I can't bring her back..

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Ladybug was taking in the fresh night breeze.

Chat stood behind her.

"It's a bit too late for a patrol. Don't you think so my lady." Chat smirked.

"It's not like I was gonna get any sleep anyways." She sighed.

"Ladybug can I ask you for some advice." He said while sitting down next to her.

"Of course." She smiled sweetly.

"I know it's stupid, but how do I get over someone I can't stop thinking about? It's a random question." He said anxiously.

She stared at him wide eyed.

"Looks like we're in the same boat." She said looking up at the stars.

"Really!?" He said looking shocked.

"Yea, I know exactly what you mean, but I don't how to help you since I'm trying to figure it out myself." She breathed out.

"Who's the lucky guy?" He smirked.

"Who's the unlucky girl." She teased.

"Very funny, but I'll have you know she actually enjoyed my company." He said crossing his arms.

"I doubt anyone would be able to sit through your puns. I've gotten used to it so don't include me." She grinned.

"Actually she loved them thank you very much." He said.

"Then instead of forgetting her I'd suggest keeping her. You never know when you might find someone who can actually stand your puns." She teased.

"How can I keep her if she's not even here." He puffed.

Silly kitty. Mari thought to herself.

Both of their miraculous rung.

"I know the rules." He said as he began to stand up.

"What rules?"

"Me not being able to know your identity." He sighed.

"About that..." She sighed.

"Chat I think I'm ready to t-" she was cut off.

A beam of light suddenly sprang from the center of the city. Then a tremendous amount of lightning and thunder began to strike the city.

"What!?" Ladybug said.

"The hell is that." Chat finished.

"Whatever it is it doesn't look nice. You haven't worn out yet have you." She smirked.

"I've been waiting to fight by your side for years now and you think I've worn out. How adorable." He joked.

"Shall we." She said grabbing her yoyo.

"We shall." He said while extending his staff.


A masked man with a dark Crimson suit appeared.

"Father was right. Causing havoc really is splendid." The man laughed.

Suddenly ladybug and Chat Noir jumped onto the roof of the building.

"Are you the one who's been causing all this ruckus." Ladybug said sternly.

"Ruckus? The fun has only just begun. My dear~" The man said in a husky voice.

Ladybugs eyes went wide.

"You...you're.." She said.

"Figured it out by now." He smirked.

"Unlike your partner and stupid friends, I have a keen eye. I observe many things. You know what I want." He said.

"Our miraculous! As if we'd ever give them to you." Chat said.

"That's not what I had in mind. Actually what I want is for you to reveal your identity to me." He said blatantly.

"What's the fun in that. Why don't you come and find out." Ladybug said as she went to land a hit on him.

"Tch..you're very impatient. Just tell me your identity." He smirked.

"Why do I have to if you already know!" She shouted.

Chats eyes went wide eyed.

"I mean you're real identity. I know that under that mask is the fake you. I wanna know the real you that's down below. How about we make a deal." He said snapping his fingers.

Suddenly the beam disappeared and all the thunder and lightning stopped.

"I'll give you...two weeks..in order for you to tell me your identity. I'll give Chloe back she's useless now. Don't worry she's alive and I'll return her like nothing ever happened." He smirked.

"But I'll find a new pawn. One who has a stronger affect on you, and one who I can easily manipulate." He said.

"Think and choose wisely. You don't have much time...." He said as he disappeared into the shadows.

"Dammit!" Ladybug said.

"My lady...." Chat whispered.

"It's been a long evening. Let's turn in for today and sort things out tomorrow." Ladybug sighed.

"Alright, stay safe." He smiled reassuringly. Then his miraculous beeped once again.

"Oh no I lost track of time! Sorry my lady I only got a few seconds bye!?" He said jumping off into the night.

"Ugggghhh. Why does my life have to be so difficult." She said once he left.


Mari was laying down in bed. She couldn't sleep after encountering a villain like that.

She had two weeks to set her mind straight.

She wasn't really worried about any attacks. She was worried about who he would manipulate and use next.

Her thought were running wild. She needed to rest. It would be for the best best she assumed so.

Why is it that when I feel so close, I seem to go father back. If only you were here mom, maybe then you'd talk some sense into me. She sighed as she tried drifting off to sleep.

Ayy we got to see more from the villain. Sorry for such a long wait. Honestly life hasn't been easy for me these past few days. But I'm back! It's finally the weekend so expect some new chapters. Well anyways as always I hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay tuned, and bye <3

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