The old me

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He took a seat next to her.

"So you're new here." He said.

"Not necessarily. I was originally born here, but left when my parents got a divorce." She lied once again.

She hated lying especially to Chat, but she had no other choice.

"Oh, also I'm flattered that you knew about me." He said.

"I'm surprised you knew about me." She said.

"Well I think anybody would recognize you after seeing that billboard." He chuckled.

"By the way the picture looks purr-fect, the editors did a-meow-zing." He said feeling accomplished.

God, he really hasn't changed. She thought to herself.

"Well it's getting late, you should get home." He stated.

"I just came here to think, plus I live in this building, so it's not long to get to my apartment.

"How come you told me where you live. Haven't you ever heard of stranger danger." He said putting his claws up to emphasize.

"It's alright I trust you anyways." She winked at him then left.

Chat just stood there. He wasn't wrong when he thought that she reminded him of his lady. He thought of the possibilities, but if she really was ladybug she'd tell him....right?

~the next day~

Mari ran down to the shipment area. She received news that her motorcycle arrived and was ready to go.

She arrived and it took her forever to finally get through all the security and such.

"My child." She said as she ran up to her motorcycle.

Also getting around will be much easier now.

After who knows how long she sat on the motorcycle and drove off to wherever the wind took her.


She was in her motorcycle when she heard a loud scream that sounded familiar.

She rode and followed the sound of the scream. Luckily it was late at night and there was no traffic. She stopped at a certain distance and saw that Chloe was being robbed. Her eyes grew wide with fear and panic.

"Tikki!" She said.

"This early huh."

Mari then proceeded to transform. Her suit changed just like Chat's. As well she had some new weapons. Her suit was black on the arms and legs which faded into a red color. There were few dots on her suit. Also her mask was the same, but every time she transformed her hair pulled up into an up do making it easier to fight.

She she had amazing fighting skills, wings that only let her soar if she was to fall off of a building and couldn't use her wire in time.

There were two guys and she backed into the alleyway. She purposely made a sound so they would hear.

One of the guys came and she decided to strike. Little did she know the guy had a knife and sliced a cut on her arm. It was a long cut, but it didn't bother her.

She knocked out the guy and waited for the other. The moment he showed up he was also struck down to the ground.
She got a rope from her lucky charm which luckily she didn't have to scream her attacks anymore.

The two were tied up and she left in pain.

Chloe caught a glimpse of her and took a picture of ladybug.

She was overwhelmed with joy.

She had to tell Mari as soon as possible.


Mari changed back and sat down in an alley to heal herself up. Luckily she always has a sewing kit handy so you know what happens next.

After it was disinfected and stitched she went back to her motorcycle and rode home.


Alya and Mari sat on the couch watching the news.

An interesting report came up on a certain robbery.

"So here's a picture of what seemed to be ladybug after the robbery." The news reporter said as a picture popped up on screen.

Mari stared at the screen ignoring Alya's death glare.

"Way to take your time." She sighed.



Adrien was just chilling in his house watching tv when the news popped up.

"So here's a picture of what seemed to be ladybug after the robbery." The lady said as a picture of ladybug went up on screen.

Adrien's eyes grew wide as he nearly spit out his drink.

He grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

"Here we have the victim of the robbery. She has a few words to say."

"Thank you for asking me to be here..I was really scared, but I'm glad ladybug came to save me. I know people have lost faith in her since her disappearance, but I believe that she's back and for the better." Chloe smiled.

Adrien shut off the tv and instantly transformed. He was long over his lady, but seeing her again was something he longed for.

He missed his best friend.


Chat jumped from roof to roof. Praying he'd find her.

He saw a figure standing on the Eiffel Tower and rushed over.

As he got closer he noticed a slim figure wearing a dotted suit. Chat couldn't help but smile.

He saw her and landed right behind her.

She turned around smiling.

"Miss me kitty?" She winked.

"More than you'll ever know." He said as they hugged.

He finally got to see her. His lady. She was as beautiful as ever. Although he had feelings for Marinette he was happy to see his friend.

His very special friend.


Hi guys! Hoped you enjoyed this reunion chapter. So a little backstory is that Adrien got over ladybug and is now in love with Marinette. As for Mari she doesn't know if she still loves Adrien, or a certain cat might have stolen her heart. Well in the picture is how I want you guys to imagine their suits. As always love you all, stay tuned bye <3

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