Chapter 8 (edited)

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After the chaotic day. Christopher left to meet his father and his brother. He call his brother and his father. His father took an immediate flight down to where Christopher was. They are meeting in one of their hotels in Florida.

Meanwhile, Sofia is making her own plans.
She left the hotel and went to a phone boot and called her friend stacy. She told stacy everything from London to Florida. Everything between her parents, grandparents and Christopher. She was scared and confused. And most of all dont want to be with Christopher. She felt like he is behind this for what reason she dont know but thinks he is behind it all. Stacy was shocked and felt sorry for her friend. She called her dad 'paul' and asked him for help and Paul ask to speak with Sofia.

"You are like my daughter and I am not going to let you down. What do you want to do? What you want?" Asked Paul.

"I want to leave. Maybe not permanent. Temporary. Until I feel like myself and and come to an decision. I dont trust anyone not even my father. Because I know some how they are all envolved." Answered Sofia.

" okay my dear. Tomorrow at noon go to the airport and just gave you name at any desk. They will escort you to my private jet and bring you to St. Lucia. I have a friend who has some hotel chains and resort you can stay there until you ready to leave."


I am waiting in the conference room with my brother on our father.
When he arrived he had a look of disapproval on his face but never the less he sat down and listen to me. I told him everything and I meant everything by the time I was done he was fuming.

"You went behind my back and got Brad, that legal advisor of your envolved. I told you I dont trust that man! Also what are you doing in Florida? You were supposed to be at our private island with your wife! And what more, what kind of scandal you made at the airport before you left! You called your wife a whore! "

Christopher flinch when his father said the last part. He did not know the news would know of that. They all decide to not let anyone know and handle it between the three of them using their father's private investigator also they would only be doing what their dad said. Christopher returned back to the hotel to speak with his wife but when he returned he found a note instead his wife.

When he returned he found Sofia by the glassdoor looking out the city. Hey he said and attempted to kiss her head but she turned away. He sigh and asked " what's the matter now?"

"You expect me to be okay with all of this and pretend we are in love and happily married. I dont love you. And nothing has changed the fact of all the mean things you did to me and said to me."

"I did what I did because of all the lies that I know. "

"Regardless of what you could out about me you had no right to call me a whore and disrespect me like that!" .

" you were flirting with the cashier!"

" I wasnt it was just a friendly smile."

"Oh my god are we going back to this."Christopher groaned.

"I wasnt aware we move forward. What if because the drug I was on made me have sex with you?"Sofia said.

"I am sorry i truly am. If i can change what I did i would . I just spoke to my father. And our contract is void from The time it was made and sign. Our grandparents made a will when they decided to join our families. We have to be married for 10 year and produce a heir. There is no loop whole. Can we try and make this marriage work. I have feelings for you real feelings! I dont know when or how or why all I know I realize I am in love with you. I want to make this work".said Christopher

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now