Chapter 5:Harry's Torture

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A/N WARNING: This is a violent chapter and I'm sorry to all of you Harry fans out there. I love Harry just as much as any directioner and it was hard to write this chapter along with other scenes later in the story, but trust me I know what I'm doing :) keep calm and read on

The following evening wasn't going as planned for Harry either. He found himself on a total loose situation. He knew he wouldn't get off that easy with Andy and coming up short on his quota for the trafficking ring tonight was out of the question. He wasn't up for either challenge but he had no choice it was inevitable.

Andy now had Harry pinned up against a cold brick wall with his forearm against his throat so he could barely breathe. Harry was struggling to try and get lose but he knew he wasn't a match for Andy. "This is just way too easy Styles, maybe even a little fun." He says with an evil grin on his face. Harry turned his head to the side trying to avoid eye contact.

"Listen Andy, you might as well do whatever it is you were sent to do. I'm obviously no match for you or Liam. I will not give up my turf! It's been tough over here, since the recent murder of that prostitute across town... I presume was one of Liam's girls." Harry said with his eyes shut waiting for Andy's fist to make contact with his face. He half expected it as Andy loosened his grip on Harry he was now able to take a breath.

"Well well well, it's your lucky day" Andy said as he still had a hold of Harry by his shirt collar. "Not exactly what I came here for but what else have you heard? And you better not lie to me Styles!"

Still being held against the brick wall, Harry took a deep breath "There's been high alert on the streets with the street walkers on this side of town. All of the girls have been told to stay in pairs and to only take business from their regulars. That's it... that's all I know I swear!" He said looking desperate, hoping that that would be enough to get Andy to back off.

"You just bought your ticket out of here Styles!"  Andy said as he released Harry from his grasp. Harry took a sigh of relief and bent over taking in deep breaths. He stood up straight as Andy took off back down the alley.

"It's been nice talkin' to ya Andy and say hi to Li for me!" Said a very relieved Harry.

"Save it Styles, cause next time I'm coming back as your worst nightmare." He said shaking his head and cracking his knuckles. Harry reluctantly headed back to the warehouse knowing full well there would be punishment for returning empty handed.

There was a deadline for a shipment of girls for the highest bidder. That time was coming to a close and Harry still hadn't met his quota. But with the high alert out on the streets both here and across town on Liam's turf he didn't see how making that quota in the next 24 hours was at all possible. It wasn't his fault there was a recent murder, but at the same time somehow he knew he'd have to pay for it.

Harry arrived at the warehouse hoping to sneak by without anyone noticing. Unfortunately he has to report back upon his arrival which will reveal his failure at tonight's goal. He was then grabbed by two goons and escorted to the leader. He was brought into a dark room with no windows and a light bulb hanging from a ceiling. He was thrown into a chair where he would be restrained for questioning.

He was then blindfolded and left alone for what seemed like hours. There was no escaping for Harry this time. He had no way to free himself or even to defend himself. He knew what was coming as he had witnessed this once before. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from the long corridor and the heavy metal door being opened. Harry began to sweat as he knew he was in for a beating and torture that he knew he couldn't endure or survive.

His senses were on high alert now that he had been blindfolded. He noticed the damp feeling of the room and it smelled of mildew from the dark dank room. He heard more than one set of footsteps enter the room. He started shivering both from the cold and fear as his breathing started to increase along with his adrenaline.

He felt a presence on both sides of him. He felt the warmth of a body as they leaned in and spoke in his ear. He could feel their hot breath on his neck "Your good looks and charm didn't get you far this time pretty boy."

"So what do you have to say for yourself Styles? The other one said. "You have two minutes before the beating starts." He could almost feel the smile creep across the ring leader's face. As Harry took a deep breath before beginning to speak he heard a loud smack followed by a stinging pain on his mouth. Even with being blindfolded he could still see small white dots dart across his eyes. 

The sudden taste of blood entered his mouth as he winced from the blow. "Did you really think I'd let you off that easy Styles?" he heard a chuckle. Harry couldn't speak, nothing he was going to say would stop the beating that was taking place.

"Wow, your not so charming now are you Styles, what? Did I actually render you speechless? Well that's gotta be a first for our infamous pretty boy!" Just then he heard a loud crack followed by searing pain that stared at his nose and traveled up his sinuses and made his eyes water.

He felt the flow of warm blood trickle down and joined with the already flow of blood coming from his split lip. Harry lifted his head back up from the blow to his face. "So, Styles has stamina eh? Let's just see how long your stamina holds up. Are you ready for a good challenge? Get him outta the chair boys it's time for a little fun!" he heard with a bellow from the leader. "Make sure not to kill him this time boys, I still need that pretty face and charm to pull in top dollars." The leader said as he exited the room.

Suddenly Harry felt his wrists being released from the restraints but was barely able to get on his feet to what seemed like the corner of the room. Still blindfolded he felt each arm being wrapped around a shoulder on both sides of him and was being dragged a couple feet to what seemed like the corner of the room. Still blindfolded he felt the cold hard metal handcuffs tighten around each wrist.

He heard the jingling of chains which he knew were from the cuffs he just didn't know if the cuffs were attached to the wall or from the ceiling. Harry had started to cry and pray. How did he end up this way? Why didn't he just run away when he was in the field instead of being blackmailed as bait? What was going to happen and how if ever was he going to get out of this for good?

He heard more footsteps coming towards him. He knew he was facing the wall as he felt the cold concrete against his cheek and now swollen lip. He felt a hand on his back and suddenly his shirt is ripped from his body exposing his bare back.

His breathing increased again and he heard a distant jingling noise again but knew it wasn't from the chains on his cuffs. His sobbing increased and the warmth of his tears went down the recently dried blood below his nose. The taste of salt from his tears seeped into his mouth with every sob. Then suddenly he heard a loud crack, louder than any thunder storm he ever heard before. Followed by a stinging pain that shot through him with a feeling of flesh being cut, which brought him to his knees as he screamed out in pain. It was repeated a few more times before he was overcome with blackness.

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