How did this happen...

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It was just a normal day for Marinette. She was actually listening and taking notes for once.

The teachers phone rang and she picked up the phone. The teacher had a serious expression on her face. She soon hung up and went to the front of the class.

"Marinette pack up your things and go to the principals office." The teacher said sadly.

"Ooh Marinette's in trouble. I wanna what she did to humiliate herself this time." Chloe snickered.

Marinette ignored the comment and made her way to the principals office.

She entered and saw her mother talking to the principal.

He nods and leaves the room.

"Is something wrong mama?" Marinette asked.

"It's your father...he got into a car accident...." Marinette's mother sobbed.

"Mama...." Marinette said sobbing as well.

"I called you to send you home early." She managed to say.

"I'll be at the hospital and you must go home." Her mom said dead serious.

Marinette was about to protest when.

"You can get your homework out of the way today and see him tomorrow." Her mother reassured.

"Now go home while I get some papers done." She said holding back the tears.

"What papers?"

"That doesn't matter sweety, now please go home." She said.

"Ok mama." Marinette forcefully smiled.

She then took a shameful walk home.


Man it's been 40 minutes since she left. Adrien thought in wonder.

"Hey, Alya is Marinette okay?" Nino asked Alya. He was quite worried himself.

"I don't know..." She answered quietly.

"Okay students I have some business to attend to quickly so you get the rest the period as a break." The teacher sighed.

As soon as she left everyone started talking and using their phones. People were switching seats and sitting in different parts of the class.

Adrien got up and walked towards the window. He sat down in the seat right beside it. You know like what cliché anime characters do.

He sat down and kept on wondering if she was alright.

He wanted to see how she was but didn't know how.

I got it!

~later that day~

Marinette had been crying for at least 3 hours straight. She didn't care about homework. She didn't even bother eating.

Her phone kept ringing as Alya called her at least one thousand times. Did she answer?


Her mom even called her a few times, but she couldn't bear any more news whether it was good or bad.

Did that make her selfish. Yes.

But that's to be expected.....right?

She needed to relieve some stress so she decided to take a shower. If she was gonna cry might as well be clean while doing so.

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