Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Just so you know, and you probably already do, I'm the go-with-the-flow kind of writer. I don't make writing plans (I do them when I feel like it :P)I update irregularly, and I can be really awkward and choppy in my writing sometimes. Thank you to everyone who reviewed  last chapter, and the most options voted was...

Option Four! So, now you're going to be the spectators on how this all plays out. Don't forget to V&C!  Spread the love, Kaider fans!  Today is finally the day they meet.


He fiddled with the hem of his silken red shirt, unbuttoning and buttoning his shirt buttons every few millisecond. He was standing on his palace's ship harbor center, where Cinder's podship was to arrive in exactly two minutes twenty-two seconds. He tried to quench down the rise of butterflies threatening his nerves, pushing down the overwhelming surge of anxiety.

What am I going to say to her? How are we supposed to act? Queen and Emperor? Or friends that have missed each other? Kai groaned, dragged a hand down his black hair, tousling it up.

Torin cleared his throat, tapping his foot impatiently as Kai began to pace the platform, head spinning with a thousand possibilities. He missed her. He could not wait to see her face.

Kai's hands flew up to unbutton the shirt button for a thousandth time before Torin said, "Your Majesty, if you fiddle with that button anymore you might as well rip it off."

"I'm nervous, okay?" Kai muttered, shooting a glance to the closed seal. When a podship arrived in twenty meters from the base, the seal would open up and the ship could land.

"Remember, don't be too excited. This is the Lunar Queen, and we can't afford to be too welcoming. This is all a matter of business, Your Majesty-you and Her Highness will have some time later on the conference to straighten things out." Torin reminded him.

"Yeah, I know, I know." Kai let out a deep breath.

They were silent for a few seconds before a green light beeped. An automated voice said: "receptor identified Earthen podship from Luna asking permission to land. They are thirty meters within landing space."

Kai replied, "Permission granted."

The green light switched to a red beep, which resounded the chamber. Torin and Kai simultaneously stepped back together, behind the red-striped safety zone. Kai could not manage to press down the excitement welling up within him as he saw the sleek edge of the podship he'd sent slowly wobble into place.

The seal had opened, and the podship rumbled before the engine spluttered off, and the seal closed behind them securely, fastening with a click.

Kai inhaled, exhaled, unable to stop the enormous smile blooming across his face when the podship's square ramp slowly lowered with a metallic grind. Kai stared hard as the ramp clanked to a complete stop, and someone appeared on the platform.

"Cinder," he breathed.

She grinned at him. "Kai."

They moved at the same time. Kai crushed her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her torso, bringing her closer to him as he cupped her face with a free hand. Cinder's arms were wound around his neck, pulling him down. They wore giddy smiles as they took in the sight of each other.

"You look..." Kai struggled for words as joy exploded inside of him. "exceptionally well."

Cinder laughed, and Kai grinned, at a loss for words. He missed that laugh. "Well so do you, Your Majesty. I've missed you so much," she mumbled before embracing him tighter. Kai breathed in the heavenly smell of her, his fingers weaving into her mess of brown hair, soft and silky as usual.

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