Bonus Chapter-Part 3

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A/N: OMS 1K VIEWS! I AM SO SUPER EXCITED! THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GETTING ME UP TO THIS POINT! I thought this story would never get past 50+ views :D O-kayyy enough with my rant. Foreword to the chapter. 

Here's a little surprise...a chapter in WINTER'S POV, when she was nine-years-old and was starting to become  'crazy'. Her background is still the same, parents were Solstice and Evret but Queen Levana still takes custody over her.

WINTER: Next morning:

   Winter hid her hands in the folds of her gown. They were shaking again. She was always shaking these days. She squeezed the fingers to hold them still and pressed the bottoms of her feet into the hard floor. She struggled to look up at the woman pacing in front of her, not daring to stare for more than a few seconds before diverting her gaze.

"Your Highness, are you listening?" The woman said through her teeth.

Winter nodded silently. "Yes," she whispered.

The woman leaned down into a crouch, bending down both knees. "Your Highness, as part of the Lunar Royal Family, it is adamant you learn how to use your gift. It is your gift that makes you Lunar-one of us."

But I don't want to be one of you.

"Without it," the woman said, clicking her tongue in distaste. "you are an outcast. A mere citizen. And the Lunar Court already leers at you enough," she stood up, sighing. "Winter, you can show them you're stronger than they think."

I want to do that. But I can't, I won't.

"Your Highness?"

"Can we have a twenty-minute break please?" Winter mumbled, head drooping down. Her tutor inclined her head respectfully and left the chamber, swiping the gilded doors shut behind her. Winter looked back up, tucking a strand of black curly hair behind her ear. She hated these sessions. These manipulation sessions where she was pushed again and again to use her bioelectricity.

What part of she didn't want to do it did they not understand? What part of she didn't like to control, to manipulate, to force someone to do something they didn't want to do did they not understand?

"Winter? Winter, are you in there?"

Winter's head shot up and she leaped to her feet, then winced and sat back down. The diamond-studded shows her stepmother had made her wear pinched her toes and instead she called out, 'come in.' A girl about twelve-years-old poked her head in, copper hair swirling past her shoulders. A second person shoved the girl further inside and shut the door.

Winter beamed as she recognized her visitors. "Viviana! Casper friend! What are you all doing here? I missed you all." she said as Viviana stepped forward to envelope her into a warm hug.

They were best friends-all three of them. Plus Jacin. Casper and Jacin were almost like best friends, but Winter and Jacin took that place first. 

"Winter, are you alright? You seem a little shaken up." Viviana pulled Winter next to her on the cushy armchair and slipped her arm around her shoulders, securely leaning Winter onto her shoulder. Winter nodded.

"I'm fine. Mistress Cecile was just reasoning." Winter supplied softly.

Viviana ran her hand through Winter's thick curls. "About using your powers?" 

Winter nodded then glanced at the blond boy next to Viviana. "Hello Casper," she greeted. "What have you been doing?" she tilted her head, her curls falling down one shoulder. Casper offered her a wide smile, perfect white teeth gleaming. Winter giggled as she caught a smear of sauce on Casper's tan cheek. "Wait, don't answer that," Winter guffawed. "You've been eating!"

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