Is this really goodbye...

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Marinette was just lying down on her bed. Alya had left a while ago and she had nothing to do.

She got many calls from her mom and many numbers she didn't recognize.

Luckily the calls from her mom were nothing drastic. They were just to check up on her.

Although there was one thing ringing in the back of her head.

How am I gonna explain this to Chat.
Can I actually give him a proper goodbye.

She kept thinking. Marinette was moving in three weeks, but ladybug on the other hand is moving tomorrow.

She transformed and zoomed to find chat.


Chat was taking in the night breeze. It felt great.

He sensed someone and turned around to see his lady.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He joked.

"Sorry I've been helping a friend of mine who's been going through some rough times lately." She frowned.

"Oh well then that's very nice of you~"

"But I must ask why the long face my lady~" he smirked.

"Chat I'm not gonna see you for a while."

"Huh whys that?"

"You see I'm being relocated to New York. Apparently some akuma action has been going on and I need to relocate." She sighed.

He froze.

"What! I'll come with you!"

"No." Her voice was cold and stern. Something he's never heard from her before.

"You need to protect Paris while I'm gone..." She said.

"I can't protect Paris without you!" He exclaimed.

"Do you think I want this!?" She shouted.

"This wasn't my choice!"

"Then why don't you stay!?" Chat shouted.

"You don't understand! I have to go!" She started crying.

He felt awful. They've never gotten into a fight before. He knew she had to go, but he wasn't ready to let her go.

"When are you leaving?" He asked.

"Tomorrow..." She said gritting her teeth.

He knew this was hard for her too and that he was just being selfish, but he loves her. What do you expect him to do?

"How long?" He asked quite terrified.

"I don't know.."

"My lady..." He frowned.

She turned around and tears were strolling down her face.

He lunged forward to hug her. He didn't wanna say goodbye. He was afraid to say goodbye.

She pulled away from the hug and gently kissed him.

He didn't wanna pull away. The kiss lasted so long, but felt so short.

She looked away. Whispered words he could barely make out. Then she was gone like the wind. She was actually gone and for who knows how long..

~next week~

Adrien looked behind his seat. Once again not seeing her. Alya was saying she got really sick, so she didn't come to school.

He tried to listen to the teacher, or worry about how Marinette was doing. His thoughts were clouded. All he could think about was his lady. He wanted to just run away from everything and just cry his eyes out.

He knew that wasn't gonna happen..

~after school~

School finally ended and Adrien decided to take a walk.

His passed by a certain place and entered to clear his mind.

Adrien walked past reading all the names he could see.

He was calmly walking until a certain name caught his eye.

He stared wide-eyed at the name written on the gravestone.

All he could do was run. Run and never look back.

He was feeling just as guilty as before. He once again was acting selfish and thinking about what was bothering him.

He wanted to, no he needed to find Marinette.

He ran to the bakery which was closed. It looked empty.

He knocked, but it was no good.

He gave up after what seemed like forever. He'd try again another day.

Little did he know he only had 2 weeks left..


Marinette was crying, wearing a dress of black, and read the name on the grave.

All it read was..

"Tom Dupain-Cheng"

*wiping tears* Guys I'm so sorry about the sadness, but thank you for supporting my new story. I really hope you guys are enjoying this very different writing style of mine. It'll get happier soon I hope. Well anyways I hope you liked it, love you all stay tuned bye <3

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