She is just an illusion

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"How long have you been here?" He asked.

"Only a month or so..." She said calmly.

"Oh..." Chat said.

"I only didn't tell you because I needed some time to get used to living here again." Ladybug hoped her lie would work. It was a sickening feeling, lying to him.

"I understand, I guess we all need some time." Chat grinned trying to loosen up the mood.

"I see that your suit changed." He said.

"Oh yea, it was a while back it still feels kinda weird not being covered in dots from head to toe." Ladybug chuckled.

"Yea, but it suits you." He smirked.

She burst out laughing. She couldn't deny the fact that she actually missed his horrible puns.

They just made puns for the rest of the evening and talked as if four years didn't fly by.


Their miraculous beeped.

"Wait, before you know we're adults now so you me.." He tried even though he knew it wouldn't work.

"Since your so eager kitty. I'll give you a hint~when this mask comes off, I'm still hidden. This mask is just the first layer of the true mask I wear." She said as she pulled out her yoyo and zoomed off.

"Mask.......layer.......what?" He said.

Adrien couldn't sleep all he thought about was her.

Then another pig-tailed girl popped up in his head.

He met his best friend, now the only one left is his love.


Marinette was in the same situation, she couldn't sleep. All she thought of was his smile, his emerald eyes, and his lousy puns.

Yet, did he still love her.

Probably not after all these years.

She wanted things to be normal again, but that isn't the case, now isn't it.


A crow that was perched onto her balcony flew to a hidden area and landed itself on a mans shoulder.

"It seems she's back...."

"I guess it's finally time to finish what my father started, yet I'm willing to lose everything and destroy everyone that gets in my way..."

"Isn't that right Sabine....."


Marinette lazily woke up it was finally her winter break, she slept really late so she woke up at 4:30 p.m.

She got up and grabbed her coat to take a short walk.

"C'mon Tikki."



She made her way down to the café, yes the one with her billboard next to it.

On Saturdays the place doesn't usually fill up early.

The door chimed and she placed an order then proceeded to take a seat.

She's not wearing any makeup on and has pretty casual clothes so she hopefully won't get bombarded today.

"Fancy meeting you here." Adrien said taking a seat right in front of her.

"Wow it seems I can't ever catch a break." She teased.

She took off her coat revealing the stitches from yesterday.

She didn't mind showing them. Like always she'd lie. It was something she hated, but it was also something she had to do.

"Stitches? Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"I'm fine. Just as clumsy as always I guess." She said vaguely.

"Oh ok." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Did you hear about ladybug on the news?" She asked him.

Adrien tried to refrain from spitting his coffee.

"Yea, it's pretty interesting if you ask me. She's pretty cool...." Adrien said as he examined her eyes and hair.

All of a sudden her phone rang.



"Chloe?" Mari said very confused.

"Listen to me...if you ever wanna see Chloe again then meet me in the park at 6:00 p.m today. See you soon dear~" The husky voice said.

Before Mari could respond the caller hung up.

She just stood there wide eyed.

"Excuse me I've got to go!" She said grabbing her coat and running out of the café.

Who was that. Why did he have Chloe with him? What does he want from me? Mari kept thinking as she ran to the park.

Adrien got up and followed right behind her.

Damn for a model she can haul ass. Adrien thought to himself.

She stopped at the park panting, he stopped right behind her.

"" He said heavily breathing.

"You followed me?" She said not even breaking a single sweat. She didn't admit it, but she did work out a lot.

"Well it was kinda on instinct." He said panting.

"Sorry it's that I'm supposed to meet someone soon and I thought I'd meet them early." She said.

"Oh, well do you want me to keep you company." He said sincerely.

"Well's kind of a personal thing and I'll probably leave soon anyway so no need." She quickly stated.

Adrien frowned.

"If you say so...." He said as he walked away.


Mari was sitting on the bench and looked down at her watch.

"Hey Mari!"

Mari looked up to see Peter.

"Oh! Hey Peter how's it going." She smiled.

"Pretty well. Since we're finally on break. Also why're you at the park." He asked.

"Just came to meet someone, but by the looks of it he's not coming." She frowned looking at her watch which said 6:30 p.m.

"You finally got yourself a boyfriend." He smirked.

She punched him in the arm playfully.

"Haha." She said sarcastically.

"Well I should get going...see you soon Peter!" She said getting up to leave.

Once she was gone Peter smirked.

"See you soon dear~"

Woah this story suddenly took a darker turn! Well anyways do you guys think Peter is a bad guy? Is he hawkmoths brother? So many questions! Well anyways as always love you all stay tuned bye <3

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