Chapter 14: Search and Rescue

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Liam and Niall were at the club before business hours. They were hanging out and trying to make sense of the night before with Amy and Simon.

"Hey boss?" Niall asks as he is standing on the bartender side of the bar, fixing himself a drink.

"What's up mate?" says Liam while flipping through his phone.

"How much of the story do you think is true?" Niall asks as he pushes the button and fills his glass with Irish beer.

"Well..." Liam says looking up at Niall. "They certainly produced enough evidence, wouldn't you agree?"

Niall shrugged his shoulders at the question. "Yeah, you have a point.  So, what about the other kid with the initials that you recognized?"

Liam put his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah ... about that," Liam said as he locked his fingers together and placed them on the counter. "I'm going to need you to do the biggest job ever, man!"

Niall looks up at Liam as he takes a drink. "What's up boss?" he asked, intently focusing on Liam.

"I don't want to jeopardize your safety, so if you have any hesitation on being able to complete this job without getting yourself killed then, I will hire another team."

Niall smirked at Liam. There weren't too many jobs he couldn’t handle. He was up for most challenges as they made him feel he had a purpose. Niall looked down at his beer and took another drink. 

"First I need to know what I'm up against in order to give you an answer," said Niall as he walked around from behind the bar and sat next to Liam.

"I'll need you to break HS... Harry, out of the warehouse down by the docks across town."

Niall shook his head and looked down at his feet. "Again with the other side of town.  Man, I'm not familiar with that part," he said, putting his drink on the counter. "Ok, look, can you give me the layout?" he says with a big sigh.  "I mean, we're talking placement of fence lines, power lines, spot lights, surveillance cameras, and if it's guarded ... all the details."

Liam brushes his hand through his hair. "Yeah, mate, I can send someone over tonight to check it out and get back to you later," he says as he pulls his phone out again.

"I'll also need a driver with a van and an extra set of hands," Niall says while finishing off his drink.

"I'll put in a call to Andy, he can drive, and he knows Harry."

Niall nods his head about Andy - he was great with the liquor bombs job. 

"And how about Zayn? I'm sure he'd be willing to partner up with you." 

Niall nods his head again.

"I'll need a day or two once I have the layout. I have a plan in mind, but I really don't see a problem. I mean, I like a good thrill now and again."

Liam shakes his head from side to side in amazement. "Nialler?" 

Niall looks up.  "Yeah boss?" 

Liam starts to chuckle. "You are one sick unit," he says, shaking his finger at him.  

Liam did his part and made his arrangements with Andy and Zayn, and also borrowed a full-size black van. He had Andy stake out the premises and keep track of guard shifts. Once all the information was collected, he had everyone involved meet at the V.I.P lounge at the club.

Niall studied the information given to him, but still requested another day to put plans in play. He talked things over with Andy and Zayn to make sure they weren't going to back out if things became complicated.

This was Zayn's opportune time to have Niall's back, as he did for Zayn with the drug planting in Simon's car. 

The day had come for the break out at the warehouse. Niall had a back pack full of items needed to pull off this plan. He headed over to the club where Andy and Zayn were waiting for him. Niall had hoped what he had packed would be enough for this job. Just before entering the back door to the club, Niall took a deep breath, gathering all of his courage.

 He wouldn't admit to anyone but he had never pulled anything off as big as this. He prayed it would all work out, as he didn't want to let Liam or anyone else down. Most of his skills he learned from his uncle while they were working on cars in the garage. 'Those were the days', Niall thought to himself. His uncle was like a father to him, since his dad was away on business trips most of Niall's pre-teen years.

He walked over to the V.I.P lounge, where Liam, Zayn, and Andy were talking.  Andy was standing guard, as usual, and Zayn walked over to Niall as he entered the lounge. 

"Hey mate, we're ready whenever you want to head out." said Zayn looking over at Andy. 

"Sound great," Niall said, trying not to look nervous. 

"Andy's got the van ready out back," Zayn says, as he motions Andy to get going.

As they all head to the van, Zayn asks about his part of the mission. 

"I was planning on going over the details with you both on the ride over," Niall says, shifting his back pack to the other shoulder. With everyone in the van, Andy set out across town to the docks.

"So, guys, this isn't an easy task, by any means," Niall says from the back seat.  "I have been informed there are weapons on the premises. My plans are very cut-and-dry, so listen very carefully," Niall pauses.  He sees Andy looking at him through the rear-view mirror, and Zayn turns around in his seat with, all his attention on Niall.

"OK, Andy, when we get to the entrance of the docks, cut the lights to the van and put it in neutral.  You can coast the van in closer without being seen or heard."  Andy nods in understanding of where this is going.  "After Zayn and I are out of the van, pull over and park behind the bushes."  Andy looks out his side mirror and changes lanes.  "Once the power is off, re-position the van near the entrance.  Be ready - when we text you, you're going to need to build up enough speed to drive through the chain-link fence.  When we've captured Harry, we'll enter through the rear doors of the van."  Andy gestures that he understands the plan.  

"Wish us luck - but we shouldn't need it," Niall finishes.

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