Chapter 7 (edited)

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I awake to the feeling of pain between my legs. It burns and hurt like hell. I can't remember exactly what happened but i am naked, bruised and in Christopher's arms. I tried untangling my self from him without waking him up but failed miserablely. He started to groan and i stop moving.

"Stop moving, you are not helping the situation, unless you are ready for another round " he said with a peek and a smile.

It was boyish and cute of him. I was confused and my head hurts and I'm in so much pain; I have to find out what happened and how i ended up here in this position. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I loose my virginity to him. I felt the tears treathening to fall. In a broken voice i whisper
"Christopher let me go, i need to use the bathroom."
He let me go but with a concern questions,
"Are you okay? Whats wrong? "
I ran to the bathroom and tried to lock it but found out it doesnt have a lock. I turned the pipe on and washed my face and take deep breaths. Christopher walked in, in just his boxer.
"You don't remember?" He said, he sounded sad. I looked at him and nod a no. He took out a robe from the closet in the bathroom and draped it around me.
He sat on the toilet and i sat on the bath tub and i looked at him in the face. He rubed his face and inhaled and exhaled sharply.
"Are you okay? How you feeling?"

"I don't remember. I am confused?"

"No i mean physically. Are you in pain or..?"
I fumbled while replying to him. "Am bruised and it hurts alot."
He got up, walked out and came back minutes later with a pill and water.

"Drink this. I dont know if it will help. In fact i dont know what to do."

I took it from him and drink it. He was about to leave but turned back and kiss my forhead and whisper everything is going to be okay take a shower and suprisingly i obey and took a long nice shower but forget i dont have my clothes. I came out wrapped in a towel. He looked at me and turned away like a gentleman. I could not find anything comfortable to wear other than sexy extremely short clothes. Our moms really did it.
"The grey suitcase has comfortable clothes" he said
I got up and was going to check it then a pair of hands came to my help. Honestly i was grateful until he handed me my clothes. Which was black lace and satin panties and bra. With a t shirt and a shorts.


We sat down for breakfast in our suite. There was ackward silence.
"Christopher we need to talk"

"Sofie I will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth. What do you want to know? "

"No, I need to talk first"i continued "I went out after Tristian left and i met this woman Johanna Brant i met her two nights ago and again yesterday. She was showing me around and them we went for a drink at a bar that they own. And i had just one drink and cannot remember what happen next."

By the time i finish talk Christopher was gripping the table and grinding his teeth. "What time was that?"

"Around 5 noon."
There was a long pregnant silence and then he spoke.

"Johanna's husband is my legal advisor. He advised me on the contract and also constructed it. And her brother was the investigator. "

I swallowed my food i had in my mouth and push my plate away. I did not like where this was going.

"What happen? finish your food." He said nonchalantly.

"I lost my appetite. "

"Well you need to eat. And we will continue after we finished eating."

"Christopher i don't want anymore. "

"Stop being a child and eat sofia."
He said

I force my self to eat. I did not chew, i swallow only. I was almost finish and i look up to find him stairing at me. He took the plate away,

" I am sorry I didnt mean to get mad. Its just that I don't like where this is going. Anyways i would not be able to tell you what happen when you were out with her. well atleast not now. I will dig into it.
But it was about 11:30 ish and I came back drunk. And i search the suite for you but you were not back yet. I was about to go an look for you and the door open and you were standing there drunk as fuck. Drunker than i am with a man helping you to stand up and you shoe in your hands. You two were pretty cozy but when he tried to kiss you, you said something about ground rules about no touching and you pushed him away and closed the door. And then you saw me standing there. You went to the bar to get more to drink. You basically gulp three glasses of hard liquor down. Then it hit me, you are not of age yet to drink and you can get alcohol poisoning so i tried to get the bottle from you but we fell down on the couch. You tried to seduce me but I knew you were drunk... . " he glanced up at me and and motion for him to continue. " I would not say what you told me but u tried to seduce me and I decline, you got up and went to our room and called and followed you but when I got to our room you were already in the bathroom and you close the door. I sat on the bed and wait for you. When you emerged, you only had a towel on and and walked seductively towards me and dropped your towel. I am sorry I couldnt control myself. I was high and I lost every sensible thought in my body." Told Christopher.

"So it was mutual" I replied

"Yes" said Christopher.

"Christopher you were not that drunk you cound have stop me"
I said

"I remember clearly what i did. But you didn't want want to stop. You begged me and my other head at the bottom started to do the thinking".

Christopher finished and looked at me giving nothing away. His face was blank as a paper while i am busy processing what just happened.

"Well say something " he said.

"I dont know what to say. This is all too much. We were fighting and hating eachother and cant wait to get back to our own lives and now we had sex dont know what to think."

"Well how do you feel?" He asked.

"Christopher i cant remember having sex with you. I can't remember my feelings for you changed. All i know is i hated you and you were an arrogant prick. You being nice and considerate towards me is ackward. "

"Is that what you think of me. I am an arrogant prick. Wow thats nice to know sofie."

"Tell me when you were not one. You hated my guts you signed the contract and agreed to this marriage leaving me with no choice. Then on top gave me another contact to si......" before i knew it i was being kissed by no other than Christopher vandilique himself. I tried to push him away but he wont budge.he just hugged me tighter and pull me closer and kissed me harder. Until i reply and it seems like i was lost in paradise. I don't know how long we have been kissing for. But now we are breathless and our foreheads are touching.

"Do you remember anything" he asked

"I am sorry no I don't"

"Maybe they drugged you. You said that you could not remember anything after your first drink. That usually happens when you are drugged. Its temporary amnesia. Once the drug is out of your system you will remember". Christopher said.

I sat there on the couch on deep thought while Christopher is talking to his dad and his brother and a friend on a three way call. This is some honeymoon I must say a very chaotic one for sure. I dont know who to trust if I should trust anyone. I dont even know if I am safe here. There is only one person I trust and that is my best friend Stacy. I need to get out of here.

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now