Chapter 25: The Arrival

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A/N: I am sad to let you know this is the final chapter to Dark Direction :( But on the bright side I am thinking of doing a sequel so let me know if you would read it! Thanks - keep calm and read on - teamtommo91

"We're meeting up with a few friends we want to introduce you to." Simon smirks as they pull into the back parking lot.

"What makes you think I'm interested in meeting anyone who can stand the likes of you penis breath?" Louis says as he looks up at the building as they approach. "Strip Club? What kind of kinky shit are you into old man?" Louis shakes his head.

"Just get out of the car!" Simon rolls his eyes in exasperation. 

Louis is a little intimidated as he has never had the pleasure of being inside of a strip club. They made their way across the parking lot and into the employee back entrance. Simon led the way as they walked past the VIP lounge and towards Liam's office where the sound of loud voices were coming from. As Simon entered the office, the room becomes silent.

Liam is in the corner by the file cabinets talking to Harry with his back to the door. Niall is sitting at Liam's desk with his feet up just chilling, Zayn is on the couch checking messages on his phone.

"Hey boys! I have someone here I want you to meet." Simon spoke up getting everyone's attention. Amy closed the door behind her and caught a glimpse of Niall. Niall swung his feet off the desk and cleared his throat to signal Zayn. Zayn looked over at Niall who was deliberately motioning his eyes toward Amy. Zayn then blew Niall a kiss and winked at him. Niall started sinking down in his seat hoping to be invisible. 

"So now that the gang is all here... literally" Simon continued. Louis was silent and looking down at his feet totally avoiding eye contact with anyone, clueless to the fact that his enemy is in the same room as him.

Liam stopped talking with Harry, he looked up to the ceiling and let out a sigh. He knew the time had come to go face to face with his enemy he hoped to completely avoid. Knowing what was about to go down he looked Harry in the eye and apologized. Harry just looked at him in complete confusion. Liam turned around, took a deep breath and looked straight at Louis. He stood his ground waiting for Louis to recognize who he was. Louis finally looked up from his feet and locked eyes with Liam.

"What the hell is going on? Is this some kind of sick joke?" Louis asked with a shocked expression on his face as the realization finally hit him. It was a meeting he never expected. He turned to Simon, "YOU!" he pushed his finger Simon's chest. "You mother fucker, you set me up!" Louis was trapped, he had no way of getting himself out of this situation. He just couldn't believe his eyes. It was that competitive, arrogant, talented rival from school. The one who finally broke him down and the reason for dropping out of school.

"AND YOU!" he points to Liam with a shaky finger "this was your master plan wasn't it?" Liam stood in silence. Louis was now gaining attention from everyone else in the room. Niall and Zayn were now standing near Amy in front of Liam's desk. Liam still hadn't said a word, he knew things were about to escalate.

"You fucking piece of shit... let me remind you that we swore to fight to the death if we ever crossed paths again!" Liam crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head.

"Looks like your dream has finally come true." Liam bit back. Louis threw off his jacket and approached Liam.

"Come on" Louis taunted. He could feel his adrenaline building up and could sense the fear in Liam. Liam's breathing increased and his fists start to ball up. Louis shoved Liam's shoulders against the file cabinets with such force, momentarily knocking the wind out of him. "How does that feel?" Louis cocks his head to the side, he was hell-bent on revenge. Liam's eyes widen as he tries to catch his breath, coughing a few times trying to regain his breathing. 

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