Chapter 14 (EDITED)

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I was angry. No i was beyond angry, i was furious. Then i remember before the wedding i got the divorce papers draft up incase i need it immediately. So i called my lawyer and have him edited emailed it to a nearest lawyer so he can print and stamp and notarised it. I had it all done in a matter of a two days. I ignore my brother call cause honestly i dont want to speak to anyone. I try my best to hate her but it seems impossible but i keep telling myself this is for the best. Sofia is happy without me. She ran away from this and  i would not drag her back into it. She wants this as much as i do. We never wated this marriage in the first place. Having a divorce is best for both of us. I convinced myself this over and over. I called my parents to meet them. My mother was furious and my father gave me the talk.

" Dont make life decisions when you are angry, stressed, happy or sad. The result is never good!"  Those are the words my father told me and it keeps echoing in my head over and over.

Divorcing sofia feels so right and wrong at the same time. I hope she made the right decision. I fell in love with her without knowing when and how. And now i am going to divorce her when i dont want to. Its stupid but atleast she will be happy.

My parents leave my suite with the divorce papers and with a heavy heart I hope she does not signs it.

I left soon after to go to the gym and pump some frustration out. When i am done and check the time 2 hours have already past. Time flies in the gym. So i leave and went back to my suite, took a long hot shower and got ready and leave for lunch. After lunch i attend to some business matters and also some press matters concerning my wife and i, "more like soon to be ex wife" my inner subconcious says. By the time i am finish it was already late noon and i went back to my suite wondering if my parents were back from the hospital. When i enter i was greeted by the presence of my parents and brother. Tristian got up and gave me a tight manly hug and his condolences which i felt were indeed sincere. That made my heart thug a little and brought tears to my eyes. I lost my baby. I am no longer going to be a father.

My father stand up and pour himself a drink and one for me and my brother also.

"How are you doing son?"

"I wish I could say much better but sadly no. I feel as if i lost everything dad."

"Look son its going to be alright. Maybe you should see sofia. "

"How is she doing?"

"Much better than she was. She is suppose to be getting out next week. We are thinking of letting her stay in our holiday house by the beach. Since the problem with her father and her condition."

"Why are you telling me,  i dont care and i dont used that house either, i haven't been there in a really long while."

"You havent answer my question son. Why dont you see sofia?"

" i cant dad not right now. And what about those papers that i gave you?"

My dad pick up a yellow envelope from the bar and gave it to me and then my mom got up and said, "i am tired we should leave i will see you later." I gave her a kiss on the cheeks and look toward my brother and he was still rooted on a bar stool sipping his whiskey. With a half smile. Wonder what made him happy when i just lost my kid.

"Are you not leaving? "

"Cant i spend some time with my brother? I haven't seen you in over three weeks!"

"I am grieving i dont need your lecturing and sarcasm" i replied picking up the yellow envelop with shaking hands.

"Are you sure you wants this divorce? If you really have wanted it you would have went and gave her the papers yourself."

"Who are you to question my decision?"

"Just you big brother looking out for my littler brother" he retorts.


Christopher opened the envelope and he read it. His eyes widen in and he threw the papers on the floor and grab his hair and scream in frustration but not after almost breaking five bottles of expensive whiskey. Now i remember why i stayed back.

"Your anger brother!"

"That fucking woman sign the papers. She couldn't wait to get raid of me. Even after all that has happen she is still so fucking selfish!"

"Last time i check brother you wanted a divorce. You signed the papers first. Sofia is just 18 years old teenager who was handed off to a 25 year old man who just ask for a divorce just after she lost her baby and is totally devastated and out of anger signs the paper. " Tristian pauses.

"Think Christopher, i know you more than like her. You love her. You dont know when you fell in love with her. Not because she is a virgin you love her from the day she walk down the aisle you start to fall for her and then you just keep realising that she is everything you ever wanted and more. You are being selfish here." And i light the fire place that was in the room. 

"Good bye Christopher i burned the papers for you. I really hope you come to your senses."


I was heart broken that Christopher asked for a divorce, I regret I signed it. Maybe I should have fought a little harder. And what about the baby. I will have to tell him and soon too. I dont want him to keep grieving over his dead baby when he is still having a child. If i was in his position i would hate the person who kept me in the dark thinking my baby is dead. Christopher deserves to know. I will tell him as soon as i get out of these casts. Because i dont think anybody will let me tell him now. The are scared of what he will do. He may not do anything after all it's both of our child.

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now