Chapter 2 (edited)

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It's the day before my wedding and for the millionth time my older brother and I argued. Since he found out about the contract, he had been going balistic. He disagrees with me.
"For God fucking sake Chris, can you learn to love her! You don't even know the g.."
"Exactly I don't fucking know her. I don't know who I am being married to. All of a sudden I came home from work and was told you are getting married in 6 months. And was handed a file based on the woman. And every dammed fucking thing in that file had been a bloody frigging lie. Did you think I was so dammed stupid to believe everything my dad throws in my face! I did my own fucking background check on her, she has a bloody face of a fucking angel but she is a spoilt rich brat whom doesn't have any self respect!
"Chris you are insane!open your eyes and look farther than your nose. "
"Maybe that's what you guys should do.
This is my investigation that I have done. Open it read it. And tell me if mom and dad aren't crazy! This woman doesn't deserve to be in our family she will disgrace us. "
Tristian grab the file angrily. He read and he read. He couldn't believe anything from his brothers investigation. He agreed Sofia lived with her grandparents in London since she was 10 years old. She grew up there but none of these things here can't be true. There are even pictures for evidence. But it seems to convincing. It's seems like it's was made to convince Christopher instead of showing him who Sofia is. I will have a talk with Sofia. Personally. Tristian took the file and walked out of this brother house. I will talk to her. But not now let them married let them go on their honeymoon, maybe then my stupid brother will realise that Sofia isn't what his investigation says, she is different and by the time he will figure out what is going on, I will have a solid talk with my parents, do my own investigation and then grab the truth out of sofia. And my subconcious whispers "Chris can be right too."

Tomorrow I am getting married. It's just a matter of 10 years and I will get a divorce from Sofia or even sooner, as soon as any sign of infidelity shown that's it. I retire to bed early thinking how my life is going to be. A fucking Complete disaster.
I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning. The weather was perfect. I was happy for what I don't know. Suprisingly my parents got people to take care of everything. So it's been quite relaxing for me. We got ready in peace with out rush and even got to the church in time and everything was done to perfection and is in place.
I am now standing at the altar waiting for my wife to be, when I saw Sofia in her wedding dress I couldn't deny it. She looked dropped dead gorgeous. But that big smile on her face spoiled my day. It's was a smile of victory.
The wedding went smoothly. We both say our fake vows and when the priest said you may kiss the bride, I didn't know what to do but I have to kiss her. But when she took 2 steps backwards and her eyes widen, it angered me more. I grabbed her waist hard and sink my nails into her but she keeps leaning backwards I move one hand up to her neck and bring her forward and kiss her, hard rough and Forcefully. But there was something about this kiss I couldn't figure out. Then it clicked, she doesnt know how to kiss. But it can't be. I was angry. I grabbed her waist and dragged her out of the church and she slipped. The only thing that came to my mind was she is so fucking clumsy. She doesn't speak when spoken too, mostly nods and now she can't even walk some steps down . We got in my car that was waiting. I am not going to the reception. It's a wastage of time and energy with this woman. If I had loved and care for her I would have attended it. But thankfully I do not love nor care. And I will never either.
The drive home was long and Sofia fell asleep. When we arrive I leave her in the car and walk to my place of comfort and away from such a wretch woman. It was around 8 when I was told that she was awake and is in the room waiting. Five dammed hours she slept for. I entered the room and she looked suprised.
" ahh I see you are awake." I said rubbing my invisible stubble, for intimidation "Good because I would like to talk to you. Its about this marriage of ours." I didn't give her a chance to speak, since it could have only been excuse coming from her mouth, "the contract is confidential between us, the important stuff is in it, the petty stuff like where we will sleep and live we will discuss that and ofcourse you will have your fair chance to give your opinions. Since we are husband and wife, we are expected to sleep in the same bed and live in the same room. Which of course I do not agree. There where I came from is an adjoinging room. You will sleep here I will sleep there, but we will share the closet and we have our own bathroom. You are free to do as you like but do not disgrace me as I will do the same for you. When my family is over we will share the same room. You are free to ask me anything. Any question?"
Even after all I had spoken it was just a simple nod of no she give me. This woman is so infuriating. The door knock twice and it was the signal that dinner was ready. I told her and went down. I waited for at least half an hour but the was no sign of this woman. So I eat my food in peace and silence like and i usually do and I enjoyed it more that way.

I went up to talk to her about her behavior tonight about not informing she won't be coming down for dinner, then I realise she doesn't have the house diary with the extention numbers to call. I went directly to my room and as I was entering her room there was a deadly scream emanating from her and I dropped the book. I looked up and she was naked except for a towel wrapping her hair. She seems confused as if she should bend down for the towel on the floor or cover her self with her hands or used the duvet from the bed, which give me a better view, but I turn around walk back into my room closed the door behind me and tried not to think of that naked body of hers. I went to sleep that night with dreams of her naked under me writing and moan my name from the pleasure I give her. When I got up I had a boner but it instantly died when I remember she is not a virgin. One of the most important thing I want my woman to be when I married her, a virgin so when I walk in public with her I will be a proud man to say I owned all of her. No man has been there before. But sadly more men than I can count have been there.
I shower and did my usual and was waiting for breakfast, then i remember; We have to leave for our honeymoon tonight. I hope she remembers.

I was shocked, confused, ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated. I expected the first time a man would see me is while making love not like this and to him. I tried covering myself in alot of ways but decided on the duvet but he was gone by the time I could cover myself. Am I so ugly, so that he don't want to look at me? He don't want a relationship, he doesn't even care, and he accidently barge into my room while I was changing and he didn't even look at me.
Wait! I want him to look at me! Oh no I am not falling am i, God please I hope I am not. I couldn't sleep properly the entire night. I wore PJs that cover my entire body even granny panties but still I felt naked. I toss and turn until I slept.
I woke up next morning did my morning routine and decide to head down for breakfast since I am basically starving and did not had anything yesterday. In the kitchen on their breakfast bar there was mighty Christopher Vandilique, my worst nightmare. I enter and said good morning but got a simple nod since he was on his phone. In 5 mins our breakfast arrive, it contains of omlet, sausages, toast and juice. My stomach grumble at the sight of my breakfast and hurriedly i dug in. When I finish eat someone clear thier troath, I completely forgot he was there. I look up at him with questioning eyes,
" I hope you remember we are leaving for our honey moon tonight." He said while rising one of his eye brow suggestively.
"I thought it was just fake, we weren't going"
" don't you think if we didn't go our parents would found out?"
"What time we are leaving?"
"Be ready for 5 pm we are leaving at 6. Pack warm clothes. Change of plans so they don't find us"
With that he left.
I was left with my thoughts. I went up to my roon and being packing and I took a long nap since I don't like to sleep while flying.

I feel nauseous and my body won't stop moving. I feel something shaking me non stop. I slowly open my eyes and their was Christopher,
" our parents are here! Get up!"
I push him away but felt cold instantly but who cares I can feel a bile coming up, I empty my stomach and used the wall for support and closed my eyes and breathe. A glass of water was handed to me and I gladly accept it.
"Are you pregnant?"
I cough the water up and look up at the person
" No I am not and how would that be possible!"
"You sure do sleep alot and you have a huge appetite and is nauseous"
"I haven't had a good night rest since the past week, nor have I had anything yesterday and my stomach is acidic today and with all that greasy food and you shaking me like dice doesn't help.
Does that meet up your standard of excuse?"
" so you can speak." He said with raised eyebrows. To which I just glanced at. "You sure you are not pregnant because you sure did have alot a flings.".
"Excuse me mister! Do you think am a whore? All my so called flings that you know of are all gay. And I set my self up. Since I found out I was betrothed to as asshole like you, thinking you would have back off but no you didn't! You came to me with a contract and I had no choice either from my parents and had to sign my hole dam fucking life away! And what about you whoring your fucking self off the week before your wedding. Oh we are madly in love but one week before my wedding I am caught in a fucking hotel with another woman. And next morning a lame excuse I was set up. I am not that naive! I have a brain. I maybe young and had to leave school for some dam stupid arrange marriage but I have all my screws tighten. I push pass him and walk out with him trailing hot on my tail. I need air fresh air. But was suddenly pull roughly onto something hard and thrown on the bed and him hovering on top me. And our room door burst opened by our gracious parents just as I was about to push him away. But of our heads spun in the direction of the open door where two women graced us with their mouths hang opened.

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