Chapter 15 (edited)

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Finally the day has come for sofia to be release from hospital. And she was happy, happy to get away from the dreadful hospital scent and food. But she feels like a prisoner in her own body. She can't do anything at all for her self. To even go to the bathroom she needed help. She felt helpless and somewhat ashamed. Her mother will be taking care of her and she is scare to face her father. She dont know what he will say when he see her. The last time she saw him was the day she woke up and found herself in a hospital. Right now her best friend stacy is with her, her mother, mother in law, father in law and Tristian. Everyone has pity written accross their face and she hated it. A nurse came in and handed her, her discharge papers and take her signature. For a moment she pause and wonder what is her name vandilique or Evans but like always her savior Tristian sense her hesitation and said until a divorce certificate is present you are still technically vandilique. She reminded her self to personally thank him for always being there for her and she should probably get him something.

Soon she is being wheel out of the hospital on a wheel chair. And back to the hotel but where, which one? Thats the question keeps nagging her in the back of her mind but she fails to ask. Soon the car pulled up infront of one of the vandilique's hotel so she is definitely not going back to the Kendallville's then. Tristian came out of the driver's seat and everyone exit the car except for her. She felt weak, one thing she always hated and never wanted to feel nor be. Just then it hit her like a ton of rocks, she cant help herself. She is totally dependent.she is like a baby that needs taking care of. She needs these people they dont need her and even if they don't want her in their lives anymore, she is bound to them because she is carrying their heir. Christopher and her are divorced. She is a single mother with the vandilique's heir. Her father basically disowned her they only thing keeping her around them is the baby. She could not stop the tears from rolling down. Tristian came to her side and help her out of the car. He had to cradle her like a baby and it hurts like hell. She hiss in pain from all the bruises and broken bones. They took her up to a suite a huge one, it is an open plan layout of a kitchen with an island and breakfast bar together, a living room with a fire place and a huge glass door opened to a balcony. Then there are several door, 5 to be exact with a little office corner and it has a high ceiling and beautiful chandeliers which enhance the size of the room and makes it seems bigger. The furnitures were exquisite and of the most expensive and lastest model of sliver and dark grey and it compliment the wall bluish grey in colour and a white ceiling. It was magnificent. If you did not know this is a hotel you would have thought its a palace. The interiors are well done. This suite must have cost a fortune to be staying in for so long, sofia thought.

"Earth to sofia", Tristian said, since he notice she was lost in nother world looking at the details of this place.

"Oh sorry", she said timidly.

"No worries!", he exclaimed happily.

He then started showing her where is where and also explaing things, " this is the closet, the bathroom is over there and those three doors and rooms. This is the your room it has two queen beds and your own bathroom, this is my room , and this is my parents room."

He wheeled her in her room, "why two beds", she asked,
"well someone will be staying with you 24/7 and also sleeping with you, so you are properly taken care of and not neglected" . She looked at him taken back.

"Look sofie we want the best for you. And dont even start conjuring crazy senarios about you being a burden. Because you clearly not."

"Thats right honey" Tristian mother chimes in. " dont you dare hold back anything. If you are not comfortable or if you need something dont be shy or afraid to tell us. We are here for you. "

Sofia started to twindle her fingers, "where is my dad?"

"Oh honey, dont stress youself out. He is just a little bit stress and tensed, with all that is going on with the media and all. He will come around dont worry." Sofia mother told her.

"But where is he does he knows that i came out of hospital?"

"Yes he knows. He went back home to take care of business since everything is piling up and with the merge and everything. Christopher and your dad has has been very busy. James and rena has to go back tomorrow since they need to signed more papers and look after the board of directors and the executives and everything. But dont worry. I am here and so is Tristian and we will always have a nurse on watch to take care of your medicine , your cast food and moring walks. Once you are settled i will have to go back. Melissa (evvans head staff of the house) called me and said she need me. Some confidential papers, filing and payroll needs to be taken care of. Don't worry. I will be back as soon as i can and as soon as we get permission we are gonna take you back home with us. "

Tristian came in the room after her mother leave her to rest along with a nurse. "Hey i hope i am not disturbing you. " he said.

"No. No. Come on in. "

"Let me help you out of this wheel chair" he thought out aloud. After he was done. The nurse check her blood pressure, her pulse, and also her baby heart beat and see how she was doing in general and she also remind her of her routine, which is; medications: three times a day, meals 6 times a day, in smalled portions (since she is pregnant) and morning and afternoon walk and her psychiatrist will be seeing her every tuesday until she is ready to move back to New York.

She was hardly paying attention to the nurse since thats all everyone keeps reminding her about and all of a sudden the door burst open to reveil Christopher.
"Tristian we need to talk....."
He was more than shock to see sofia. She was the last person he had expected to see and everyone in the room turned to look at him.

His Ex Wife (Editing 'Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now