I can't do it...

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Mari began to open her eyes. All she could hear was the sound of a heart monitor.

She sprang up in agonizing pain. The room was dimly lit and she could barely see her surroundings.

"What happened...." She sighed.

A flash of memories rushed into her mind.


She sighed and tried to stand or move. Every bit of movement caused pain. She saw the scar on her arm.

New stitches?

She then checked the scar on her side it also had new stitches.

Must've reopened after I hit the ground.

She checked her phone and realized she's been unconscious for two days.

He's limiting my time on purpose. Damn it.

She continued to look around the room and managed to stand. By now she had realized she was in a hospital room.

She walked over and turned on the lights. There was a bathroom and she went in. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face wasn't bruised, but her back was entirely bruised.

Hopefully she hadn't broken any bones. Which meant she'd have to stay in recovery for even longer.

"Mari just calm down." She told herself.

She opened the faucet and splashed water onto her face. She looked into the mirror. Despite everything she was still her. She was still Mari....

That's wrong. All she could see in the mirror was her 15 year old self. The girl who always had a smile no matter the situation. The girl who got easily jealous. Mari smiled to herself.

She remembered all the good things Marinette has seen. Then she remembered all the bad things Marinette has seen. The tears, the pain, the blood.....

All of that was deep down within her. Hidden. She knew that sooner or later all of this would have to come to an end. Whether she liked it or not.

Images began flashing inside her head. Horrible images she wish she could store away and never see them again. These images caused her grief, pain, depression, and fear.

She always blamed herself for what happened that day. She could never forget it. Mari just breathed deeply. She just wanted to curl up and disappear.

She wanted to just be free and leave. She wanted to be with her mom and dad. At this point tears had already begun to stroll down her face.

She cried and cried. She knew she wouldn't be able to be with her mom and dad. No matter how hard she tried she just can't do it. Mari can't bring herself to do something stupid.

She's tried it before, but some cheesy black cat kept showing up in her head.
That cat wasn't even physically there with her at the time, but he stopped her from making a really bad decision.

Mari grinned.

"I'm being selfish again..what would he do if I was gone, what would Alya do if I was gone, what would they all do if I was gone.." She whispered.

"I wish I didn't have to fall in love with that stupid cat...he deserves so much better than me, than Marinette, than ladybug....."

"Compared to me, he deserves the world. Yet he gets stuck with me a selfish girl who can barely spread her wings." She smiled.

He'd probably protest and tell me how great ladybug is if he was here...

She stood up and made her way back to her bed. She'd at least try to get some sleep although it seemed very unlikely.

She turned off the lights and laid down as she began to drift off...


"What the, what am I doing here.." She said looking around.

She turned and heard a gunshot. Her eyes went wide.

"No please, not again..." She said running to the body.

"This is just a dream dear....please don't suffer any longer..." The sweet voice smiled.

Marinette looked at her hands they were covered in blood.

"Don't suffer any longer..please Marinette.."

"Wake up"


Mari sprang up in cold sweat. She hasn't had that dream in two years. She had avoided it for too long I suppose.

"Mom....." She said while looking at her hands. She for a second thought she saw red. It was probably just her mind playing with her.

She heard a tap on the window.

Please let it be a branch or the wind. She chanted in her head as she turned to see him.

She sighed and stood up to open the window. She was able to open it somehow. You'd expect for hospitals to have you know, more security.

"Able to stand already.." He said as he entered the room.

She sat back down on the bed and grabbed her phone. It was still early, it was 5:00 a.m. She had only slept for two hours.

"I guess.." She said. What he did after shocked her completely.

He gently hugged her. He tried to not inflict any sort of pain onto her. She blushed a bit.

"Look, I know you don't really like me that much, but I feel like I've known you forever...so please don't ever make me see something like that ever again." He whispered. She could tell he was crying.

Mari was confused on how she got to the hospital, but she guessed that Manon called for Chat since he was on patrol. He most likely carried her here too.

"I'm sorry.." She pulled away from the hug.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry the two of you had to see something like that. I'm sorry for staining your hands red. I'm sorry.." She said tiredly.

He grabbed one of her hands.

"It's ok. I can tell that your hands have been stained red as well." He frowned as he gently held her hand.

She blushed and stared wide eyed. After all these years he still could read her easily. She was a compete open book to him, well almost.....

This chapter was based more on Marinette and Mari. We finally revealed some of her past. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. As always love you all and stay tuned bye <3

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