I know it's too late now....

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Marinette was finally in New York. It was night time and she couldn't sleep. It wasn't because of jet lag.

She looked outside the hotel window and wondered how the hell she would make it.

She knew she was lucky, but was she that lucky.

She quieted her thoughts and tried going to sleep.


Adrien was just as depressed. Alya was being strong for her, so why can't he do the same.

He just sighed as he thought about the voicemail he sent her.

He once again tried calling her.

He looked at the time and realized she must be asleep. He was about to hang up when.

"Hello?" A very sleepy voice said.

"Sorry..did I wake you up?" He asked feeling quite guilty. Although he was really happy that she answered this time.

"No..but either way I haven't been able to sleep." She sighed.

"Do you wan-" he was cut off.

"I should be the one apologizing." She said.

"I never gave you a proper goodbye. Sorry that was selfish of me." She responded.

"I-it's ok. Plus you did say goodbye. It's just that I never noticed until now." Adrien sighed.

"When I dropped you off at your house that day I said goodnight, but you said goodbye." He said.

"Oh you noticed that." She sounded a bit surprised.

"Yea I did, wish I had realized it sooner." He said shakily.

"Adrien can you do me a favor." She said a bit unsure.

"What is it?" He said lovingly.

"Don't care about me anymore." Her voice was cold.

He stood still. Those words shivered down his spine.

"I'm gonna be gone for a very long time. By the time I get back....we might have our own lives and future. So I want you to move on and not worry about me ok. I don't want to get in the way of your life anymore."

"Well my mom is signaling me to go to bed. Bye." She then abruptly hung up.

He curled up into a ball.

You never got in the way to begin with. He thought as he drifted off to take a long nap


Marinette woke up to find at least one hundred text messages from Alya asking her how the flight was.

Marinette giggled while reading all of Alya's texts.

She looked and found another voicemail from Adrien....

She sighed as she quietly listened to it.

"Hey Marinette! I know this is kinda awkward after our conversation from yesterday, but I wanna let you know that I will move on. I'll still think about you day and night even if you don't want me to. I know it might be in the future, but I'm only moving on knowing that we'll meet again. So take it easy in London Bye!" He said happily.

She smiled.

Why did I have to fall for an idiot. She thought.

She knew he only thought of her as a friend and nothing more. She could get over him right? I mean, she does have four years ahead of her. But before any of that she has to tell him.


Adrien was just laying down not really doing anything. He was hoping for a response from Marinette.

After who knows how many hours his phone had gotten a new voicemail.

He ran to grab his phone hoping it was Marinette.

He looked at the name and smiled.

"Uhm I don't really know how to say this.. I appreciate that you'll keep thinking about me even though you don't have to. Also if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. Well not physically there, but you know what I mean." He smiled at her dorky remark.

"Well this is the more difficult part to say. You see I left Paris really unsure because I have a crush on this guy. He doesn't like me back, but I really love him. He never notices me. I don't really matter to him that much, but he means the world to me."

Adrien was very confused. Yet very touched for some odd reason.

"You might be wondering why I'm telling you this. Well reason being is that I want you to make sure he's alright. I want you to take care of yourself. And if you're confused and haven't figured it out by now...." She briefly stopped.

"I'm madly in love with you. I know you don't feel the same way and I understand! It just hurts a lo-little sometimes! Anyways sorry for holding you up. Goodbye." The voicemail ended.

Leaving a shocked Adrien with his jaw dropped. He held on to the phone dearly hoping she would respond to his call. She didn't answer.

Adrien you idiot of course she's not gonna answer. He thought in dismay.

He was in utter shock, but at the same time it all tied together.

Her cute stuttering, her overwhelming kindness, everything. It was all because she loved him.

Man I really messed up...

Hey guys! I hope this chapter isn't as sad. Who am I kidding all these chapters are sad. Anyways I hope you guys liked the way I used voicemail for them to communicate. Well as always hope you enjoyed, love you all.
Stay tuned bye <3

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