Chapter Two

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A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying this? Please leave a comment if you have the heart :D also, I'm trying to blend in the character's personalities into the book, so if you have any ideas be sure to tell in the comment section. As you all must know...Torin's serious, Kai's playful and responsible, Cinder's determined and modest, Iko's fun and charming. We'll see the rest of the characters later on :) and a few plot twists to go along.


Two knocks. Three knocks at the door.

Kai groaned, rubbing his face with a hand as he rolled onto his back. "Can't the world leave me alone? Like for once?" Kai buried his face in the pillow, squeezing his eyes shut as the knocks became persistent. I need sleep were the words he resisted from screaming aloud.

"Emperor Kai? Are you alright in there?" A concerned voice drifted from the door, and Kai sat up, slumping his back against the mound of fluffy pillows backing him up. He recognized that voice, the voice of his most trusted advisor. Konn Torin.

"Yes, yes," Kai called out sullenly. "I'm fine."

"May I come in?"

Kai sighed. "You might as well."

The door swung open and Konn Torin marched inside, a board in hand with a stack of papers. Kai took one look at the files and wanted to burrow under his bedsheets again. He ignored Torin's surprised look as the advisor noticed his emperor in bed. As much as Kai took the whole ruling-his-country thing seriously, because he wanted to do his best, today he just didn't feel like it. Too many things were occupying his mind. too many things meant at least one thing was the priority.

A certain girl with messy brown hair in a ponytail, large brown eyes and always a little dust in her hair and fingernails. A certain girl made famous by the news, with a cyborg hand and foot. A certain girl with the calmest, sweetest, determined and most modest disposition he'd ever seen.

Torin interrupted his chain of reverie."Emperor Kai? Did you hear what I said?"

He snapped back to his advisor, who was wearing an annoyed expression. Kai flushed, catching a gleam of amusement in Torin's gaze as he squirmed. "Uh, I was thinking about something else. Pardon?"

Torin frowned ruefully. "Emperor Kai, as I was saying," he held up the stack of papers. "these are the documents you want to review with Luna before you actually sign a peace treaty."

Kai dragged a hand through his tousled mess of black hair. "Torin, I already know I want to make peace with Luna. It's been far too long already, and we need these trade routes established as fast as we can. Levana was making this all way too difficult, and now that she's gone, and Cinder is the new queen...." he trailed off at Torin's sympathetic look.

"Kai," Kai tilted his head to the side as Torin called him by his name. Torin rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm going to call you that. It's stupid saying 'Emperor Kai' every few seconds. Deal with it," Kai's eyebrows shot higher up to his hairline. "Anyways, Kai, just because Cinder is the new queen on Luna doesn't mean Earth and Luna are immediately up for an alliance."

Kai nodded. "I know. There's been bad history between us, but I'd thought with Cinder on the throne everything would get better soon."

"True, but also keep in mind this takes time. With Earthen countries and the world leaders still reeling over the fact Levana ambushed them with an army of psycho wolf mutants, earth has been wounded in many different ways. Especially New Beijing. Letumosis wiped out one third of our population, if not more."

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