Chapter 15: Snatch-n-Grab

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When they arrived at the entrance to the dock it had just stopped raining thankfully. The lights hit the wet pavement and cast creepy shadows. The choppy waves from the quick shower were hitting the buoy causing the bell to ring in the distance giving that eerie feeling. Seagulls could be heard overhead as they landed on the wooden posts at the end of the dock.

Niall and Zayn get out of the van just as Andy turned the headlights out. "Ok, Zayn you stay close with me and you'll be just fine." says Niall as he quickly scopes the place out making a mental note.

Zayn nods with a worried look on his face.

"We need to duck and run to the far end of the warehouse, we can't be seen by the spotlights. It's in between guard duty so we only have a fifteen minute window of opportunity to disable the power."

Zayn looks around and follows the rotation of the spotlights with his eyes.

"Hey, stay with me mate!" Niall loudly whispers to Zayn. "OK, on the count of three run to that far corner." Niall points in the direction of the back corner of the warehouse. 

When they make their way over there Niall has discovered he is missing one key component to disarming the power. He looks to Zayn for help. "Dude, I need you to carefully look around the back for chains, over by the barge. If I'm going to make this work I need it to be at least four feet in length." 

Zayn nod and whispers "On it mate" and disappears. He quickly returns with a fist full of chains, where there's barges and cargo, there's chains.

"This is all I could find, will it work?" Zayn holds up his hand as the chain spills in between his fingers. 

Niall tips his head to the side "It all depends..." he takes the chains from Zayn's hand and discovers there are two sections of chains both with different lengths. “If I can throw this and get it and to either drape across or wrap around the power lines, then we're in business." Niall says stepping in front of Zayn and starts twirling the chain like a lasso. 

"What will that do?" Zayn asks looking totally confused. 

Niall says while twirling the chain to gain momentum. "Blow up the transformer box and cut all power to the warehouses and docks." He says as he chucks the chain straight up at the power lines. "At least that's how it’s supposed to work." 

They look up watching the chain as it misses the lines. "Damn it!" Niall exclaims as the chains fall to the ground on the other side of the fence.

The spotlights are circling back in their direction; they quick hide behind a crate. They wait for the light to rotate away from them as Niall makes a second attempt at the chains. 

"Shit! It's now or never... start praying my friend." Niall says as he chucks the second set of chains which just barely dangle across the power lines. Immediately sparks start to fly from the transformer box, the wet power lines cause more electricity to pulse into the box making a loud sizzle sound before a huge explosion goes off turning everything black. There was a momentary silence before people with guns barge out of the doors. With the power out Niall and Zayn were able to climb the chain linked fence and wrap their jackets across the barbed wire to prevent from getting hooked on by their clothes.

Niall threw his back pack over and jumped down,  Zayn  was already on the other side waiting for Niall. They snuck in through the back as everyone was coming out the front. The boys made it to the holding cell wing which was chained and locked. Zayn nervously brushed his hands through his hair as if in defeat. Niall unzipped his back pack and produces an aerosol can with a needle nozzle attachment on it. 

Zayn nervously looks side to side make sure no one was coming. "What's that?" asked Zayn.

Niall quietly chuckles "Nialler special formula" he says as he pulls out a low light mini flashlight and hands it to Zayn. "Shine this on the lock will you?" 

Zayn holds it with his shaky hands. "What's in it?" Zayn asks curiously as Niall inserts the needle nozzle into the lock hole. 

"Solvents and chemicals mixed together. When the can is held at different angles it can do different jobs, this angle will crystalize the lock. I'll need you to reach in my back pack and get the hammer." 

Zayn is already swinging the hammer and breaks the lock off in pieces 

"Nice work Malik" says Niall as the chain drops to the floor. Niall opens the door and peeks his head in. He sees someone blind folded and bound to a chair. He turns his head to Zayn "I think this is him." he whispers.

He peeks his head in again "Hey mate, are you Harry Styles?" Niall steps halfway in the room and hears a deep growl

"Depends on who's asking?" Niall turns his head and waves Zayn in the room. Zayn slowly closes the door behind him.

"Mate, we don’t have much time. Are you Harry Styles or not?" Niall asks again becoming exasperated. 

Harry raises his head "Yes I'm Harry Styles."  he says in a low grumble. The light in the room showing only the profile of his face revealed a black and blue cheek bone, a split lip and a once bleeding nose. 

"Man, look at him." Niall whispers to Zayn "he is messed up!" Niall says as he puts his hand over his mouth. How can anyone do that to another human being?" Niall asked in horror. Niall and Zayn slowly approach Harry.

They see that his hands have been bound together around the chair behind his back with thick cable ties. There were signs of struggle as his wrists were raw and the skin had been peeled back in spots.

"Dude, what did they do to you?" Niall asks shaking his head side to side standing next to Harry. "Hey can you walk?" Niall asks as he drops on one knee next to him.

"What's going on?" Harry asked in a raspy voice totally confused and scared.

"It's ok mate" Niall whispers to him as he starts fiddling with the cable ties. Harry winces in pain as the ties cut and reopen the scabs left from his struggle earlier.

Niall looks up at Zayn "Dude, give me your switch blade" he says while still fiddling with the ties. 

Harry drops his head "Oh man, you're here to finish me off aren't you?" Harry says as he starts to struggle in his chair.

"No man!" Niall raises his voice "Hold still mate" Niall says as he cuts the cable ties from around Harrys wrists. "Liam sent us here to get you." Niall said as he steps in front of Harry cutting the ties from around his ankles. 

Harry tries to take the blind fold off but his arms are numb from being restrained behind his back for so long. "Oh so you're bringing me to him so he can finish me off?" 

Niall reaches over and carefully takes the blind fold off revealing a black and blue eye. Niall kneels down next to Harry

"Hey look mate, I'm Niall" Niall says as he points his fingers to his own chest "and this is my buddy Zayn" he says as he turns and points to Zayn who is right beside Niall. We're friends of Liam, he sent us to bust you out." 

Harry can hardly hold his head up enough to nod in acknowledgement. 

"Dude, grab him under his arm" Niall says to Zayn as they stand on either side of Harry. "and signal Andy to bust through the gate" Zayn nods and texts Andy to be ready. 

Harry is in between Niall and Zayn with his arms draped across their necks as they assist him walking.

"Andy's here too? I'm totally screwed now!" Harry says barely able to walk or hold his head up. 

"Dude, do you hear all the commotion going on outside?" Niall says to Harry as they drag him to the door. "We have under three minutes to bust you out of here" Niall says as he reaches for the door knob. "You got to move as fast as you can and ask questions later!" Niall exclaims as they make it out. 

As they drag him down the hallway they hear a loud crash indicating Andy has busted through the gates. They make a run for it and heave Harry in the back of the van. Andy throws the van in reverse squealing the tires and burning rubber. As he turns the van around and speeds off, gunfire was heard.

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