Chapter 1 (edited)

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Today is my eighteen birthday and also my wedding day, I am so anxious that my stomach is doing somersaults right now. I have a feeling like I am going to barf on my way down the aisle or Christopher is going to walk away and leave me standing there. My heart nor my mind is not at peace.

Here I am all dressed up in my red and white wedding dress; my dream dress. I know it's not a love marriage, nor my dream wedding but my mother says "marriage happens once in a life time, so why waste precious moments rather than making them memorable". In my family no one has ever yet gotten a divorce. One marriage and it last forever and even happily ever after too. And my parents have the same expectation upon me.
I created my own wedding dress design when I was 16. I have an interest for designing and I want to be a designer.

The top of my dress to mid tigh is red and close fitted, under my breast is a two inch row of crystal and beads, there is also flowery design in a V like way from behind my knees curve up to mid tigh at the side in front of the dress. "Picture is at the top". With a red and white trimming that flow out and a small trail at the back. This dress hug all my right curves and I look like a model. I paired it with a two and half inch white heels with crystal tiara, crystal necklace and earrings. I was admiring my self in the mirror when my mother and my mother in law came in. Both of them had tears in their eyes and whisper simultaneously you look gorgeous. I give them a shy smile and whisper thank you. Soon follow my best friend Stacy who is my maid of honour, we have been friends ever since in kindergarten, she is my accomplice in crime and defense. "Woah! You look amazing! breathtakingly beautiful!", And we all laugh at her response. My mother hold my hands and whisper

"my baby girl. You have grow up so fast. It seems like yesterday I hold you and cradle you in my arms, feed you and hush you to sleep. You have grown up to be one fine woman my dear, beautiful, intelligent, kind at heart, a leader and so much more. Your father and I are so proud of you my dear. You have made us proud from the day you were born, until this day. I love you so much baby girl"

by the time she finish she was sobbing and I have unshed tears in my eyes. I whisper a low thank you and I wipe the tears away from her cheek and said
"I will miss you mom" and I hug her.

"Sofia my child I will always be here for you. You can always contact me in times of problems or if anything bothers you. I know my son can be arrogant and stubborn at times but I believe you are the one for him. You are so patience and you have a beautiful soul. Maybe you can bring my son back to me. He is lost. Please help him find himself back and bring a smile back onto his lips." She said with tears treaten to fall.

After the women poured their hearts out and left, it leave me with a heavy heart and guilt in my stomach. Great! More to add to my plate. I though to my self.

I was left to my own thoughts with my best friend giving my make up a touch up. I trust Stacy, should I tell her. I know the contract is confidential between Christopher and I but I need some guidance in this facade of a marriage. Oh for God's sake, Christopher is a grown man, he is Twenty five and is experienced, what am I, a eighteen year old teenager, who never even had a boyfriend. My parents and his parents have so much hope and faith in us and I feel like I am betraying them.

"Hey!" Sofia nudge me. "Are u even listening to what I am saying?"

"Sorry, it's just alot is in my mind right now. I feel like running away and never return back, honestly."

" Hold it right there girl. Are you okay? Because this seems to be more serious than obvious wedding jitters. You know I am here for you and you can literally tell me anything."

I was left deep in though battling with my mind. Should I spill it now or wait until I came back from the honeymoon. I know I will tell her sooner or later but I don't know how I am going to go through two weeks with him alone on an deserted island! I should tell her. "Stacy I.. I......I wou......." I didn't even get to finish my sentence and charlotte, the girl who taking care of the events burst through the door, " we are ready for the for the bride"

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now