Chapter Fifteen

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He secretly glanced at her from the corner of his eye, hardly tasting the food in his mouth. Her brown hair was so, so soft and her eyes were rivers of velvet brown. Linh Cinder. His Cinder. He chuckled under his breath as he saw Cinder take a huge gulp of her drink, her eyes widened as she quickly set down the spiced pork as if on fire.

"Stars, Kai," she gasped, turning to him with a traumatized expression. "What did you order to be put in this?"

"Can't handle a little spice?" Kai smirked.

She opened her mouth to reply but instead downed her glass for more water. A servant hurried over and poured her a new glass, and she finished that one too. Kai stared at her, eyebrows raised. After the third glass, Cinder set it down and faced him again, with a relieved sigh.

"I can handle spice, but that was way too overrated," Cinder muttered.

"Overrated? Why, Cinder, I'd thought you were an expert in handling your food."

Cinder rolled her eyes. "You haven't changed, have you? I guess Thorne is rubbing off on you," she sniffed.

Kai shrugged. "We weren't close but I did pick up a few things on how to twist your wires up in a knot," he laughed as Cinder shot a glare at him for his little joke.

"Judegemental little royal pains," Cinder mumbled under her breath and turned to serve herself a portion of more rice. "I wish they'd invent painkillers for royal snobs. I'd have to take some with me to Luna," she chortled.

Kai snickered. "What, you're talking about that Rosaline and the Lunar Court?"

Cinder set her fork down. "Seriously though. I even saw beta fish swimming around in the glass heels of a Lunar woman in one of the families at a meeting," she shook her head. "and another man had a serval or something wound up around his neck. I mean, what kind of normal people do that? And the place was drowning in glamour, glamour, glamour. "

"I thought you already knew that the moment you saw Levana," Kai drew his brow, perplexed. "I couldn't tell but I knew you could."

"It hurts my brain because the logical side and the human side go to war with each other, trying to pinpoint certain reflexes, the slope of someone's cheek, or the skin complexion. It gives me a massive headache," As if to prove a point Cinder reached up to massage her temple.

Kai nodded. Wow. She has it rough these days. "So," he began. "How are you fitting in as your role as a queen? Is it different than working in your mechanical booth?" he noted.

Cinder paused and gave him a scathing look. "That's the first thing you come up with?"

"Hey, give me some credit! I'm trying here," Kai protested. "It's not like there are just so many things to talk about royalty. Oh wait," Kai beamed. Cinder rolled her eyes at the childish look. "Let's talk about Scarlet and Wolf," he chuckled.

Cinder sat up. "Have you heard from them?" she asked eagerly.

"Yeah," Kai grinned. "They told me they were trying to reach you but some goon kept blocking them off-"

"Not Iko right? 'Cause if it was Iko I'll kill her." Cinder interrupted.

"No," Kai corrected. "Not Iko. Anyways, they told contacted me because they couldn't reach you and guess what they told me..." Kai drummed the table with his fingers, and Cinder poked him in the chest. 


"They're getting married!" Kai announced with a proud smile on his face.

(A/N: In Stars Above -SPOILER ALERT-Wolflet really do get married, not Kaider :l )


Cinder's whisper-shriek caused several guests around them to look at Kai and Cinder. Cinder swept a quick glance at their surroundings before deciding it was time to grill information out of Kai. 

"Say again?" Cinder rasped.

Kai laughed at her expression. "They're getting married and are sending us an invite-if we can make it."

"They're getting married? When? Where? How?"

"Wow there, easy with the questions. Yes. They are getting married. When, um, in this week. Where, on Scarlet's farm in France, Rieux. How, they're gonna have a minister, they have separate costumes for the event and there will be the traditional food and-"

Cinder narrowed her eyes, glanced around quickly then swatted Kai discreetly. "Don't you sass me," she warned.

Kai shrugged, but his smile betrayed him. "You did ask the question."

"I'm so happy for them! Who knew they would be the first ones in our group to get married?" Cinder grinned and clapped her hands together, then scowled as her metal fingers clonked one of her human knuckles. "Ouch," she muttered and drew her hands away.

Kai laughed. "Clumsy as always, aren't you? Are you mechanic deprived lately?"

Cinder nodded earnestly. "Oh, yes, you wouldn't believe the agony I had to go through-instead of fixing stuff I had to try on dresses and talk politics with snobby people," she shuddered. "you can bet that gave me nightmares."

"My poor wittle sweetheart," Kai cooed and leaned over to tuck a stray strand of brown hair that had drifted in front of Cinder's face. "I wouldn't want my wittle sweetheart to get nightmares now, do I?" he winked and chuckled as Cinder's eyes pleaded at him. "I wish I could sleep there with you," he whispered.

"I hate you," Cinder mumbled at pushed him away. "You make me love you so much then you make me hate you so much because you're like a drug. I'm addicted to you-" Cinder broke off at Kai's guffaw. "What?" she asked, annoyed.

"That's cute," he choked out between his laughs. "You relating me to a drug. What, next you're gonna come up with some medicine and-"

"It's true!" Cinder protested. 

"I love you too." Kai deadpanned and they both shut up, although the affection in Cinder's eyes told Kai she loved him as well. They returned to eating, but both their hands-metal fingers and human fingers stayed intertwined throughout dinner. 


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