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The next day...with nicha...tina and aom canvass for their ring...
In a famous jewelry store...

"wow....look at this one tina..."


"what do you think?..it's so pretty right?hmmm.."

"yah..but the stone was so big. "

"ok..how about this one...simple..yet really look amazing"

"hmmp..it looks like fake aom..here...check this one..."

"nyee....that?..such an old design..my late grandma has it..."

"hmp...here...the stone was just small..but it looks so stun.."

"you kidding me?..this is for our wedding tina...not for any kiddie event..."

"ok.how about this?"

"know what .just tell me if you dont want an expensive ring....not like this..youre choosing all the worst.."

Aom walk out from that jewelry shop..

Nicha look at tina..

"what?..im just choosing what i think was the best....is it wrong nich?"

"talk to yourself"

"oh god...why y'all so rude to me..."

"know what?...talk to your girlfriend right now..say sorry to her...if you dont want to say your vow alone..."

Tina pulled her hands up..

Aom was standing outside..not looking good..

"hmmmm...hey..im sorry..."

"no..it's ok..im the one who propose to you...not even thinking that youre not ready to get married yet.."

"naaah...c'mon aom...hmmm.. Im ready...and i want to marry you..besides i also want to propose to you..but you just come out first....im sorry...
Look at me...(aom face her) ...if you want that ring...then ok..we'll get it...but you must remember this..with or without a ring...we will still get married..cause it's not about the ring...it's all about..what's inside your heart..and my heart.. I love you aom.."

Aom hug her....

"i love you too..im sorry also.."

After choosing a ring.
They directly went home..after dropping nicha.
They were planning to make a design for their invitation...
Tina was about to unlock the door when it just open by itself..they look at each in surprise...

"it's open"

"huh ..you sure you have locked it before we leave?"

"yes...just wait here ..ill just checked inside..."


"dont worry... Ill handle this..."

Tina slowly open the door...and step inside...


"what the!..nann??! What are you doing here?"

Almost all her close friends was their.
And greeted her and aom...

"haha..we knew that you two will be busy for the next few days...so were gonna do the before the wedding party tonight!..haha"

Tina look at aom...she didnt like nann surprise visit...
Aom just smiled and nod..

"so?..let's begin?haha"

They open the wine...and turn the music on...

Tina pull aom at one corner..

"sorry..i didnt know about this aom.im.."

"hmmm.its ok...its ok tina...we have to enjoy also.."

"are you sure this is ok with you..?"

Aom touch her face...
And give a kiss

"yes. ."

She hold tina's hand..and grab her to mingle with others...


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