Chapter 3:Louis' Flashback

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A full moon always seemed to enhance the mood for the select group gathered in the basement of an abandoned funeral home for the weekly meeting. The glow of candles was the only source of light which showed a large pentagram drawn in white chalk which covered the cold brick wall behind the podium.

"You've been along side of me these past weeks. I think you're ready to lead the congregation through tonight's meeting alone. You've proven to me at last week's meeting through your preaching that you're ready. Now you just have to convince our followers." said a tall thin man as he turned around to face Louis.

Louis with his short spiked hair and goatee dressed in a tight black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, leather boots and a pentagram on a chain around his neck. He stood at the podium and lead the congregation in a series of chants. He was nervous about being in front of people; that was always something that made him uncomfortable. Always having the feeling of being judged for who he was or where he fit in. But tonight he had the power for the first time since that horrible fight with his stepdad 2 years ago. He wasn't gonna let anyone have that much power over him again as he thought back to that frightful night.

"You're a worthless piece of shit. How hard is it to get a simple A on a test?!?" The ringing of his ears were starting to overpower the screams as Louis was pinned up against the wall. Bruises from last weeks drunken rage hadn't even faded yet. Before he could fight back he felt his feet being lifted off the floor and was thrown down the hallway. A bloody nose was the least of his worries. As he stood up he was picked up by the collar and thrown down the stairs. The pain from the cracked ribs was crippling as his stepdad ran down the stairs after him. He knew he couldn't survive another brutal blow. "You sorry excuse for a human being, get up! Look at yourself!!!" his stepdad yelled as he shoved Louis' face into the mirror in the foyer. "That's the face of a loser and I don't ever want to see it again! Have I made myself clear Tomlinson???" 

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