We'll meet again....

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Mari woke up to a bright red and black room that Alya decorated for her.

Such a coincidence the Alya decided to decorate the room those specific colors.

She realized that she was late and hurried to the shower.

After a 6 minute shower she styled her hair into some nice waves.

She only applied some foundation,powder, and a bit of Crimson Matte lipstick.

She put on her purple dress and black boots.

She took a cab to the show and ran inside with everything she needed including her purse.


"Mari you're-"

"Late I know sorry Ms. Berlira." Mari stated.

"Actually Mari you're early." Ms. Berlira chuckled.

Mari just sighed and sunk into the seat next to the counter.

"Well the models are here and getting ready. It's a shame you didn't model." She smirked.

Mari just glared, but then smiled.

"It'd be a bit selfish to wear my own line." Mari replied.

"Yes, you're right it's be rude to wear our line. Also I'm doing a collaboration with the Agreste line again." The lady said as she sipped a glass of wine.

"Oh, again. You've been enjoying their collections recently, haven't you." Mari snapped as she got some water.

"I wouldn't complain if I were you, I mean after all you're going to model with them." Ms. Berlira said quite amused.

Mari refrained from spitting out her water.

"You can't be serious." She whined.

"Mr. Agreste said he'd love for you to model for our winter collaboration."

"Of course he did.." Mari said getting up to take a walk around the area.

"Where are you going? The show doesn't start until about an hour from now." The lady said.

"I know I just need a breather." Mari said as she exited the room.

The door shut and then Ms. Berlira was left alone.

"Oh dear, I applaud you Sabine for being able to handle her." She smiled to herself.


Mari made her way to where her fellow models were getting their makeup done.

She entered and saw Samantha, a good friend of hers, Peter, also a good friend although he was quite the goofball for his age, and she also saw Melissa, who was basically a goddess.

She looked around and saw nobody else getting their makeup done.

Maybe the rest are getting dressed. Oh! That rhymed. She thought to herself.

She was pulled out the zone when Peter called her.

"Hey Mari! Glad you made it early." He grinned.


"Whats wrong you seem a bit down." He asked.

"Huh! Oh I'm just a bit nervous that's all." She lied.

The truth is that the Agreste line was also showing today.

Which meant he would be here. She was ready to see him, although he wouldn't recognize her. That helped just a bit.

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