Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys. My first fanfic, and one I hope to be successful :) Vote, comment, read, remember we are all here cos we love TLC and feel free to post a message on my board if you have any questions! Enjoy. 


"Iko. I don't want to wear that."

The escort droid marched over to her after laying down a violet dress with a thousand cuffs back into the wardrobe then wrapped a hand around her wrist, dragging her to the ginormous closet. Iko placed her hands on her hips, pursing her lips as her eyes raked the arrays of colorful satins and silken cloth.

Cinder rolled her eyes. "Iko, can you just leave it? April will be here soon to choose a" Cinder's voice trailed away as she noticed the sudden glare of disdain from Iko. The droid snorted, a mechanical grunting-like sound that made Cinder chuckle.

"April? As in April Springs? April Springs the new head seamstress?" Iko shook her head, blue curls flying. "No way, Cinder, she's not professional and I'm not going to let her choose your ceremonial dress!" Cinder caught the drone of annoyance crackling in Iko's voice.

"Iko, she's perfectly qualified for this job. Torin recommended her," Cinder narrowed her eyes at the irritated Iko, "Now can we please wait for her to fix up something nice for this banquet?"

Iko scoffed, her lips stretched to a thin line, pulling at the rest of her skin. Cinder sighed, shaking her head ruefully. "Cinder, the entire of Luna is gonna be watching you!" The droid's voice climbed an octave higher, and the Lunar queen glared at her friend.

"Wow, you really can't stress that enough," Cinder muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, Iko." Cinder slumped back into her armchair, picking distastefully at the thick folds of her silken gown. "Do I really have to wear these dresses all the time?" she hurriedly changed the subject, poking at the fabric with a reluctant finger.

Iko smiled gleefully, seeming to enjoy her queen's obvious discomfort. Cinder snorted. How her mood had changed drastically. But that's the way her droid works. Cinder eyed her friend, noticing Iko's formerly dark blue eyes had glimmered to neon yellow.

"Hey, why's your eye color changing?"

Iko scowled. "I told you before, haven't I? The color changes according to my mood," a wide smile breaking her face as she dabbed at her reformed cheekbones.

"Your mood must change a lot then, because now your eyes are bronze."

"Well, yeah, I guess so." Iko admitted, brushing her hand down the polished closet door. "Cinder, are you alright? I know you miss Kai and everything, but you might forget you have an entire kingdom to take care of..." Iko's voice faded away, watching her friend's reaction.

Cinder shrugged, fighting the pang of loneliness inside her. Sure, she had Iko and Kinney and Winter for company, not to mention the grouchy Jacin, but she missed him. She missed Kai, the man who didn't judge her for what she was. The man who was the fantasy of every girl alive in New Beijing.

"I do miss him," Cinder said softly, staring at her hands. She hadn't wanted Kai to leave. But he had business to attend, as his country and the rest of the world had spiraled out of control when Queen Levana had launched her wolf hybrid attack.

Iko blinked in sympathy. "He'll be back!" she said brightly. "There's a ceremonial peace treaty visit to Earth in a few weeks," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "and I hear Emperor Kai extended his private invitation to you."

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