Chapter 24 : The Ultimate Capture

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Louis was hesitantly preparing the alter for the initiation ceremony that welcomes new members into the elite inner circle chosen by the cult leader.   Having completed the cleansing ritual the day before, Louis was now ready to fulfill his duty.  He stared at the flame on the tip of his match and followed it as he lit the candles and incense.  The men in long black robes had arrived with the chosen member willing and ready to begin.  Louis couldn’t hide his fear as he shook while blindfolding the chosen one and placing the rope around his neck.  Louis began to sweat while reading the passage selected for the ceremony as the chanting increased.  Loud chanting echoed throughout the funeral home as Simon and Amy entered abruptly in hopes of confronting Louis once and for all.  The strong scent of incense lingered as they made their way to the room where the ceremony was in session.  Louis was startled by the sudden intrusion, which broke him from the trance he was in.  He found himself with the knife in his hand, about to purify the chosen one of his sins.  The chanting stopped suddenly, and a slight look of relief came over Louis, knowing he didn’t complete his obligation.

“Who the fuck are you?  This is a private ceremony,” Louis says with the knife in the air.

“Well,” Simon says cautiously, “this is public property, and you’re trespassing.” Simon says, holding his palms up, hoping to keep things from escalating.

The expression on Louis’ face changes.  “This is my turf, old man,” he says as he cocks his head.  “For your information, this is my house,” Louis says as he begins to approach Simon and Amy.  “You want a piece of me?” he asks with the knife still in his grasp.  “Go right ahead!” he says, now face-to-face with Simon.

“Put the knife down so we can talk civilized,” Simon says calmly.  Louis holds his position and stares at Simon, who is now starting to break into a sweat.  “Is your name Louis, by chance?” Simon asks with full composure.

“Maybe.  What is it to you cocksuckers?”  Louis retorts with the knife still at his side.  Louis then looks at the men in robes.  “Let me get rid of these assholes.  I’ll be right back,” he says as he puts the knife down.  He looks at Simon again and says “Let’s take this outside.”

Louis follows behind Amy and Simon up through the parlors and out the main door.  Amy and Simon head toward the curb where Simon’s car is parked.

“Hey,” Louis calls out as he follows them, “are you cops?” he asks, keeping his distance from them.  “Is this about the fire at the recruitment building, because I already told you everything I know.”

Amy shoots Simon a look and shakes her head yes.  Simon plays along, trusting Amy’s instincts.

“Yeah, let’s take a little ride and talk,” Simon says as he opens the car door.  Louis holds his ground and stares at Simon for a brief moment before getting in the car.  Simon closes the door and looks around to see if they are being watched.  Simon speeds off before Louis can change his mind.

“Listen,” Louis says, looking into the rear-view mirror, “I don’t know what more you assholes want me to say, I was at a meeting in another building at the time,” he says as he glances out the window.  Louis isn’t familiar with any of the intersections or buildings they are passing, and he starts to become suspicious.  “Hey, dickhead, where the hell are we going?” Louis asks.

“It’s a surprise,” Simon sarcastically remarks while looking at Louis in the rear-view mirror.  “No need to get your knickers in such a twist.  Let’s chat,” Simon chuckles.  “So, let me start by saying we aren’t cops,” he says as he makes a turn at the light.

“Okay, you’re not cops, and you obviously aren’t the fucking Easter Bunny, so who are you mother fuckers, and what the hell is going on?!?” Louis asks demandingly as he stares at Simon through the mirror.

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