I'm Sorry...

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Mari woke up in the hospital bed. She looked to her left and saw a note.

Hope you slept well. Goodnight

She sighed. She heard the door and saw the doctor. He was smiling?

"Glad to see you're awake." He said.

"I guess?" She said. Mari was still a bit dizzy.

"You'll be leaving tomorrow, it's shocking..." He said flipping the notes.

"What's shocking? The fact that I'm leaving tomorrow." She questioned.

"Well, you recovered very quickly, and falling from such a height should've deeply hurt you or.." He stopped.

"Killed me right?" Mari sighed. He nodded.

"Well the only major injuries we found were a few bruises and cuts here and there. Also the scars on your arm and side had reopened." He said while checking her pressure.

"I figured..." She said.

"Well they must be getting impatient by now so I'll be going." He said making his way to the door.

"Who?" Mari tilted her head.

"You have visitors." He smiled.


Shortly after the doctor had left Mari heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in.." She said.

Manon poked her head out and entered the room along with Ms. Berlira.

Mari had felt mixed emotions. She was happy to see Manon, but Mari knew if the fall hadn't killed her then her boss would finish the job.

"Mari..." Her boss gritted her teeth.

"Y-yes?" She gulped.

"Be more careful next time, please." She smiled as she sighed and walked outside to give Mari and Manon some time to talk.

Mari sighed heavily, luckily Ms. Berlira wasn't too hard on her.

"I'm...s-sorry.." Manon squeaked out.

"Huh?" Mari said.

"I'm sorry!" She yelled.

"Why are you apologizing?" Mari said calmly.

"It's my fault you're like this..." She pouted.

Mari just simply patted Manon's head. Mari grinned as she replied.

"Your fault or not, I still would've done the same thing." Mari sighed.

"Which it's not your fault, and I'm the one who should be apologizing." Mari said rubbing the back of her neck.

"What? Why?" Manon tilted her head.

"If I had noticed sooner that something was off, none of this would have ever happened. None of us would have been put in danger, I'm really sorry.." Mari said.

Manon stared wide eyed.

"So you're not mad at me?" Manon said shakily.

"Why would I ever be mad at you? I'm just glad that you're okay." Mari smiled.

Tears began to flow down Manon's face as she slowly hugged Mari.

On the other side of the door was Ms. Berlira smiling to herself. She couldn't help but watch Mari and Manon.

"I haven't seen her smile like that in ages, that last time she did was when you were with us." Ms. Berlira smiled as she looked up.

"She grew up to be quite the young lady." She said as she began to make her way to the lobby.


Manon was later picked up by her mother who basically showered Mari with gratitude and apologizes.

Once Manon left the room once again began to feel cold and empty.

Once again a sudden chill ran down her spine. She hated hospitals, even if they were to help people she didn't like the atmosphere.

She decided to take a nap. She barely got any sleep.


Mari woke up to find out it was already 4:30 p.m. She slept a lot longer than she thought.

A slight knock was heard on the door.
Who could it be now. She sighed.

"Come in." She said quietly.

The door opened slightly. Who ever wanted to enter had definitely been very shy about it.

Although the moment she saw that burst of red hair, Mari knew this particular visit was going to be interesting.


Adrien on the other hand was having a hard time. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Her cries, her shaky voice, everything.

He was just worried about her. He wanted to visit her as Adrien, but making up an excuse on how he knew she was at the hospital would be a bit difficult.

I could always say her boss told me, no that doesn't make any sense..why would her boss tell me anything.....

"Ugghh if you wanna see the girl then just go already, just say Manon told you or something." Plagg said as he was already annoyed by Adrien overthinking.

"Can't I just go as Chat.." He sighed.

"Oh and you definitely won't get noticed in broad daylight as Chat Noir." Plagg said sarcastically.

"Fine." Adrien said as he began to get ready.


"So how did you know I was here?" Mari told him.

"Well I was coming home from work one day and I just saw Chat Noir carrying you, I was gonna go up to him and ask, but I was afraid.." He said sweetly.


"I was afraid of seeing you badly hurt, pretty pathetic, isn't it." He said looking away.

She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled.

"Nathaniel, I don't think you're pathetic, not at all." She said sweetly.

He held the hand that was on his cheek. Mari got a bit flustered when she realized how awkward they looked.

"How much faith can I put into those words...."

I'm so so so sorry guys! This has taken so long I hope you guys weren't getting tired of waiting. Tomorrow I have no school so hopefully I'll be able to make some new chapters for all my stories. Well since I got that off my chest I hope you all enjoyed the appearance of our small tomato child. As always stay tuned and bye <3

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