his eyes and looked at the 3 mini-generals and sighed. "Oh thank butter!" Sky said leaning back down in the bed.

-Time Skip Sky's POV-

We explained everything to Ant, Aviator, and Bodil. We were all currently in the meeting hall eating dinner. Everyone was still weirded out by my father but at least I have the old dad back. After we got Ant, Aviator, and Bodil back we announced the news of me and Alesa getting married and that she is pregnant.

I then relized once my mom was resurrected I had the 2 amulets in my back pocket. I stood up which caught everyones attention and pulled out the 2 amulets. I tossed them to my parents and sat down. Everyone but my parents looked weirly at them while they held their own amulet and pushed a button on it. They shrunk down into their wedding rings and they put them on.

We all continued eating when there was a knock on the meeting room. Snow, Charlie, and Foxie came in, in their animal forms. They stopped and frowned once they saw my father. They didn't see his eyes yet. "What's Mr.Evil doing here!" Foxie yelled. "Hey! I can hear you, you know you little varmint!" My father yelled standing up. Foxie got mad and turned into her human form. "Fight me!" She yelled.

I stood between them, "Calm down! You 3 just got here and your already picking fights didn't you learn last time with Alex and Steve?" I asked looking at Foxie. She just started laughing at the memory so did Snow and Charlie who turned human.

"Oh come on now your just being mean. pranking them is mean and you trashed Markus's office. This is why your banned form his office." I said. Foxie just rolled her brown eyes. The ones I assume who went to NOTCHS temple must of known who we were talking about. "Wait they have been in NOTCHS temple!" Mitch asked. I nodded, "They follow me everywhere these little stalkers." I said.

"How is that and we not notice it?" Jerome asked. Snow suddenly in animal form jumped form behind Jerome and landed on his head. Jerome freaked out shaking his head but Snow would not budge. Everyone was laughing while Mitch attempts to pry Snow off of Jerome. Foxie and Charlie are calling Snow to get her off.

All of a sudden a white light embraced the room. When it died down Markus, Alex, and Steve looked shocked at the room of people. Everyone was shocked to see NOTCH here. I looked at my uncle with angry eyes. Alex and Steve walked over to the others standing next to Mitch and Jerome who successfully gotten Snow off who was standing next to Charlie and Foxie.

-Alex's POV-

I saw the look Sky gave Markus so me and Steve walked over to the others while Sky walked over to his uncle. "Whats going on?" Mitch asked. "Sky's pissed." I said. Mitch was confused till he relized why. Oh I warned him before turned Ty and Jason into Hybrids.

Everyone watched as Markus turned his head to his left cheek faced Sky. Some where confused while me and Steve watched eargerly. Sky slapped him so hard I made a popping noise. Everyone was taken back.

-Sky's POV-

I hit him so hard it made a POPPING noise. He turned and faced me rubbing his cheek. "Feel better yet?" He asks. I cross my arms. "You deserved it I told you pacifically to not turn my friends into hybrids, oh what do you do, you do it anyways." I yelled. "Geez I have to antidote with me. Now I see you didn't exactly kill you father but hey this works better." He said looking at my mom and dad.

My dad rolls his eyes. "Hello to you to brother!" my dad says. My mom smirks, "Look brotherly love come on hug and make up you to babies! Your nothing different you both came from the same place." she says. Both my dad and uncle have shocked faces. My mom and Ty are both cracking up. "Mom! Ty! Oh come on." I whined.

My uncle just shakes his head. "What happened to your parents I always wondered" AshelyMG asked. "Our parents died 2,673 years ago from old age." My dad said. "Sky why don't you and your family come visit the old castle before they go though the antidote it tends to be even more painful then the first time." my dad continues.

I really wanted to go but I tried to hide my excitement that didn't work because Alesa said, "Well by the look on your face I assume you wanna go?" I slowly nod.

"OK well me and your mom will go prepare you can bring them though a portal." my dad said grabbing my moms hand and disappearing. "Great leaves me to making the portal!" I said.

"Follow me." I said. Everyone followed me as I made my way down to the  old dungens. "Wait I thought when King Austin the king of this castle before it became SkyArmy made a deadly maze so you couldn't make it to the portal?" Ty asks. "Yes, Austin he was like a second dad to me, I would always stay here with him after I was 9. He left the castle in my care and to answer your question trust me." I said.

He rolled his eyes as I walked though the massive underground maze. It took me 2 minutes to find the puzzle. Once everyone saw the room we were in they froze. It was Austin's tomb. He didn't want to be set a fire in a boat but put down here to sleep enterally. Behind his pure diamond casket lay a Nether portal. "Come on." I said.

The day Austin died hurt so much. I was only 15. It was the year before I meet all my current friends. Its actually the reason I hate squids so much. We were out for a walk when we were being attacked. About 30 squids surrounded the 2 of us. I killed 5 of them before they smiled and left. I didn't know why intill turned around and saw Austin lying down dead on the ground a lapis squid sword though his heart.

I didn't know I was starring at his casket till Alesa said something, "Sky?" I looked up, "Lets go." I said. I walked right into the portal.

I was no longer King Sky of SkyArmy, but SkyBrine prince of the Nether.

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