Please don't go..

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Marinette was taking deep breaths she was leaving tomorrow. She wasn't ready and she knew it.

Her mom kept telling her four years sounds like a lot, but it'll fly by.

She hoped her mother was right.


Alya looked at the empty seat next to her. Alya was trying to compose herself since her best friend is no longer gonna be here. It was a lot to handle.

Poor Adrien, he has no idea. Alya thought as she remembered all the times Marinette tried to get his attention. And when Marinette finally got noticed BAM she's gone.

"Marinette not here again?" Nino asked Alya.

"Yup I hope she's alright." Alya sighed.

~during break~

Alya, Nino, and Adrien had gotten assigned into a group once again.

Buzz buzz.

Alya's phone rang.

"Sorry guys let me take this really quick." Alya told the boys as she stood up.

"Hello?" Alya said.

"Hey Alya, um things sort of got complicated and the flight leaves in 4 hours." Marinette sighed.

"WHAT!" Alya shrieked. She startled both Nino and Adrien.

"But....I wanted to send you off.." Alya frowned.

"You can! There's still some time. School ends in 2 hours right? Then you still can make it." Marinette smiled.

"Alright! See you later Mari!" Alya said. She hung up the phone and frowned once she remembered that Marinette was leaving.

"Everything alright?" Adrien asked.

"Yea...well anyways lets get back to work." Alya sighed.

~after school~

"Finally!" Alya squeaked as she was about to run to the airport.

"Hey Alya you mind if I go to your house to work on the project." Nino smirked.

"Maybe later right now I gotta get to the airport and quick." Alya rushed.

"What why?" Nino said.

"UGHH!" She said as she grabbed his arm and ran to the airport with him.

"Wait! Alya!" Nino said panting.

~at the airport~

"Hey Alya! And Nino...." Marinette said in confusion.

"Sorry, I had to drag him along. I told him everything." Alya said breathing heavily from all the running she just accomplished.

"Everything?" Marinette death glared Alya.

"Not everything, but most of it." Alya reassured.

"Well I have to get going now...." Marinette said shakily.

"Hey it's only for a while no need to get so sad! Plus I'll text you everyday." Alya smiled.

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