So promise me...

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Today's the day. Marinette nervously thought.

She boarded the plane with her body completely shaking.

"Passport please." The attendant said.

Marinette or should I say Mari showed her passport.

"Enjoy your trip Ms. Rayna." The lady said.

"Thank you ma'am." She said politely.

She entered the plane and sat down to think.


So much had happened in the past four years. She changed her name. Yes, you heard me Marinette changed her name to "Mari Rayna" for reasons I'll let you know later.

She finished high school 1 year back. She's now 19 and left when she was 15.
Soon she'll be 20.

Actually Mari has a job as a part time model and designer for her boss Ms. Berlira. She was a kind lady and cared for Mari.

She took care of Mari and instantly took her in once she found out about Mari's love for fashion.

She only modeled every so often with having done only 5 photo shoots and 6 fashion shows. Speaking of fashion shows Mari actually was releasing a line under Ms. Berlira's name. The show would be in Paris. She only had 4 days. Not to mention Ms. Berlira has worked with Gabriel Agreste quite a few times.

As for her appearance Mari let her hair grow and it now reaches a bit above her belly button. She had an amazing figure hence the reason she models. And she wears green contacts sometimes because they suit her. Her hair was now completely black and the blue streaks wore away over the years.

She just prayed for the best.

~hours later~

After who knows how long Mari was finally out of the airport. She realized she hadn't eaten anything and stopped by a near café.

There would always be a billboard there. Although they never bothered to change it.

That's what she thought until she looked up to see a huge photo of her on the billboard from one of her shoots.

"Of course I'm as lucky as ever aren't I..." She sighed while entering the café.


"Omg you're Mari Rayna!" A girl squeaked then suddenly the whole café burst into an argument over who gets her signature first.

She rarely got noticed in New York and any other places she's been. She wondered why Paris was different.

Maybe it's because there's a freaking billboard with your face on it you idiot. She thought to herself as she ran out of the café.

She ran all the way to the park and sat on a bench breathing heavily.

At the moment she was luckily wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and some converse and that helped her book it.

"Um excuse me..." A girls voice was heard.

"Do you mind me using your phone to call my mom I kinda got lost..." The girl said.

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