Chapter 6: Niall and Zayn's set up

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The city is always alive, street corners and alleyways busy with thugs and violence. Cars on corners screeching tires for a quick get away others with booming sound coming from the speakers of opening windows.  Prostitutes in groups of 2 or 3 gathered and talking to each other and watching their backs. The loud sound of cars beeping their horns and distant sirens of police cars and fire engines are heard throughout the night.

This was a typical night for Zayn as he walked the streets looking to make a deal or two. Tonight was different as he was to meet with Niall for a different deal to go down in the next 24 hours. He was on his way to meet with Niall outside of Liam's strip club hangout.

Zayn was nervous, he knew he couldn't be seen with Niall or word might get out that he and Niall were involved with the setup of a known parolee they were convinced killed Liam's prostitute.  Scurring towards the back entrance where their meeting place was he saw a stumbling drunk Niall walking towards him.

Zayn was pissed! Of all nights to get drunk it had to be the night that he was to go over detailed plans with Niall on the set up.  The plans had to be very specific and no more mistakes could be made on Niall's part.  It was a one and done deal which didn't go as so last time.  Zayn never did find out who's car Niall planted drugs in last time this Scenario went in play, and Niall wasn't even drunk Zayn chuckled as he thought to himself.

"Dude you're drunk! Can I count on you to help me out again? You gotta get it right this time though." As Niall staggered over to Zayn with his arms out as if to say, "it's all cool."

"Hey how was I suppose to know? You didn’t give me much to go on last time... and before I agree to this I want a plate number this time. I can't screw up again Li will go mental!" Niall says wiggling his fingers to demonstrate a lunatics actions.

"Speaking of Liam, is he down with the plan?" Zayn asks as he takes his cell phone out of his pocket quickly sending the plate number to Niall's phone while looking cautiously down the streets.

"Man, he has no choice- he wants this guy locked up!" Niall says as he walks ahead of Zayn.

"Ok so I got a few of my mates keepin watch, they know this guys routine - so don't blow it Niall! Hey are you listening?" Zayn is becoming very agitated with Niall by now.

"So what’s the deal with the guy anyways?" Niall asks as he looks down towards the ground watching his feet.

"Dude, he was convicted of attempted murder of a prostitute a few years back not to mention other charges racked up on him. He's currently out on parole and is a regular with my boss, a well-known Cuban drug Lord. That's why I have to lay low and have you do it." Zayn said as he looked up and down the street looking for traffic before crossing, Niall following close behind.

Zayn headed towards a playground. Niall picking back up on the intense conversation. "How do you know he's the guy? I mean what's the deal?" Niall asks as he turns to make eye contact with Zayn.

Zayn stops walking and faces Niall."A few of Li's girls remember seeing him with the prostitute right before she was discoveries near the dumpster."

"Oh" Niall's voice trails off. Zayn turns around and looks at Niall who is just behind him, with his hands still in his pockets. Zayn motions Niall to follow him as he heads towards a bridge under pass. Niall pauses and does a hey wait up for me jog in Zayn's direction, not questioning where they're headed - still in deep conversation.

"So did you consider what I talked about the other day?" Niall says as he turns on his heels and continues to stagger.

"About what?" Zayn asks as he stops in his tracks.

"Man - your stash... in an unmarked bag especially if we're setting this guy up." Niall says as he starts jumping around in exasperation about Zayn's forgetfulness.

"Yeah yeah man I got it covered - no problem. Ok, so let’s go over the plan." Zayn says completely blowing off Niall.

"OK at approximately midnight I show up just outside the pub. Black sedan..." Niall pauses "Hey what about the licence plate number?” Niall asks as the alcohol is wearing off making his mind clearer.

"Check your phone." Zayn says without missing a beat.

Niall stops in his tracks and fishes his phone out of his pocket to discover a text from Zayn with the plate number in question. Niall takes a deep breath and continues "I cut the wires to the alarm and plant the stash under the passenger side floor mat and the rest is history." Niall holds out a foot and palms of his hands as if to say ta-dah!

"Good then my mates will place an anonymons tip, he'll be brought in for questioning and the car will be searched. The drugs will be found, the scumbag will have violated parole and will probably be looking at 3-5 for possession and possible murder charge."  Niall nodded in agreement.

"Hey Zayn" Niall said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah mate?" Zayn said as he turned to look at a confused Niall.

"Where the hell are we?" he asked while looking around at his surroundings.

"34th street bridge under pass, I got some business to take care of, you coming with?" as Zayn nods his head towards the popular hang out with junkies.

"Naw man, I'd better get going..."

"Hey, no drinkin til the job is done Niall you got it!" Zayn shouts to Niall as he disappears towards the playground.

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