Chapter 14

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-Sky's POV-

What do I do? I have some crazed maniac after my heart willing to kill everyone I love. I mean giving up to protect everyone and give up my  life and heart will still kill everyone because he would still kill them with this 'new' power I have in my heart. I'm sitting in my room wondering what am I going to do. What army could he possibly have? I mean we have the Sky Army, Nether Army, and the Over World mobs on our side! Who could he possibly have? And what powers does he have?

-Flash Back-

I turned around to find Austin lying dead in the grass with a lapis squid sword sticking out of his heart. I look closer to see his stomach go slightly up and down like he was faking it. But I didn't think twice about it because the sword went straight though his heart.

-Flash Back-

"Austin?" i asked him crying while standing in the blown up room. I look closer at his face to see his eyes are pitch black but I though it was the ash.

-Flash Back End-

I jumped up startling Alesa who was reading a book beside me. I looked at her with a worried expression. "Meeting now!" I said and ran out of the room. Alesa ran out and began gathering Generals. I ran to the Meeting room and took out my communicator I use to contact my father. I pressed the button and set it back down on the book self and closed it. I sat down and my father appeared and sat down as everyone else came in and sat down along with Witherett and Endie.

"I think I know what army Austin has..." I said. "What? What army could he possibly have yes he has powers but what army?" My father said confused. "He's a demon." I said. My father, Witherett, and Endie gasped and began freaking out. "Woah calm down!" Mitch said. "What' so bad about the demon army I mean its the same as the Nether Army...right?" Jerome said. I sadly shook my head.

"The Demon army was once ruled by the Demon King before he perished thanks to them." I said pointing to Witherett, Endie, and my father. "But if I recall a few days ago when he attacked Ty and Jason I believe I saw his black eyes, it would explain to demonic voice, teleporting, and such." I said. "How many demons are in the army?" Seto asked. I looked around at them all and sighed.

"about 20,000,000." I said. They all gasped and began all talking at once. I stood up and slammed my hand on the table. "CALM DOWN! Thank you. If we are preparing for this war we need to evacuate the 3 villages and the people around us.. We need to prepare the recruits and such. Now Generals I need you to prepare your quadrants. I need the other mini-generals to go and spread word to the villages. Get the word out that evacuation is needed as soon as possible. Get the people far away from here. You are dismissed and prepare for this now! I would appreciate it if you 3 travel back to the Nether and the End and assist. Its not your fight but it will be appreciated. And I would be thankful if father you contact Markus." I said. "Were in this guy need to go down." Endie said. I smiled and they all 3 disappeared thanks to my dads teleportation.All the generals ran out. I followed and went to my own quadrant. 

Ty's group is called the Dead Squad.

Jason's group is called the Star Squad.

Ian's group is called the Derp Squad.

Mitch's group is called the Archer Squad.

Jerome's group is called the Betty Squad.

Quentin's group is called the Mudkip Squad.

My group is called the Butter Squad.

I ran down the hallways my sword clanking against my side. I ran out to the field and stood tall as all my quadrants soilder's stand tall. My group consists of 500,000 recruits.

I cleared my throat, "Listen up there has been a new threat to all across the land. The Demon Army. 20,000,000 of them but we will stand tall and protect the ones we love and protect." I said loud enough for them all the hear.

"We will fight along side the Over World Mobs, Nether Army, Wither Army, and The End Army. We all have one goal in common for this Army to perish. The leader...Austin. He is a demon I do not know how long possibly his whole life but all in all he wants to cause harm and death across these lands and we will protect them with ours lives." I said. The cheers of all the recruits filled the air which caused a smile to spread across my face. I raised my sword in the air. "Sky Army!" I shouted. They all repeated what I did.

-3rd Person-

The SkyArmy and their allies are prepared, for the war that could wipe the lands to ash. But they will not back down because the SkyArmy has never lost a war and they will not lose this one.

With confidence they prepare, train, and spare against each other to go against the Demon Army that will fall under the SkyArmy's blades, arrows, and bettys. They will fall and the SkyArmy will be victorious one more so all across the lands the people may return once more to their homes under their own protection and the world will be safe once more.

Lives will be lost, the innocent laying dead across the battle field,  swords will clash, arrows flying, and betty's chopping, war is a hard concept to apprehend in till you face it with courage.  

Do you have what it takes to win the war? 

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