Bonus Chapter-Part 2

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A/N: Bonus chapter part two is up! Thoughts?

Viviana poked her head from the corner, raking her eyes around the joint. She turned around just in time to stop Casper from barreling straight out over the edge. "Idiot," she hissed as she pulled him behind her.

"What floor are we on?" Casper muttered under his breath, also observing their surroundings.

"Originally where we were supposed to be on, genius."

Casper sighed. "Will you let that go already?"

"So what's the plan?" Viviana ignored him, watching as a pair of servants rounded the corner and went through a pair of arched doors. The servants were carrying silver platters of food, and Viviana eyed the place they came from. A small two-way tunnel. She lifted her head in the air, inhaling the sweet aroma of cuisine.

"Sneak in, sneak out. With food. Also, don't get caught by anyone."

Viviana scowled. "It's always food with you, isn't it?"

Casper snickered. "I thought it went without saying."

"You're the one wanting to raid Queen Levana's kitchen. I say you go ahead and lead. Because if we're so much as discovered, I'm blaming the whole thing on you."

"That's the way to treat a friend, huh." Casper muttered. He waited for two more servants to pass before lunging across the hallway, his feet light and swift on the carpeted floor. Viviana wasted no time in following him, as they both ducked behind a pedestal. The two-way tunnel doors flapped open again and two more servants exited. Casper's stomach growled.

Viviana shot him a dirty look. Casper shrugged, straightening to peer over the wooden flaps. No one in sight. The tunnel had widened into a large, darkly-lit chamber, which had a fork intersection. Casper pulled Viviana in with him as they slunk through the tunnel, dodging below a large mahogany bookshelf in the dimly lit chamber.

"Get down." Viviana yanked hard on Casper's back as they both tumbled to the floor. Four servants exited from the right passage, carrying more food trays.

"I'm coming for you, food, just hang on." Casper said as he eyed the passage with a mischievous glint in his light blue irises. Viviana rolled her eyes at her friend's antics.

Casper's eyes flickered from one corner to another, then when the coast was clear, he dragged Viviana straight into the kitchen, both of them crouching along the floor with backs hunched. Immediately they were hit by a waft of delicious smells coming together.

Casper moaned. "Oh stars, this is where I belong."

"Idiot, you have to be more careful!" Viviana hissed as she took in the sight of the cooks shuffling about, pans and ingredients in hand. "how are you supposed to sneak up?"

"Stealth tactics, my friend. Stay there. Would you like any gourmets?" Casper asked, standing up and brushing himself off. The chefs froze when they caught sight of Casper. Casper smiled cheekily and waved, while Viviana curled upon herself, mortified.

"Mr. Laramort! To what do we owe you the pleasure?" One chef spluttered, waving his spatula at him. Casper's lips curved upwards. Viviana groaned inwardly at the situation.

"I'm here for a little tidbit. Is that alright?"

The chef backed away, nearly knocking over a stand of delicately baked soufflés. "O-o-of course, Mr. Laramort," he murmured, looking down at his feet. "Go ahead and treat yourself. Here, a plate." the chef handed a pristine plate to Casper, who accepted with a smile.

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