Chapter 16: First Impressions

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Once inside the van and out of danger, Niall climbs to the back and helps secure Harry into a seat. "How did Liam know where to find me?" Harry asks as Niall locks his seatbelt. "I mean, which building I was in?"  he asks, tilting his head to look up at Niall. 

Niall shakes his head and chuckles. "Man, it was just a lucky call." 

"So, what's this all about? It doesn't have anything to do with that prostitute, does it?" Harry asked, holding out his hands. Zayn turned around and shot him a look. 

Niall did a double take. "You knew about that? That's been taken care of. Listen, we'd better have Liam tell you, otherwise you won't believe it," Niall says as he glances at Zayn. 

"It's all good mate, your out of there for good!" Zayn reassures Harry. 

"Yeah, but at what cost?" Harry mumbles. 

"Man, seriously, you don't have anything to worry about. First thing we need to do is get you cleaned up and get you something to eat," Niall said as he started to pat Harry's shoulder, but caught himself, not wanting to cause him any more pain. 

Andy looks in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, he was looking thin a few weeks ago when Liam sent me to rough him up a bit," he said, shaking his head.

"Rough me up? Is that what you call it?" Harry says as he bows his head.

"Look, guys, that was all in the past, let's not worry about that now," Niall says as he looks at Harry. "Andy, did you check to see if we were being followed?" Niall asks, as there are no other windows but the driver's side and the passenger's side. 

"It's all clear, were good." Andy says, looking in the rear-view mirror at Niall. 

"I just let Liam know that we're on our way," Zayn spoke up as he put is phone back into his pocket. 

"So ... what's going to happen next?" Harry asks under his breath. 

"We're on our way to meet up with Liam at the club," Niall said, realizing that was a dumb answer. 

"Then what?" Harry asked, searching for a different answer. 

Niall turns his head toward Harry. "You can crash at my place ... I mean, it's not much, but you can get cleaned up and get your beauty sleep... that is, if you want," Niall looks down, looking a little embarrassed. 

"Yeah man, thanks," Harry says with a look that would probably be a smile, if his face wasn't so beat up and swollen. 

They pull up into the back parking lot of the club, and carry Harry through the back door and into the office of the club. 

Liam's on his phone when the boys enter. They guide Harry to the couch and Zayn gets him a bottled water. Harry is so exhausted, it takes too much effort for him to even talk anymore. 

Niall approaches Liam in the corner just as he disconnects his call. "Mate, he is messed up! He may need a doctor or something," Niall motions his eyes for Liam to look over at the couch. Liam peeks over Niall's shoulder at Harry.  His eyes widen in surprise. 

Liam looks back at Niall. "No problem, mate. Where's he staying for the night?" he asks Niall, making eye contact with him. 

"I told him he could crash at my place," Niall said, turning around looking at Harry. 

"Good, I'll send a doctor over later, and I'll have Andy bring over a change of clothes. I'm going over to talk to him," Liam says as he takes a step towards Harry. 

Niall puts his hand on Liam's shoulder. "Dude, he's deathly afraid of you!" he says, shaking his head.  "He thought we were bringing him to you so you could finish him off," Niall says, waving his arms.

"Man, that's crazy talk!" Liam says, brushing his hands through his hair. "I've never met the kid in person."  Liam glances over to the couch where Harry's battered body is.

"What ?!" Niall exclaims, looking at Liam in shock.

"I've always sent Andy to do my dirty work. Listen, here's my chance, I'll tell him I'm the manager. Text Zayn so he doesn't blow my cover".

Liam walks over to the couch, where a very exhausted and beat up Harry is resting. Liam bends over, trying not to startle him.

"Hey mate, I'm the manager here. Listen, you're not looking so good. Niall says you're crashing at his place, would you mind if I send a doctor over there later?" he pauses, waiting for Harry to acknowledge in some way. Harry opens his eyes the best he can and nods.

"We just want to make sure there aren't any infections or internal bleeding," Liam looks down and smiles at Harry for reassurance.

"That bad, huh?" Harry asks with his eyes closed, not wanting to even imagine how bad it really looks.

"Yeah mate, we're pretty concerned. We'll take care of you, you have nothing to worry about anymore," Liam said as he started to pat Harry on his forearm, but caught himself after he saw the blisters from the cable ties on his wrists.

Liam stood up and walked over to where Niall is standing. "It's all set, he's so out of it, I don't think he'd notice if I was Santa Claus talking to him right now". 

Niall chuckles at Liam's comment. "Do you think Andy could get him set up at my place?" Niall asks as he puts his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, just let him rest there for now". Liam says, waving his hand in Harry's direction. "I sent Andy for some clothes, he should be back soon," Liam says as he pats Niall on the back.

"Thanks man, I just feel so bad for him right now," Niall says, shaking his head. "No one should have to go through what he's already been through," Niall said, making eye contact with Liam.

"I know man, I agree," Liam said, putting his head down.

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