Chapter 10

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-Sky's POV-

We were all in the meeting room where my uncle is about to reverse Ty and Jason.

"OK you to sit down and it WILL be painful." Markus said. They nodded and sat down. Both Alex and Steve carried a veil filled with clear liquid that bubbles.

"Drink up." Alex said. The 2 down the whole bottle and sit in the chairs. Clear swirls surround the 2. So fast and bright you have to close your eyes.

When it died down nothing has changed. They were both still hybrids. "What!?"Markus yelled. Everyone was completely confused. The books I ran out of the room and came back with a key. I went over to a large cabinet behind my chair at the head of the table. Everyone was confused. I pushed the key into the key hole to a drawer. It clicked and I pulled the side of the cabinet like a door and it showed a book case hidden behind the cabinet.

"Oh come on Sky how many secret compartments do you have?" Ant says. I turn towards them and smiled, "I don't really know I make them on the way." I said. I looked at the book case and saw that my book was in there but 2 more were in there to.

I pulled the 3 books and set them on the table. Mine was about 3 feet tall but was practically weightless. The other 2 were about 2 inches thick. "What are those?" Bodil asked. "This big one is the book of 'The son of HeroBrine' which is me the book appeared the day I was born." I said showing them the cover which had 'SkyBrine' neatly written across the cover. "What about the other 2?" Jason asked.

"I was about to get to that. Everytime a 'Boss Mob's' kin unlocks their power or is born like me. They get a book. And if I'm correct the reason why Ty and Jason aren't normal is when you both completed the dream you may or may not of unlocked your powers." I said. "But we aren't hybrids." Ty said confused. "Ty, Jason your both adopted correct?" I said.

"Yes...oh." Jason said looking down. "Now these books are yours." I said sliding Jason his book which on the cover says 'WitherMU' and Ty's whos says 'EnderLox'. "Open them, you only just unlocked your powers so it narrates your whole life from now on." I said.

-Ty's POV-

The book it had everything form the dream in detail all the way to now. Every time I close the book more pages appear. I look at Jason and he is just the same way I am, confused.

"Ok now what?" Jason asks. Sky shrugs. "I only go this far." he said plopping down in his chair. Me and Jason slid our books into the book shelf the same way Sky did.

-Sky's POV-

They asked me how many hidden capartments I have. Like of course I know where every single one is by heart. I will never tell them though. Its creepy. But the fact that Ty and Jason are actually Endie's son and Withrett's son is weird. I mean Endie had to of given birth to Ty 21 years ago but...I don't know we will have to talk to her. And Withrett hasn't been seen in a long time in the nether he ran off a long time ago when the pigman became civil.

"Sky do you know anything about why we were sent to the over world and not keep in the End and Nether?" Ty asks. Should I tell them about their mom and dad being alive I mean it would break their hearts knowing that their parents just got rid of them.

"Ty your mother still lives in the End. Her name is Endie. She gave you up because form what she told me years ago that hunters were planning on killing you and her so she sent you away. I  had know Idea you were her son. Jason your father's name was Withrett he actually is still in the Nether. I only meet him once in awhile when he appears. No one really knows where he lives but the reason why your not with him is because he said that 'You are in danger around me' again people hunt down withers." I said.

They were in shock. Of course I mean they grow up with adopted parents and now I tell them they have living relatives. They look like they want to say something but don't have the words to say it. "You want me to call them in?" I ask. They nod their heads. "We should probally take our leave nice seeing you Sky." my uncle says and disappears along with Alex and Steve.

I walked over to the book shelf and grabbed a communication device and shut the cabinet.

I turned it on. "Hey this is Sky I found EnderLox and WitherMU I think you need to come to the base they already have their powers." I said. "There now they should be here in a second." I said. "What how?" Seto starts.

The meeting room doors open and in step are the 2 people we were talking about.

"Well hello Endie and Withrett." I said. Endie was wearing a long sleek black dress, green and a purple eye like Ty's and she had long brown hair. You could clearly see that they were related. And a pair of smaller EnderDragon wings out of her back.

Withretts was wearing a black t-shirt and black cargo jeans he had dark dark dark brown hair and blue eyes 2 wither heads sat on his shoulders. He had black skin up form his finger tips to his elbows like gloves yet it was skin.

They both looked in their 30's which they stop aging in their human state at 30.

I walk over and shake their hands. "Well I assume you would like to see the 2 given that's why your both here. Ty, Jason come here. They both go by different names." I said.

Ty and Jason both stood up and walked and stood next to me.

"Yay Happy Family Reunion!" I said clapping.

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