Chapter 13 (edited)

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I did not know when i fell asleep but i did. I woke up to a noise in my room, the nurse had a tray and was organising and setting up needles. I guess they are going to do more blood test. On my right was Tristian looking at me and at the nurse, Back and fort.

"Sir i need you to leave for a couple of minutes" she said kindly.

"What are you going to do to her? " he questions skeptically.

"Dont worry sir. I am here to clean her up and get some blood for some tests."

He take one look at me and the nurse and the tray with the needles and he look at me again. I wanted to laugh at his reaction. I wish if Christopher can be more like him.
" i will be find. You will come back in just now."

I like having someone concerning about me and caring for me but that kind of caring and concern should have come from my husband and parents and i am starting to miss Christopher. I know i sound insane but i think i feel something for him. When i left i was scared now that i knew he was looking for me and he found me, i am starting to feel something for him. And also since i fell, when i am sleeping i have these crazy dreams of the two of us having sex. Sometimes i wonder if its a fantasy or reality. All i know i am starting to have feeling for him and he is gone now. When he was mine i threw him out. I threw out whatever chance we had of having a relationship. My arms ache from Being poked so often by needles i want to talk to the doctor. I need to know when i am going to be out of these casts and when i can go home and for home where is that. My dad hates me, my husband doesnt wants me. The Kendallville's probably dont want this kind of drama since its bad for there business which leaves only stacy, my in laws and my mom.

While i was waiting outside, the doctor came, i stand up to greet him.
"Is everything okay?" I asked him
"Everything is great, sofia's condition is improving her body is healing well. There is no more risks of her going into coma and also i am going to gave her the news today. "

Tristan just gave the doctor a nod and they re-enter the room after knocking on the door. Sofia's mom is supposed to be here any moment now and also Tristian's parents. They will have to decide where she will be staying and how are they gonna be taking care of her.

As they entered sofia turned and look at them.
"Good morning Mrs . vandilique. How are you doing this morning?".

"I am feeling much better except for the casts."

" well thats good to hear. How are you feeling mentally over the entire situation mentally? Reason why i am asking, i want to know if you would like to talk to someone because i can refer you to someone as soon as possible and at free of charge. "

Sofia look between the doctor and Tristian. And he suspect that she needed some privacy,
"I will give you some privacy" he said and exit.
"Its a really traumatic situation. It really hurts. sometimes i take extra dosage of pain killers just to go to sleep. So i guess i would like to see a therapist indeed."

" okay. That can be arrange. I have some good news and some suprising news. Good news first, you are healing very well internally and you are no longer at risk of going into coma. Internal injuries are looking good according to the scans. We will be able to send you home after one more week. But you will be on bed rest and in a wheelchair you won'tbe capable of doing anything. Casts will be remove in 6 weeks and we will redo the xtrays and finally, this has suprised me i don't know how you will accept this but you were pregnant with twins. And one of them survived. Which means you are still pregnant. "

When the doctor said the word pregnant her mom and Christopher mom and dad along with Tristian enter the room. The doctor excused himself to gave them some privacy.

"I am pregnant " sofia said but she more like said it to

"Oh my god! What are we going to do? We have to tell Christopher. "
Said my mom.

"No We can't!" i interject.
"He is not stable and he can try to take the baby away from sofia we must keep this a secret for now. Let him clear his head first. Christopher is crazy at the moment. "

"I agree with Tristian. Christopher has sent this for you sofia. I don't know how he got this done so fast, its the divorce papers. I tried to talk to him when he give this to me but he wont listen. He wants this back when we return back to the hotel." Said Christopher father.

Sofia grab the yellow envelope with shaky hands,"can i have a pen?"

" sofia please think this through?" Said Tristian and my mom together.

"I am sure mom. Dad was right i dug this whole for myself only i can get myself out. Give me a pen"

"Sofia you are angry dont sign those papers. Gave him sometime to cool down. And then you guys are gonna talk this through. "

"He hates me. He will never for give me. And even if he does. We will never be the same again."

My dad took a pen out from his jacket and give it to her. " dad what are you doing?"

"I am giving her a pen".

"They are both an emotional mess how can you let them make decisions like this?"

" this is nothing that cant be fixed son they can always remarry when they realise how stupid they were. Lets us not intervene"

And sofia signs the paper.

When they left Sofia placed her hands on her stomach and She cried. She is happy because her baby survived but only one did. It doesnt change the fact one baby still died but besides all that. I dont know when I can walk again. How am I gonna take care of my pregnant self how am I going to take care of my baby! I cant even walk.
Sofia started sobbing louder. At that moment she felt helpless. And she wish she had not survived. And instantly she remembered when she fell, she saw a white light and went to wards it. It was very peaceful and she loved it. She wish she had stayed and never stop playing with the little girl. But she heard a baby crying and followed the sound and realise she woke up. If she had not wake up she would not be facing reality And she did not want to face reality it was too painful. Her cries turned into sobs and she started feeling a headache and heartache machines started beeping and nurses and doctors rushed in. She felt a little sting and all the beeping and shouting becoming more distant until it was deafening.

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now