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Tina was sitting at the sofa when aom went inside...
She sat down beside her...
Tina was looking at the wall like she never notice aom ...

"ill stay with mom and dad for awhile..
Until i could find a new condo..."

Tina was just listening..not even looking at her...

"dont think that this is the end of us ... I decide to be this way..because we need time for ourselves..to think...and to know what do we really want.."

Still no response from tina...
Aom.hold tina's hand...

"never ever think.that i dont love you...cause i do...i really love you...i hate myself now for hurting you..but believe me..this is for the best...take care of yourself while im away...and i hope... You'll gonna wait for me..."

That's the time tina let go of her tears again...
Aom stood up and went to their room...
Tina was left at the sofa...

While putting her stuffs inside her bagage...
Aom saw the frame..that was the photo on their anniversary...she put it inside her bagage..and then zipper it ..

Slowly..while aom was pulling her bag...tina stare at her with those teary eyes...aom went to her and kiss on the forehead...

"i have to go..."

While listening to aom's footstep walking away from her...tina wanted to stood up..and grab aom back to her arms..but no words came out from her mouth...
She has no courage to let aom stay...

Before..that house was full of love..now..it's no more life at all..
Tina just stay in that area...watching the clock on the wall...
And her tears fall..
Shw only stop when she already felt asleep..still in that position..
And never expect she would.still survive that miserable night..

Tina heard somebody was knocking...
She ran towards the door ..hoping it was aom..and she change her mind...
But it wasnt her...


"what are doing here?"

"oh..why do you look so tired..are you sick?"

"just leave please..."

"hey.. I had a hard time finding your house..then youll just gonna push me to leave?how cruel..."

Benny didnt stop on teasing tina..until..she finally able to get in..

"wow...your house is so amazing...i like the artworks ..did you paint this?"

Tina wasnt answering..

"ohm...this is aom?...she's beautiful.."

Tina turn her sight on that painting benny was talking to..she paint it. Her gift to aom on her birthday...

Benny walk towards her...

"what are you drinking?"

Tina push one bottle to benny..

"oopppsss..i dont drink..im sorry..why so early to get drunk huh?..are you into something?..where is your girlfriend?...i dont see her..."

"she's not here.."


"she left me already..."

"oh... Im sorry to heard that..so that's why your drowning yourself into that?"

"is there something wrong with me?...why this happening to me.right now?..tell me..."

"ahh.. I cant answer that tina...i dont know her reason...maybe she has her own reason "

"she ask for a space...why she have to ?..."

"ahm..are you possesive person?.."


"then maybe..the problem was on her...that space she ask from you...its just a breath in for the both of you...you dont need to waste yourself at all..why not pursue her?..maybe that's what she need for you to do..."

Tina put her arms on the table..then her head on it..at first benny hesitates to comfort tina..but when she saw tina's shoulder were shaking while crying..she landed her hand on tina's back and rub it back and forth...

Nmsc 3: MADE JUST FOR YOU (tiaom)Where stories live. Discover now