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A/N: It's the freaking Epilogue! After Thirty-two chapters (including this one), Unexpected will soon to be finished. I sincerely hoped you guys liked this story.

Meanwhile, enjoy! Vote, comment, and read!


Three days later > 

Torin stood by him, along with several guards in the hospital. Cinder was talking to the doctor, the woman in charge of his emergency care three days ago. Kai stood awkwardly, shifting his weight frequently from foot to foot. His stomach was bandaged especially in the middle, here the knife's blade had entered. He winced, gingering touching the spot where it hurt the most through his royal dark red tunic with elaborate gold thread weaving through the fabric.

"Kai," Torin cleared his throat. "Are you certain you'll be able to come home today?"

Kai smiled appreciatively. It felt good to have him worry about him for once. Torin was almost a father-figure to him after Rikan had died. Kai missed his father, sure, but he was more than glad that he had Torin by his side. "Of course. Don't worry. I just want to chill in bed and watch the netscreen."

Torin chuckled, fingering his lapel on his royal coat. "Well. I'll have to go down to inform your fleet of security guards and cars that you'll be ready to leave soon. Just so you know, the press is having a field day with the knowledge a Lunar stabbed the Emperor. Things have been scandalous lately, and I'm afraid you'll have a lot to deal with when you get better. I'll see you downstairs." He paused for a moment, and the older man's weary gaze softened. "I'm glad you're okay, Kai." 

Kai turned and watched him leave. 

A warm hand pressed on his shoulder. "Kai? You alright?" He turned around, letting out a tired sigh.

Cinder cocked her head, smiling worriedly. "What's wrong? I know that look, that's your dejected face."

"Hmm," Kai muttered. "Torin just told me the consequences of being stabbed. The press is up and about, they're having a 'field day' with all this chaos. The fact that a Lunar stabbed me is a huge fact since that will damage things between Luna and Earth," He complained. "And just when things were peaceful and the world was happy. Once I get better, I'll be forced to go to conferences and assure world leaders that Lunars aren't harmful but then they'll bring up that time when I got stabbed by one of you and that's why we can't maintain our ties---" 

Cinder shut him up by kissing him softly, then pulling away with a wicked glint in her brown gaze. "Can we worry about that later? I do remember hearing you say all you wanted to do was go back home and sleep your head off."

"Cinder I'm the Emperor. I have responsibilites that just don't regard you and me. I have to look at the whole Chairman and the Board first. You know what this whole ordeal means for Earth and Luna---"

Again, Cinder cut him off with not a kiss, but with a fiery glare. "Yes. I know. I've been thinking about it too but thinking about it doesn't do anything. You are not going to be doing anything about it either until you're all better." She jabbed a finger warningly against his chest.

Kai rolled his eyes. "You can't order me around like that."

"I can't, can I?"

"No, you can't."

"Are you sure?"

"If you're thinking about using your freaky powers to control me then you're sort of enforcing the 'no ties with Luna' thing the world has going on right now," Kai smirked as he saw Cinder pout in defeat. "You just got wrecked."

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