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Tina arrived at the venue...
She brought some cookies for the staffs who will be there..before she entered the hall..
She arrange her tie. And breathe ..
As she open the door...
They're having a film showing inside. .
They're watching the yes or no 2...and all of them were really fucos on the big screen..
All of the cast and staffs were their..and all if them gave her a handshake one by one...
She saw pei..when she was about to sat down...pnay went to her.
And ask her to sat infront..beside her. .

"so?...how are you?"

"ahm..im fine.."

"where's aom?"

"ahh..she's with her mom.now..but she'll gonna attend...she told me.."

Pnay smiled..and look to the big screen again...

When suddenly..the projector was turn off...

"what happen?.
Oh..ill just check on the technical crew..stay there tina..."

Tina nodded...

The projector turn on again...
Now ..it's a different movie...
The introduction was a butterfly flying alone..then another butterfly came..and they landed in a photo..

At first...the photo was a little bit blurred...but when it was fucosed already..
Tina was shocked...
It was her and aom...during the london photoshoot...
Then a voice came in...

" we had been together for how many years..
We conquer a lot of difficulties together..
We face all the circumtances in our lives...
We've been fall apart for almost a year.
But our love..never fade..
Thank you for making me believe that in a relationship like this. Forever is possible"

Tina cant utter any words. She was just listening and looking at the screen...
All their photos were showed in there...

"now...i realize....i cant be myself anymore without you...
...and it's you i wanted to be with for the rest of my life..."

Then aom...came out behind her...holding a mic...she stood up infront of tina who was so emotional already...

"tina?..let's get married..."

And tears flow down....
Tina quickly stood up and hug aom...

"hey..you didnt answered yet. ..are you gonna marry me or not?"

Aom saying it while hugging in tina...

Tina laugh..and wipe her tears...
She hold aom's hand..and said..

"yes!..yes ..i will marry you..."

Aom bit her lower lip while smiling...and gave a signal to all the people who was there ...
All was shouting ..and cheering as a sign of happiness...

"hey guyz...were getting married!.haha"

Tina was still crying..

"pssst.. Stop crying baby...they might think..i threatened you just to say yes"

Tina laugh again..and hug aom..

"i love you ...i love you.. I love you.."

"i love you too tina...by the way. Here's the third cake..."

Tina turn to see it.

"getting married soon.."

That was the printed words above the cake...

Tina shook her head..and scratch aom's hair...
And that event became their engagement party..

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